Tuesday, December 20, 2011



  1. Urban pest have negative aspect when they associate too closely with people.  Urban pests can be nuisances, transmit diseases, contaminate our food, and deface our structures and many other items of importance in our urban environment.  Pests of all types transmit or vector disease including many household pests such as; cockroaches, birds, fleas, ticks, ants, bed bugs, rodents, beetles, caterpillars, mites, and mosquitoes to name a few.
  2. Rodents have been known to cause asthma and allergic rhinitis.  Carry fleas that transmit the plague.  They also carry Murine Typhus, Scrub Typhus, Rickettsial Pox, Weil's Disease, Haverhill Fever, Sodoku Disease, Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, Salmonellosis, Hantavirus, Rabies, and Trichinosis.  There are still cases of human and animal diseases being transmitted by rodents, and there is also the constant potential of disease outbreak, which can be intensified and accelerated by rodents in cities where rats and mice live in close proximity to people.  Thus, it is the potential of disease transmission that must always be kept in mind.
  3. Cockroaches are considered health pest because they are closely associated with humans and commonly breed and feed in unsanitary areas such as garbage storage, sewage systems, and septic tanks.  The potential of mechanical transmission of pathogenic organisms by cockroaches is well documented.  Cockroaches have been known to transmit diseases such as; Gastroenteritis, Salmonella, Dysentery, Plague, Hookworm, Roundworm, Pinworm, Tapeworms, Trichuriasis, Otomycosis, Amebiasis, and Paralytic Polio.  All forms of cockroaches should be kept to a minimum and any infestation should be dealt with and eliminated immediately.
  4. Birds can harbor disease organisms that may affect people, pets, and domesticated animals just as insects and rodents could.  Birds like rodents when inhabiting areas and buildings in close proximity to people, the potential for disease transmission is very real.  Birds have been known to transmit the following disease such as; Histoplasmosis, Ornithosis, Salmonellosis, Gastroenteritis, Hog cholera, Cryptococcosis, Encephalitis, Newcastle Disease, Aspergillosis, Toxoplasmosis, Pseudo Tuberculosis, Avian Tuberculosis, and Coccidiosis.  These bacteria are spread when the birds walk across areas where people place food down like outdoor tables, benches, and curbs.
  1. Most insects that bite or sting could transmit a disease much like a flea transmitting the plague, Murine Typus, Tapeworm, and some allergies.  The tick is best known for spreading Lyme disease but also could spread Colorado Tick Fever, Babesia, Relapsing Fever, Rickettsial Pox, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Tick Paralysis, Tularemia, Ehrlichia, and Tularemia.  The dermestes beetles could spread the spores of Anthrax.  Caterpillars can produce silk excretions which become airborne or break up in tiny particles that can cause Dermatitis.  Not to mention mosquitoes which carry diseases like Malaria, encephalitis, West Niles Virus, and St. Louis Encephalitis.
  2. The pest control industry is not only controlling and eliminating urban problem pests, protecting the property of our customers for problem pests, but also, protecting the health of our customers from these same problem pests.  As we have been told we are in the protection and health business and not just killing bugs.  This brief explanation of disease carrying pests should let you realize how important you are in protecting the health of our customers.

Posted via OnFast - http://www.OnFast.com

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