Tuesday, September 30, 2014



Aphids or "plant lice" may infest almost any ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers. They feed by inserting microscopically thin mouthparts into the plant phloem and sucking out sap that is rich in sugars. As they feed, aphids also inject saliva. This saliva causes some plant leaves to curl or crinkle and flower buds may become hardened, causing the flowers to be distorted.  Overall plant vigor may suffer.  However, their ability to transmit plant viruses may be more harmful than any direct feeding damage.  Aphids are slow, fragile, insects that vary from 1/16 to 1/4 inch long. They can be black, brown, yellow, red, gray or green. They are more commonly found on camellia, crape-myrtle, gardenia, hibiscus, ixora, oak, oleander, ornamental grasses, palm, rose, as well as nearly all annual plants.  Most aphids feed on the new plant growth. 

Ants feed on the honeydew and when ants are observed, plants should be examined closely for these sucking pests. 

Examine your plants weekly during the spring, summer, and fall. Look at the undersides of a few leaves on each plant and observe the stems for aphids, especially the new growth. Many natural enemies of aphids include lady bugs, green lacewings, parasitic wasps, assassin bugs, ambush bugs and spiders.  Sometimes these parasites and predators are not able to keep aphids under control, so chemical control may be needed.  Usually aphids are not difficult to control with insecticides. But, plants may become re-infested from adjacent areas throughout the year.  

If you notice or see Aphids on your plants and they are looking sickly, call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a full explanation on how we can rid you of plant eating insects, or look us up on our website at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects!



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Aphids or "plant lice" may infest almost any ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers. They feed by inserting microscopically thin mouthparts into the plant phloem and sucking out sap that is rich in sugars. As they feed, aphids also inject saliva. This saliva causes some plant leaves to curl or crinkle and flower buds may become hardened, causing the flowers to be distorted.  Overall plant vigor may suffer.  However, their ability to transmit plant viruses may be more harmful than any direct feeding damage.  Aphids are slow, fragile, insects that vary from 1/16 to 1/4 inch long. They can be black, brown, yellow, red, gray or green. They are more commonly found on camellia, crape-myrtle, gardenia, hibiscus, ixora, oak, oleander, ornamental grasses, palm, rose, as well as nearly all annual plants.  Most aphids feed on the new plant growth. 

Ants feed on the honeydew and when ants are observed, plants should be examined closely for these sucking pests. 

Examine your plants weekly during the spring, summer, and fall. Look at the undersides of a few leaves on each plant and observe the stems for aphids, especially the new growth. Many natural enemies of aphids include lady bugs, green lacewings, parasitic wasps, assassin bugs, ambush bugs and spiders.  Sometimes these parasites and predators are not able to keep aphids under control, so chemical control may be needed.  Usually aphids are not difficult to control with insecticides. But, plants may become re-infested from adjacent areas throughout the year.  

If you notice or see Aphids on your plants and they are looking sickly, call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a full explanation on how we can rid you of plant eating insects, or look us up on our website at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects!



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Monday, September 29, 2014



THE JUMPING SPIDER: or Zebra jumper is a very common Spider here in Southwest Florida.  This Spider can be seen inside or outside they are easily identified by their eye arrangement, which is in three rows, compact shape with relatively short legs, and brightly 

Colored and from 6 to 15 mm long with a red or white marking on the dorsal surface of the abdomen...  Jumping spiders can jump up to 6 inches depending on the species.

The Jumping Spider does not construct webs, but actively hunt prey during the day, taking advantage of their excellent eyesight pouncing on their luckless victims.

Collier Pest Control’s Collier Complete treatment will eliminate hunting spiders from inside and around the perimeter of your home.  Don’t be startled by unwanted guests. Let Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, protect your home and health.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 for a full explanation on our Guaranteed 6 Month Spider Free Treatment or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.


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These are crustacean with a shrimp-like appearance.  Amphipods live on the surface of mulch and moist ground.  Their common name of scud no doubt comes from their ability to move quickly by jumping, in fresh water are also called sideswimmers.  Scuds are nuisance pests that are usually pale-brown when alive.  After rains, large numbers of amphipods can migrate into garages or under doors of houses.  They die quickly in the drier environment and turn a reddish color, where they get the name lawn shrimp.

Scuds are restricted to very moist habitats because of their water-loss problem.  They are most active at night which also helps reduce water loss. When outdoor conditions become too wet, such as following a heavy rain or prolonged watering from an irrigation system.  They usually die less than 24 hours after invading structures because of relatively dry conditions.

Elimination of damp places will discourage their presence.  Lawn treatments will control Scuds and if they invade a structure, interior pest control treatments and vacuuming will work well.

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, can help you with any of your problem Florida pests including Scuds or Lawn Shrimp.  If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 for a complete explanation on any of our services.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.


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Sunday, September 28, 2014



The Florida woods cockroach is a large roach up to 1 1/2 inch long with an oval shaped body. This roach prefers to live outdoors in debris and decaying vegetation. It often can be controlled by removing its resting places- debris.  It is a dark brown to black with very short wings; it also has lines on its abdomen.  When disturbed, this large roach secretes a sweet undesirable odor.

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, can help you control and eliminate outside roaches and all invading problem pests with our general household treatment called the Collier Complete.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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The White Footed ant is native to tropical Asia, but has been inadvertently introduce into South Florida.  The White Footed Ant arrived in the Homestead are of Florida in 1986, followed by rapidly spreading up and out expanding throughout the rest of South Florida.

The White Footed Ants are relatively small ants with a black body and yellowish-white feet, called tibia and tarsi.  These ants do not bite or sting, nor have they been reported to cause any type of structural damage.  They are just a nuisance ant attracted to sweet foods.  Thus, it is common to find them foraging indoors around kitchens and bathrooms, and outside on hedges infested with honeydew producing insects, such as aphid and scales. 

White Footed Ants in Southwest Florida for many pest control companies, have been extremely difficult to control because of several characteristics of their biology.  One big problem is that they establish colonies of well over a million ants, over half being worker ants.  Workers ants are sterile females that are responsible for foraging for food and caring for the nest.  Another problem is that food ingested by the worker ants is never shared back in the colony, as like most every other type of ant.  These sterile worker ants are capable of laying unfertilized eggs.  These Thinner more fragile non fertile eggs are what the worker ants, larva, and queens in the colony use as their food source, therefore, any toxic bait to kill off ants never reach the ants in a White Foot Ant colony, and only affect the foraging worker ants that eat the insect killing baits.

While White Foote Ants are not directly harmful to humans or pets, their presence within the home is a nuisance. Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, has developed a 3-step 6-week treatment method to eliminate unwanted White Foote Ants from you home and property.  Collier Pest Control will first use insect killing baits inside you home and attic to eliminate any activity being seen inside your home.  Then we will treat the immediate sides of your home with special insect killing materials to kill any trailing White Foot Ant attempting to enter your home.  The 3-stage of this treatment method is to use special insect killing materials up to 30 or 40 feet around your home, killing off all activity trailing toward your home.  Collier Pest Control will follow up with a service treatment each week for 5 more weeks insuring that no White Foot Ants are infested or entering your home.

If you have been run out of your home by unwanted White Foot Ants and live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control for a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don’t let insect spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida doesn’t have to be shared with insects.


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Saturday, September 27, 2014



Collier Pest Control is an authority on Urban Wildlife removal and trapping.  All animals that live in and around buildings such as; rodents, lizards, raccoons, opossums, snakes, birds, bats, moles, skunks, even feral house cats.  Most people think of these animals as pests or a big nuance. As a result of urban development we continue to displace the animals that previously inhabited these areas. For the safety, health, and property damage concerns to the people living in these areas, are reasons why these animals need to be removed and if possible relocated.

Collier Pest Control can control, trap, or eliminate any of these unwanted urban wildlife pests.  We have specially trained technicians to quickly and effectively remove the urban pest from your property.  

Don’t risk your safety, health, or damage to your property by attempting to handle this problem yourself.  If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call us at 239-455-4300 to rid your home or business of any problem pest or find information on all our service and most of Florida’s problem pests on our website at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with pests.


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Friday, September 26, 2014



There is an abundance of wildlife including a wide variety of retiles. Snakes, and their cousins the alligators, crocodiles, turtles and lizards, play an interesting and vital role in Florida’s complex ecology. There are about 45 species of snakes living in Florida, with only 6 that are venomous, and only a few of them are home to us in Southwest Florida. So, that leaves 39 species that are non-venomous and harmless, unless you break your leg or neck trying to get away from one.

Many people have an uncontrollable fear of snakes. Whatever the reason for disfavor, all snakes are beneficial to the balance of life and the animal kingdom. They eat insects, rats, mice, worms, toads, frogs, fish and some, like the Indigos and Kingsnakes, eat other snakes including venomous ones. They all help keep the ecosystem they live in at a good balance.

Florida snakes are not aggressive and, unless they are cornered, most will flee when humans approach. If you find a snake and you do not know whether or not it is venomous, here’s word of caution. Do not catch a snake and do not handle one unless you are sure it is not venomous. Occasionally, you might encounter a snake that is reluctant to leave because it is basking in the sun to get warm.

Among most snakebite victims, an unacceptably high number are bitten on the hands and arms when they are handling a snake. It is also known that after a snake has been killed, its reflexes may continue to work. Those reflexes typically cause the body to writhe slowly for awhile, but they can cause a convulsive contraction and the snake can still bite you. Do not handle a freshly killed snake.

The only acceptable treatment for venomous snake bite involves the use of antivenin. So, if you or someone you are with is bitten by a venomous snake, seek immediate medical attention at the nearest hospital or medical facility. Stay as calm as you can, remove any rings that could restrict circulation if your tissue swells; keep the bitten area of your body below the level of your heart.

Because snakes occupy a variety of habitats, it is generally impossible nor would it generally be desirable to eliminate the snake population in an area. If a snake pest is killed or removed from an area, it is likely that more snakes will eventually reoccupy the area, as long as the area remains attractive to snakes. The most effective control of snakes is to remove as much snake harborage as possible to make the area unattractive for new snakes to inhabit. Areas such as woodpiles, rock piles, scattered debris, tall grass, thick foliage, and any area a snake could hide. A good rodent control will also help to reduce the snake problems, as rodents make up much of the diet of many snakes, especially the poisonous ones.

The control of snakes is limited since there is no registered chemical or baits to kill or control snakes. There has been some limited success in trapping some types of snakes. 

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, does offer a Snake Repellant and trapping Treatments to keep unwanted snakes from entering an area for a limited period of time. Yes, we can apply our specialized snake repellant 30 to 40 feet away from and around your home or business to repel and keep problem snakes from crossing the line of repellant material or we can set effective corrective traps to catch any unwanted snakes that can be a pest to your family and pets.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on our Snake Repellant Treatment, trapping, or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com. Don’t let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with pests!




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Termites cause $5,000,000,000 worth of damage each year in the U.S.  This type of damage, most homeowners insurance does not cover.  In fact, your home could be subject to an infestation without you knowing about it. The old adage of “an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure” is absolutely true, especially when it comes to building a home and preventing termites. While it is nearly impossible to prevent anything from happening one hundred percent, pre-treating the area where your home is to be constructed or where an addition is to be built, can drastically increase your chances of remaining free of termites.  The University of Florida states that 3 out of 5 homes built since 1987 have termites within the first 5 years.

The goal of pre-construction termite treatments is to form a chemical barrier in the ground that will keep subterranean termites from coming up from the soil to feed on the wood structures. 

A properly applied preconstruction treatment is a wise investment.  New construction pre-treatments are the most effective and economical time to apply a liquid Termiticide to prevent termites from enterring a structure.

Termite construction pre-treatments are not permanent.  While some chemicals may be still adequately toxic after 10 years under a slab, most will be significantly degraded and we suggest re-application to accessible areas by 5 years after construction. Termite construction pre-treatment is not complete until the final pre-construction treatment comes with the last grading, but prior to the landscaping.  

Because of the short life of liquid Termiticide pre-treatments, alternative termite preventative methods have developed.  Termite baiting systems as well as borate treatment of wood members in the structure are successful alternative methods.

Collier Pest Control can offer you many types of termite protection.  We can provide you a pre construction termite treatment as the home is being built. We can also apply a Bora-Care preventative coating to all exposed wood while the home is being built, that will protect the wood for a life time. 

We now have available a government rated reduced risk termite protection from Syngenta named Altriset.  This liquid product provides the performance you would expect with immediate and long-lasting structural protection with low environmental risks.

We can also protect your existing home from termites with either a liquid trenching application or an Exterra Inground Baiting System that does not deteriorate with time.  Inground baiting offers you an alternative to liquid applications where 100’s of gallons of material is placed under you and around your home.

Collier Pest Control has many ways to protect you and your home from termites.  If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers or anywhere in Southwest Florida and are building a new home or think you may have termites, call us for information on how we can help protect your home and property, or look us up on our website at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects!




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Thursday, September 25, 2014


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Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Control Authority including Mosquitoes.  Here in Southwest Florida, Mosquitoes are apart of our life.  Those of us who have been here for a long time remember how bad Mosquitoes can really be without proper controls.

There are 2,500 different species of Mosquitoes throughout the world, about 200 species in the United States, and 76 types in Florida breeding in salt and fresh water marshes, lakes, canals, ponds, and any place water will stand.  One of the great mysteries of nature is that only the female Mosquitoes will bite you, the male Mosquito feeds only on plant nectar and honey dew off of plants.

It wasn’t until local governments created Mosquito control programs, did people enjoy vacationing in Florida.  Most of Florida was considered unbearable as little as 50 years ago.  Biting Mosquitoes were not the only reason not to be in Florida.  Diseases in epidemic proportions were present here in Florida until the early 1900’s.  The Mosquito can transmit a number of diseases such as; malaria, west Nile virus, yellow fever, dengue, encephalitis, and heart worms in animals.  Most of these are still present here in Florida today, but not publicized in the news.  Mosquitoes cause more human suffering than any other organism.

Mosquitoes breed in standing water and rest most of their time on plant foliage.  They are attracted to carbon dioxide, octenol, lactic, light, heat, and an array of sounds. 

Knowing the characteristics of the Mosquito gives us an advantage to control and eliminate unwanted Mosquitoes from our environment.  Collier Pest Control has three ways to combating the invasion of Mosquitoes.  

First, Collier Pest Control can install Mosquito Trapping Equipment that attracts Mosquitoes and other flying insects with lactic, light, heat, and sound.  This amazing economical machine will draw and control most flying insects up to 1 acre.   

Second, Collier Pest Control can eliminate resting Mosquitoes and flying insects on all your plants and foliage with our Flying Insect Foliage Treatment.  This treatment places a residual material on all your plants, bushes, and lawn that will kill most flying insects that land or rest on them for a period of up to 3 months.

Third, Collier Pest Control can stop unwanted Mosquitoes before they become adults.  Collier Pest Control can treat any small ponds, lakes, ditches, drainage areas, or any place standing water accumulates.  We can treat these areas with a growth regulator that will stop the immature Mosquitoes from developing into an adult.

There is no reason to be suffering from annoying, biting, disease caring, flying insects any longer.  Protect your family and friends from Mosquitoes that are around or near your home or business.  Choose one of these convenient methods to eliminate Mosquitoes and flying insects around your home.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com..  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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Wednesday, September 24, 2014








COLLIER PEST CONTROL has a service that could be a benefit to your customers that arrange outdoor events.  Attached in this folder are information sheets that briefly explain Collier Pest Control’s Out Door Event Treatment.

Many times the person planning an outdoor event goes to great detail on all the aspects, but forgets about the possibility of having insects spoiling the guests pleasure with bites, stings, or just being a nuisance pest on the food or on the guests.

We can provide a pest free outdoor environment for any party you may be planning.  First, we go to the location 4 days prior to the event and place an electronic insect trap away from the area where guests will gather will gather.  Then 2 days before the event we go out and broadcast the entire party area with an insect controlling material on the turf, hedges, plants, and sides of any structures.  Insects rest 90% of the time, so if they rest on the plants or building they will be controlled within a few minutes.  Just 2 hours before the event starts and before the food is brought out, we thermal fog the entire guest area to kill off any last minute unwanted pests.  The day after the event we return to collect the electronic insect trap.

We have been providing this service for many years to many of our customers with 100% satisfaction.  Your customers would find this service a comforting addition to their plans.

If you would like this service or any of our services for your customer, call our office to set a convenient scheduled appointment time for you.  You can look us up on our website at collierpestcontrol.com for all our service and most of Florida’s problem pests.

Thank you for the opportunity to offer our services to you!!  We are here to protect your customers from unwanted pests all over Beautiful Southwest Florida!!


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OnFast.Com is an internet marketing program for small business to get a broad base internet exposure for your business simply and inexpensively.

Collier Pest Control has used OnFast.Com since May 4th, 2011to promote our services on the internet.  OnFast.com set up for us a Facebook Business account, a Twitter account, and a Blog account that I can send our information to the internet I would like to promote. 

How I use OnFast.Com is to copy and paste problem pest information sheets that we offer to our customers that educate them to our services and Florida’s problem pests.  I post 4 pest information sheets daily on a very simple template previously set up on the OnFast.Com program.  I then pick a day and time I wish the information to be available and click on a send Icon and these postings go to the Facebook Business Account, Twitter Account, Blog Account, and a link to our web site.  By doing these information postings about our business and services 2 things happen, first many people from all over the world see our information and comment on it through our web site, second and most important fact is that the postings exposure us to the servers on Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, and others  to see new and fresh information daily on all of these accounts and after continued daily postings over a long period of time, your web site information is pushed to the first page on the organic listings of the topic a potential customer is looking for.

What makes this program work for us is the daily postings which we have done over the last 2 years.  We now receive over 60% of our new customers from the internet and not just our web site.  The new customers typed into the internet a subject related to our business and we came up on the first page of the organic listings to choose from.

If you are looking for more customers without spending a fortune to advertisers or internet marketing firms, I highly suggest contacting OnFast.Com and giving it a try.  You must be committed to use it daily and repeatedly.  If you do you will see the increase in new customer calls within a few months.

Look us up, Collier Pest Control Facebook Business, Twitter, and Blog accounts to see how my daily postings give us internet exposure or you can contact me at Collier Pest Control at 239-455-4300 or email us at phil.hadley@collierpestcontrol.  I will explain how I use OnFast.Com to our benefit.


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This cockroach's common name comes from the country where it was originally collected.  It found it's way here in bunches of bananas and tobacco.  It is only found in Florida, along the Gulf Coast in Louisiana and Texas; it is widely distributed in Mexico, central America and northern South America.

This outdoor species unique green coloring is a give away to the type of cockroach it is, which only survives in tropical and subtropical area.  It is attracted to lights at night and only becomes a nuisance pest when it enters structures via open doors and where ever light shines through to the outside.

Reducing outdoor lighting and interior lighting shining through to the outside will slow this nuisance pest from entering a structure.  Closing exterior cracks and voids such as caulking thresholds, windows, door weather stripping, and repairing screens will help stop this green invader from entering.

Don't let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, to rid you home or business of pests. Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.


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This cockroach's common name comes from the country where it was originally collected.  It found it's way here in bunches of bananas and tobacco.  It is only found in Florida, along the Gulf Coast in Louisiana and Texas; it is widely distributed in Mexico, central America and northern South America.

This outdoor species unique green coloring is a give away to the type of cockroach it is, which only survives in tropical and subtropical area.  It is attracted to lights at night and only becomes a nuisance pest when it enters structures via open doors and where ever light shines through to the outside.

Reducing outdoor lighting and interior lighting shining through to the outside will slow this nuisance pest from entering a structure.  Closing exterior cracks and voids such as caulking thresholds, windows, door weather stripping, and repairing screens will help stop this green invader from entering.

Don't let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, to rid you home or business of pests. Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.


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Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Rugose Spiraling White Fly

The Rugose Spiraling Whitefly originated in Central America.  This is not the same whitefly that is currently causing defoliation and branch dieback of ficus in South Florida.  These whiteflies are small winged insects.  They typically feed on the underside of leaves with their needle-like mouthparts.  Whiteflies can seriously injure host plants by sucking nutrients from the plant causing wilting, yellowing, stunting, leaf drop, or even death. 

The Rugose Spiraling Whitefly has a very broad host range from palms to woody ornamentals and fruits.  It has been seen on gumbo limbo, black olive, copperleaf, broadleaf arrowhead, Brazilian pepper, wax myrtle, live oak, mango, and several palms.

The adults congregate on the undersides of the leaves to feed and reproduce.  The female lays here eggs in a spiral pattern on the leaves and also deposits a white, waxy substance on the eggs.  The crawler stage hatches from the eggs and crawls around before it starts to feed with its “needle-like” mouthparts.  This stage is very small and difficult to see.

The most noticeable symptoms of an infestation of this whitefly are the abundance of white, waxy material covering the leaves and also excessive black sooty mold.  The actual effect of an infestation of Rugose Spiraling Whitefly on the health of a plant is unknown; however, whiteflies in general can cause plant decline, defoliation and branch dieback.

Monitor plants for early signs of an infestation.  Small potted plants can be washed off with water.  Larger plants can be controlled with horticultural oil or insecticidal soap or most likely will need an insecticide spraying and root drenching by a professional lawn pest control company to control these whiteflies.  They will use a systemic insecticide product that can be applied directly to the infested plant or the soil.

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, will treat each infected tree with the appropriate materials by root feeding and by direct contact.  These materials will protect each tree for a period of 6 months after application. 

If you suspect a problem with the Rugose Spiraling Whitefly or any other insect call our office, 239-455-4300, for a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.



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Now there is a non-repellent termiticide that provides excellent control of termites yet has minimal impact on the environment. The team of scientists at DuPont has developed another new class of chemistry with this latest innovation, providing high-performing termite control and soil residual for ongoing structural protection. DuPont™ Altriset,™ the first soil-applied liquid termiticide launched in almost a decade, is in a class of chemistry with a mode of action like no other termite control product. Laboratory and field study results prove Altriset™ halts termite feeding within hours while providing termite elimination for critical long-term structural protection. Plus, Altriset™ offers an excellent toxicological and environmental profile.  In addition to requiring no signal word on the label, DuPont™ Altriset™ is the first and only liquid termiticide to be classified as reduced-risk under the U.S. EPA reduced-risk program.

Studies have proven that DuPont™ Altriset™ is highly effective against termites, and even halts feeding in hours. Laboratory tests have shown as termites tunnel through the treated zone, they quickly acquire a lethal dose of Altriset.™ However, these termites will continue to crawl, groom and clean for extended periods after exposure.  Once affected by Altriset,™ termites will begin to exhibit increased aggregation, enhanced grooming and contact with other colony members for hours.  Affected termites will become more lethargic and show signs of muscle paralysis; decreased coordination and mortality will ultimately occur within several days. The delayed mortality and increased colony interaction are key reasons why Altriset™ is so effective. 

DuPont™ Altriset™ is a highly effective way to control termites while also minimizing impact on the environment. Altriset™ also has an excellent environmental and toxicological profile—requiring no signal word on the label. This achievement is one reason why the U.S. EPA has awarded Altriset™ reduced-risk status for use as a termiticide treatment. 

 Collier Pest Control is also concerned about the impact we have on our environment.  This is why we are very excited about the New Altriset™ by DuPont™ that has little or no toxic effect on our surroundings and environment!  If you are looking for a environmentally safe way to control damaging subterranean termites, this is it.  Altriset™ control termites quickly and without any impact to our surrounding.  

Call, 239-455-4300, for a complete explanation of how an Altriset™ treatment will work for you or any of our other services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.


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Now there is a non-repellent termiticide that provides excellent control of termites yet has minimal impact on the environment. The team of scientists at DuPont has developed another new class of chemistry with this latest innovation, providing high-performing termite control and soil residual for ongoing structural protection. DuPont™ Altriset,™ the first soil-applied liquid termiticide launched in almost a decade, is in a class of chemistry with a mode of action like no other termite control product. Laboratory and field study results prove Altriset™ halts termite feeding within hours while providing termite elimination for critical long-term structural protection. Plus, Altriset™ offers an excellent toxicological and environmental profile.  In addition to requiring no signal word on the label, DuPont™ Altriset™ is the first and only liquid termiticide to be classified as reduced-risk under the U.S. EPA reduced-risk program.

Studies have proven that DuPont™ Altriset™ is highly effective against termites, and even halts feeding in hours. Laboratory tests have shown as termites tunnel through the treated zone, they quickly acquire a lethal dose of Altriset.™ However, these termites will continue to crawl, groom and clean for extended periods after exposure.  Once affected by Altriset,™ termites will begin to exhibit increased aggregation, enhanced grooming and contact with other colony members for hours.  Affected termites will become more lethargic and show signs of muscle paralysis; decreased coordination and mortality will ultimately occur within several days. The delayed mortality and increased colony interaction are key reasons why Altriset™ is so effective. 

DuPont™ Altriset™ is a highly effective way to control termites while also minimizing impact on the environment. Altriset™ also has an excellent environmental and toxicological profile—requiring no signal word on the label. This achievement is one reason why the U.S. EPA has awarded Altriset™ reduced-risk status for use as a termiticide treatment. 

 Collier Pest Control is also concerned about the impact we have on our environment.  This is why we are very excited about the New Altriset™ by DuPont™ that has little or no toxic effect on our surroundings and environment!  If you are looking for a environmentally safe way to control damaging subterranean termites, this is it.  Altriset™ control termites quickly and without any impact to our surrounding.  

Call, 239-455-4300, for a complete explanation of how an Altriset™ treatment will work for you or any of our other services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.


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Monday, September 22, 2014




Yes, Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, has incorporated the all new VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT developed at the University of Florida.  This amazing new method of bed bug treatments allows you to keep all your furniture with very little inconvenience.  Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT places room heaters and box fans along with vapor strips, plus residual control materials in every room of your home or business.  These vapor strips penetrate all parts of each room, such as: closets, mattresses, headboards, couches, chairs, tables, carpet, draperies, wall pictures to kill off all bed bugs.

 This amazing new VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT method controls and kills off all adult bed bugs and their eggs within 24 hours.  We set up treatment stations in every room of your home or business and the materials go to work.  You only need to be prepared to leave your home or business for a period of 27 hours for us to complete the VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT service. 

Collier Pest Control has 2 different methods of Bed Bug Control that saves your furniture.  Don’t throw out your valuable furniture because of an unwanted bed bug infestation.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida and think you may have bed bugs call 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control for a full explanation of our amazing VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT method or any other of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Pharaoh Ants

     If you have found out, you have Pharaoh Ants. This will give you a start on what to do about them.

     The first thing you need to know is Pharaoh ants have multiple queen colonies. Each colony can have as many as one hundred queens or more and up to one million workers, and there may be more than one colony around your home. This is the reason homeowners are unsuccessful in ridding their homes of these ants. Each time killing bait or chemical spray is used on trailing ants the problem is made worse. The queens that remain in the nest produce more eggs to rebuild the nest bigger than before to ensure proper care of the colony.

     Pharaoh ants enter your home or building by hitch hiking a ride in a box, furniture, grocery bag, or by walking in from next door. It usually takes three to four months to begin seeing worker ants foraging for food on your counters, and by this time the colony is becoming well established. Pharaoh ants will feed on a variety of food sources. These ants need protein, carbohydrates, and fat in their diet and can be seen eating anything from soap to cosmetics, chemicals, dead insects, and food crumbs we leave behind.

     The only effective method of controlling Pharaoh ants is using sterilizing bait followed up by killing bait. Traditional chemical or baiting methods will not eliminate Pharaoh ants. NONE!

     Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, has developed a five week baiting program proven successful over many years to eliminate your home, or building of Pharaoh ants. This program utilizes sterilizing bait that halts egg production and stops larva from becoming adult worker ants. We then apply an appropriate killing bait to eliminate the thousands of worker ants in each colony. Finally, Collier Pest Control protects your home with our proven general household treatment method called “THE PRESCRIPTION TREATMENT SYSTEM”.

     Don’t suffer another day with these ants. If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a full explanation on Pharaoh Ants or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com. Remember Florida home doesn’t have to be shared with insects!

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THE GOLDEN SILK SPIDER: is found throughout Florida and the Southeastern United States.  These large webbing Spiders are usually found outside in forest, along trails, heavily landscaped yards, and at clearing edges.  The Golden Silk Spiders is identified by the female’s distinctive coloring and being 25 to 40 mm long and conspicuous hair tufts on the her legs. The males are only 4 to 6 mm long and are dark brown in color.  The males are often found in the webs of the female.

The Golden Silk Spider feeds on insects caught in web that may be constructed greater than a meter in diameter.

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, has developed a Spider treatment that will eliminate unwanted Spider problems in Southwest Florida and their webs for a period of 6 months.  We will treat all the areas Spiders will cling and make webs such as; the eaves, soffits, doors, windows, gutters, garage, construction décor changes in the walls, and your pool cage.  We can keep your home as pristine clean as the day it was build.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 for a complete explanation about our 6 Month Guaranteed Spider Treatment or on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.


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Sunday, September 21, 2014


Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, is aware of the life style of today’s consumer.  We also know you desire to have a healthy pest free environment at home.  The Collier Express Pest Control Service offers you the convenience of no appointments necessary and the assurance from Collier Pest Control of a healthy pest free life style.  

The Collier Express takes advantage of today’s technical advancements in pest control products and delivers it to you in an exterior pest control treatment that includes interior treatments only, at need, if a problem would occur.  Our Collier Express protects and controls the outside of your home from unwanted pests.  

On our very first visit we will perform an extensive crack and crevice treatment to every part of the interior of your home.  We will treat all crack and crevices, voids and gaps, receptacles, plumbing and electrical pipes, and all construction gaps around the cabinets and vanities in your kitchen and bathroom.  Then we will treat the complete exterior of your home to all of the risk areas such as; the windows, doors, soffits, eaves, foundation area, hose bibs and any other gap or crack in the exterior of your home. In addition to this insect protection Collier Pest Control will wipe down all excess spider webs and install termite monitors around your home for your security and peace of mind.  

On all of our following quarterly visits we will perform our extensive exterior treatment on your home and give you the same bug free guarantee for 90 days.  We will apply 3 different types of materials to the exterior or your home or business to keep unwanted pests out and then wipe down all excess spider webs and check the termite monitors around the building. If an insect problem occurs we will return to correct any insect pest problem at no extra charge.  We can do all of this without you having to make any inconvenient scheduled appointment times.  You are free to carry on with your tropical life style here in beautiful Southwest Florida.  We will call you and leave an estimated time on which day we will come by your house, leave a door hanger to let you know we where there, and let you enjoy the freedom and protection from our Collier Express Pest Control Service.

Let Collier Pest Control protect your home or business with any of our services.  If you are looking for a dependable knowledgeable exterminator and live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-45-4300 for a complete explanation on our Collier Express or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com. Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida life style.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, is aware of the life style of today’s consumer.  We also know you desire to have a healthy pest free environment at home.  The Collier Express Pest Control Service offers you the convenience of no appointments necessary and the assurance from Collier Pest Control of a healthy pest free life style.  

The Collier Express takes advantage of today’s technical advancements in pest control products and delivers it to you in an exterior pest control treatment that includes interior treatments only, at need, if a problem would occur.  Our Collier Express protects and controls the outside of your home from unwanted pests.  

On our very first visit we will perform an extensive crack and crevice treatment to every part of the interior of your home.  We will treat all crack and crevices, voids and gaps, receptacles, plumbing and electrical pipes, and all construction gaps around the cabinets and vanities in your kitchen and bathroom.  Then we will treat the complete exterior of your home to all of the risk areas such as; the windows, doors, soffits, eaves, foundation area, hose bibs and any other gap or crack in the exterior of your home. In addition to this insect protection Collier Pest Control will wipe down all excess spider webs and install termite monitors around your home for your security and peace of mind.  

On all of our following quarterly visits we will perform our extensive exterior treatment on your home and give you the same bug free guarantee for 90 days.  We will apply 3 different types of materials to the exterior or your home or business to keep unwanted pests out and then wipe down all excess spider webs and check the termite monitors around the building. If an insect problem occurs we will return to correct any insect pest problem at no extra charge.  We can do all of this without you having to make any inconvenient scheduled appointment times.  You are free to carry on with your tropical life style here in beautiful Southwest Florida.  We will call you and leave an estimated time on which day we will come by your house, leave a door hanger to let you know we where there, and let you enjoy the freedom and protection from our Collier Express Pest Control Service.

Let Collier Pest Control protect your home or business with any of our services.  If you are looking for a dependable knowledgeable exterminator and live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-45-4300 for a complete explanation on our Collier Express or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com. Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida life style.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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How can you tell if you have a termite problem?    It is very difficult.  Termites, by their very nature, remain hidden.  They avoid open areas and remain buried deep in the wood that they are eating.  Often, they are noticed only AFTER damage has been done to the structure.  

An important point to remember is that subterranean termites work slowly. There are many, many variables when considering how fast or slow a termite’s colony will damage a home.  Size of the colony, temperature, moisture, time of year, etc all affect the speed of damage.  A small colony can typically eat six inches of a 2X4 in one year.

If you have regular routine yearly termite inspections of your home or business, you can find out if you have a termite problem or not.  Since they eat very slowly, even if they have entered your home or business you can correct the problem before they cause an extensive costly amount of damage.

Collier Pest Control now offers a diagnostic tool to help answer the question, “Do we have a termite problem?” We will install at NO CHARGE, to any of our regular Collier Complete General Household Treatment customers, 8-10 termite monitors around each building.  In 90 days, we will check each monitor, and report to you the location of any monitors that have termite activity.  This will help show you, if and where you may have termite activity close to your foundation making your home a high risk account.

This helpful tool is available to you at Collier Pest Control!  If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call to schedule a FREE termite inspection of your home or business.  More information on Termites or any of our unwanted Florida problem pest can be found on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com. Don’t let unwanted guest spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


The control of subterranean termites is often a major expense and like any other household expense should be carefully considered. As you have read above that termite’s eat very slowly.  Do not rush into an agreement with any firm before you thoroughly investigate what is offered.  Subterranean Termites, as the name suggests, live in the soil, in most cases.  In some cases, when there is adequate moisture available within the home, they will “nest” in the home and not return to the colony located in the soil. The subterranean termite is an important part of our environment.  In a natural setting, this termite recycles dead trees back into the soil. Without the termite, our forests would be littered with dead trees as wood “rot” cannot keep up.  No one has been able to convince the termite that “dead” wood in your home should not be eaten.  The termite sees the wood in your home as just another food source.  The main portion of the colony stays in the ground and the workers, (cream colored & wingless), come into the home through “mud” tubes or cracks in the concrete as small as 1/64 of an inch.  Once inside, they will eat the wood and bring it back to their nest mates in the ground.  

During the spring of each year, the termites produce a winged alate (Swarmers).  The purpose of the swarmers is to fly up into the air, find the opposite sex, mate, and start new colonies.   Both the male and the female break off their wings and look for a suitable nesting area.  In the forest, this would be a dead, damp decaying tree on the forest floor.  When they swarm into the home, in most cases, they cannot damage the home, or start a nest as the area is much too dry. So unless you have a wet, rotten log in your living room, the alates cannot hurt you.   Our experience has shown that there are normally three swarms.  The first swarm is the major one, the second swarm is often 1/10th in size, and the last swarm is normally just a few insects.  Subterranean termites normally avoid light.  When swarmers are created by the colony, the opposite happens.  The swarmers are attracted to light when they emerge, and are often found in window sills.   As they come out in large numbers, they can be an awful nuisance.  Try not to spray them with common household insecticides, as these products contain oils that can stain and make a mess.  The easiest way to remove these alates is to vacuum them up.  They will die shortly in the dry environment of the vacuum bag.  Often, these swarmers will emerge within 30-60- days AFTER A HOME HAS BEEN TREATED. This is a defensive measure by the colony.  The colony is under stress from the treatment and will often respond by sending the remaining swarmers out.

This helpful information is available to you from Collier Pest Control!  If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call to schedule a FREE termite inspection of your home or business.  More information on Termites or any of our unwanted Florida problem pest can be found on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com. Don’t let unwanted guest spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority including Earwigs.  This pest is one of the most common outdoor pests seen here in Southwest Florida.  These nocturnal dangerous looking pests do slip into your home through small construction cracks and crevices foraging for food.  Earwigs are identified by their pincer like appendage at the end of the abdomen (call forceps).  They are brownish in color, with very short wings, and about ½ to 1 inch long. The forceps are used to trap prey and protect themselves, but are not strong enough to hurt anyone.

Earwigs hide during the day in moist shady places under stones, logs, mulch, dead foliage and any high moisture area.  These scavengers feed on live or dead plants and insects.

The common name “Earwig” comes from an old European superstition that these insects enter the ears of sleeping people and bore into the brain.  This is entirely unfounded since earwigs are harmless to man.

Earwigs can be difficult to control.  The key to effective Earwig control is removal of any non-essential mulch and plant debris or anything that could hold moisture such as boards and stones around your home.  The purpose of this is to establish a low moisture zone around your home that is disagreeable to Earwigs. Collier Pest Control can help eliminate these creatures with our “Collier Complete” pest control service.  We will treat all the cracks and crevices inside your home and broadcast spray the eaves, soffits, mulch beds, flowerbeds, entryways, and 5 to 10 feet perimeter outside your home.  

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on line at collierpestcontrol.com.  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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Saturday, September 20, 2014



In the Sunshine State, the primary range for land snails is South Florida, which has consistently warm temperatures. Most land snails prefer moist climates and semi-aquatic habitats. Some of Florida's common snail species are exotic -- not native to the state -- and are considered pests in urban gardens.  Snails were brought to the U.S. from Europe in the 1850, with the idea that they would be a food, like they are over there. Instead, they became a prolific and very destructive pest.

According to the University of Florida, there are two common garden snails in the state -- the garden Zachrysia and the Banded Caracol.  The Zachrysias Snail is a family of air-breathing land snails found throughout much of the tropics. A number of species are known from Central and South America and some Caribbean Islands. Three introduced species occur in Florida. The Banded Caracol Snail is a very distinctive species and cannot be confused with other species occurring in Florida due to its large size and banded color pattern. Although the introduction was first recorded in 1919, the presence of viable populations of this large species remained

unknown until it was rediscovered in 1991. Both snails, originally found in Cuba, were introduced to South Florida in the early 20th century. Garden Zachrysias,feast on small fruits and ornamental plants, while Banded Caracols, eat algae and decaying plants. Banded Caracols have shells that are 1 1/2 inches long. Garden Zachrysia shells are approximately 1 inch long.

If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida and are annoyed by the presence of snails around your home and would like to rid yourself of this pest, call our office or look up our website at collierpestcontrol.com for information about our Snail repellant treatment. Remember Florida does not have to be shared with pests.


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An annoying and troublesome pest that concerns numerous homeowners is the moth fly, also commonly known as the drain fly, filter fly, or sewage fly. Moth flies are frequently found indoors on windows, sinks and walls. The source of the fly infestation is generally from sinks and floor drains, or from nearby sewage plants or waste disposal areas. Polluted waters and wet organic materials are preferred breeding areas of the fly.

The adult fly is about one-tenth inch long (about one-third the size of a housefly). It has a dark gray body and lighter colored wings. The body and wings are densely covered with long hairs which give the body a fuzzy or hairy appearance, hence the name “moth fly”.

Eggs are deposited throughout the spring and summer in moist, decomposing organic materials. The gelatinous organic deposits, which accumulate in drains, provide an ideal breeding site. Eggs hatch into the maggots, which feed in this organic matter. Under favorable conditions, maggots mature in about two weeks and form a hard shell (puparium) within which the pupa forms and from which the adult fly emerges.

Control varies with the origin of the moth fly infestation. The most economical and sanitary way is to remove the organic material in which they breed. This requires cleaning sinks, drain pipes, and traps with a stiff wire brush or by steam. Several new products are now available that contain either bacteria or enzymes which breakdown the gelatinous scum in drains. They are applied as either a pour around the drain lip or injected as foam. Most pest management companies provide this as a service. To determine which drain is infested, place a jar over the outlet or tape a plastic bag over the opening of the overflow outlet. Check the container at intervals for adult flies.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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OnFast.Com is an internet marketing program for small business to get a broad base internet exposure for your business simply and inexpensively.

Collier Pest Control has used OnFast.Com since May 4th, 2011to promote our services on the internet.  OnFast.com set up for us a Facebook Business account, a Twitter account, and a Blog account that I can send our information to the internet I would like to promote. 

How I use OnFast.Com is to copy and paste problem pest information sheets that we offer to our customers that educate them to our services and Florida’s problem pests.  I post 4 pest information sheets daily on a very simple template previously set up on the OnFast.Com program.  I then pick a day and time I wish the information to be available and click on a send Icon and these postings go to the Facebook Business Account, Twitter Account, Blog Account, and a link to our web site.  By doing these information postings about our business and services 2 things happen, first many people from all over the world see our information and comment on it through our web site, second and most important fact is that the postings exposure us to the servers on Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, and others  to see new and fresh information daily on all of these accounts and after continued daily postings over a long period of time, your web site information is pushed to the first page on the organic listings of the topic a potential customer is looking for.

What makes this program work for us is the daily postings which we have done over the last 3 years.  We now receive over 70% of our new customers from the internet and not just our web site.  The new customers typed into the internet a subject related to our business and we came up on the first page of the organic listings to choose from.

If you are looking for more customers without spending a fortune to advertisers or internet marketing firms, I highly suggest contacting OnFast.Com and giving it a try.  You must be committed to use it daily and repeatedly.  If you do you will see the increase in new customer calls within a few months.

Look us up, Collier Pest Control Facebook Business, Twitter, and Blog accounts to see how my daily postings give us internet exposure or you can contact me at Collier Pest Control at 239-455-4300 or email us at phil.hadley@collierpestcontrol.  I will explain how I use OnFast.Com to our benefit.


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Friday, September 19, 2014



ALSO KNOWN AS THE Carolina Anole

The Green Anole, also known as The Carolina Anole, is the only anole lizard native to Florida.  This anole lizard is completely green, a coloration that allows, it to blend into its forest habitat.  Anoles are mistaken for the non-native chameleons, and are more closely related to iguanas.  Green Anoles are found almost everywhere in South Florida, including the Everglades National Park and greater Miami.  This small lizard can grow to about eight inches and live up to 7 years in captivity and most likely 3 years in the wild.  Males are larger than females and have a throat fan, or dewlap.  Males expand this bright pink throat fan and bob their head to attract females or drive off competitors.  This lizard can change color to match its background, and their eyes can move independently, like a chameleon. At low temperatures, anoles remain dark, but after sunning, they can turn a light green.  When Green Anoles feel threatened or excited, their skin morphs into a brownish color, if attacked, they can detach their tail in hopes that a predator will go for that as opposed to the more vital parts.  Green Anoles also shed their skin on an annual basis.  The Green Anole has excellent griping capability, and can run right up walls and almost any surface. It normally inhabits trees and shrubs, changing color from emerald green to a medium or dark brown.  They eat a variety of small prey, mostly insects including flies, beetles, spiders, and other small invertebrates by slowly sneaking up and rapidly leaping on their next meal.

If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, or anywhere in beautiful Southwest Florida and are having a problem with lizards or any other problem pest call, 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation to any of our services, or look us up on our website at collierpestcontrol.com.  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, recognizes the need to offer an option for a GREEN PEST CONTROL SERVICE that offers a no spray, non-organophosphate pest control treatment.  Collier Pest Control searched for an alternative GREEN PEST CONTROL method, a new environmentally sensitive system that offers a no spraying system.

Collier Pest Control developed and offers the Enviro-Care Pest Control Treatment done Natures Way!  A totally new concept of doing pest control.  NO SPRAYING PESTICIDES, NO ORGANOPHOSPAHATES, NO CARBAMATES, NO CHLORINATED HYDROCARBONS, and absolutely no odors inside your home or business!  This new and exciting treatment gives everyone an alternative GREEN PEST CONTROL SERVICE when concerned over the use of spraying pesticide treatments in their home.  The Enviro-Care treatment puts greater emphasis on non-chemical methods of controlling insects.  This new method consists of a thorough evaluation and inspection of your home or business with the use of biological, organic, and mechanical means to trap, repel, and bait to control insects.

If you have had concerns or are opposed to the old fashion methods of pest control spraying treatments, The Enviro-Care Treatment from Collier Pest Control will meet your needs.  

Insects and rodents compete with us for our food supply, destroy or damage property, and can spread diseases.  You can protect your health and property from pests without compromising your environment to chemical pesticides.

Collier Pest Control, using the Enviro-Care Treatment, done Natures Way, will treat the cracks and voids of your home or business.  We’ll also treat the windows, door frames, plumbing and electrical pipes, cabinets and vanities, and your attic.  Collier Pest Control will finish the service with a non chemical perimeter outside treatment to the surroundings of your home or business.  The Enviro-Care Treatment will protect your home or business against most of Southwest Florida’s crawling insects for a period of up to 180 days, that’s  six months of protection.

Don’t let unwanted insects compromise your beliefs or spoil your Beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  You now can protect your home or business in a ALL NEW GREEN PEST CONTROL SERVICE, without old fashion spraying methods, with the Enviro-Care Treatment, done Natures Way.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation of all our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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Collier Pest Control is Southwest Florida’s Pest Control Authority.  We are specialist’s in general household pest and termite control. Our approach to tick control is not just with surface sprays.  Collier Pest Control developed a complete thorough Tick Treatment that treats your complete house and every place your pet is active; all the cracks and crevices, voids, windows and door casings, furniture, baseboards, and rugs.

The Brown Dog Tick is the most common tick here in beautiful Southwest Florida.  The Brown Dog Tick does not vector any disease, such as Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever.  Ticks are a serious problem and can cause major health problems if allowed to infest your living area.  Ticks are not an insect and are closely related to the spider.  Adult ticks have 8 legs, insects only have 6 legs.  All ticks are parasitic and feed on the blood of animals.  Most ticks spend the majority of their life on or near the ground waiting for a suitable host to come attach themselves on.  Ticks will climb onto an appropriate object, such as a tall blade of grass, bush, fence post, side of a building to wait for a host to pass by. The Brown Dog Tick can live for as long as 200 days without a blood meal.

The female Brown Dog Tick can lay a mass of 1000 to 3000 eggs. These eggs will hatch in 19 to 60 days into a 6 legged, small, immature seed tick. Within 3 to 6 days it will molt and change into an 8 legged nymph tick.  After a blood meal from a host, this nymph will molt in 12 to 29 days into an adult tick.  

If you find a tick attached to you or a family member never just pull it off the skin.  A tick is easily removed by first touching the tick with a warm butter knife or alcohol to get it to remove its head from the skin. Then grab the tick and lift it off the skin.

Don’t be over whelmed with a tick infestation in your home. If you are looking for a dependable knowledgeable exterminator and live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority, including Rodent control.  The House Mouse is the most commonly encountered of all rodents.  The Norway and Roof Rat are two other common rodent pests.  Here in Southwest Florida we encounter the House Mouse and the Roof Rat or sometimes called the Black Rat, Palm Rat, Ship Rat, Grey Bellied Rat, or Tree Rat.  The word rodent means “to gnaw”.  All rodents, mice, rats, squirrels possess chisel like incisor teeth which grow continuously throughout their lives.  These incisors are kept filed and sharp primarily by the rodents grinding and gnawing.

Rodents are not only a nuisance; they damage, destroy things, eat and contaminate stored food, and they are also a human health danger as a disease carrier or vector of many diseases.  Rodents have been responsible for the spread of various diseases to people and domestic animals.  With modern technology for sanitation, effective drugs and specialized rodent and insect control programs, the disease threat from rodents is not as significant as it once was years ago.

The House Mouse is thought to have spread from its origin of the grassy plains of central Asia throughout the world because of their small size and ability to survive on extremely small amounts of food.  The House Mouse is identified by a small slender body weighing ½ to 1 ounce as an adult with a smooth fur usually dusty gray.

The Roof Rat the most common rodent here in Southwest Florida and is primarily a vegetarian eating seeds and plant food such as fresh vegetables and fruits.  The Roof Rat is appropriately named because by nature it is a climber and commonly lives above ground in trees, roofs, or aerial areas around structures.  The Roof Rat is identified by a pointed nose, long tail, large ears, large eyes, gray to black fur, and total weight of only 5 to 9 ounces.  The adult dropping is up to ½ inch long and pointed.  This dropping looks very like our green Cuban Gecko dropping. 

The importance to any successful rodent control program is pest identification, proper sanitation, harborage elimination, and rodent proofing of the building. Proper rodent control is based on the behavioral habits of the rodent.  Mice are very social and inquisitive.  They will explore anything new and only eat small amounts of food at any one time.  Roof Rats are also social and primarily nocturnal in habit. Roof Rats are very cautious and shy away from new objects and tend to eat their fill at one sitting.

Call Collier Pest Control to set up our Rodent Elimination Treatment.  We will place control trapping equipment in all active area on the interior of your building and set up rodent control baiting stations around the exterior of your home.  We then will monitor and remove any trapped rodents every other day until there are not more rodent active inside your home.  Regular service for exterior rodent baiting stations is available if needed.

Collier Pest Control has the knowledge, experience, and a highly trained staff to be able to control or protect you from rodent problems.  If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontro.com.  Don’t let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with pest!


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Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority, including Rodent control.  The House Mouse is the most commonly encountered of all rodents.  The Norway and Roof Rat are two other common rodent pests.  Here in Southwest Florida we encounter the House Mouse and the Roof Rat or sometimes called the Black Rat, Palm Rat, Ship Rat, Grey Bellied Rat, or Tree Rat.  The word rodent means “to gnaw”.  All rodents, mice, rats, squirrels possess chisel like incisor teeth which grow continuously throughout their lives.  These incisors are kept filed and sharp primarily by the rodents grinding and gnawing.

Rodents are not only a nuisance; they damage, destroy things, eat and contaminate stored food, and they are also a human health danger as a disease carrier or vector of many diseases.  Rodents have been responsible for the spread of various diseases to people and domestic animals.  With modern technology for sanitation, effective drugs and specialized rodent and insect control programs, the disease threat from rodents is not as significant as it once was years ago.

The House Mouse is thought to have spread from its origin of the grassy plains of central Asia throughout the world because of their small size and ability to survive on extremely small amounts of food.  The House Mouse is identified by a small slender body weighing ½ to 1 ounce as an adult with a smooth fur usually dusty gray.

The Roof Rat the most common rodent here in Southwest Florida and is primarily a vegetarian eating seeds and plant food such as fresh vegetables and fruits.  The Roof Rat is appropriately named because by nature it is a climber and commonly lives above ground in trees, roofs, or aerial areas around structures.  The Roof Rat is identified by a pointed nose, long tail, large ears, large eyes, gray to black fur, and total weight of only 5 to 9 ounces.  The adult dropping is up to ½ inch long and pointed.  This dropping looks very like our green Cuban Gecko dropping. 

The importance to any successful rodent control program is pest identification, proper sanitation, harborage elimination, and rodent proofing of the building. Proper rodent control is based on the behavioral habits of the rodent.  Mice are very social and inquisitive.  They will explore anything new and only eat small amounts of food at any one time.  Roof Rats are also social and primarily nocturnal in habit. Roof Rats are very cautious and shy away from new objects and tend to eat their fill at one sitting.

Call Collier Pest Control to set up our Rodent Elimination Treatment.  We will place control trapping equipment in all active area on the interior of your building and set up rodent control baiting stations around the exterior of your home.  We then will monitor and remove any trapped rodents every other day until there are not more rodent active inside your home.  Regular service for exterior rodent baiting stations is available if needed.

Collier Pest Control has the knowledge, experience, and a highly trained staff to be able to control or protect you from rodent problems.  If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontro.com.  Don’t let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with pest!


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Thursday, September 18, 2014



THE BROWN WIDOW:  is a common type of widow Spider here in Southwest Florida, also.  They are identified from Southern Black Widow Spiders by the hourglass markings on the underside of the abdomen being either orange or yellow in color.  The body of the Brown Widow Spider varies in color from gray to light brown or black.

The Brown Widow Spiders are usually found in and on buildings in well lighted areas and other areas that are not frequented often.

The bite of the Brown Widow is like any widow Spider usually feels like a pin prick. The initial pain will disappear and back usually begin within 15 minutes to 3 hours.  If severe pain to the abdomen, nausea, sweating, or difficulty in breathing occur, seek medical attention immediately.

Collier Pest Control’s Spider treatment will eliminate unwanted Spider problems and their webs for a period of 6 months.  We will treat all the areas Spiders will cling and make webs such as; the eaves, soffits, doors, windows, gutters, garage, construction décor changes in the walls, and your pool cage.  We can keep your home as pristine clean as the day it was build.

Collier Pest Control can control these pests with our “Collier Complete” pest control service.  This service thoroughly treats all the cracks and crevices the inside of your home and completes the service with a broadcast spraying of the eaves, soffits, flowerbeds, entry ways, and 5 to 10 feet around your home.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida and see Spiders or other Florida Problem Pests call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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The Australian Cockroach is one of the most common large roaches seen here in Southwest Florida.  The Australian Cockroach is identified by its bat shaped markings on its pronotum (the area behind the head) , the light markings on the outer edge at the top of the wings, its brown coloring, rounded wing tips, and grows to a length of 1 ¼ inches.  This roach is primarily an outdoor pest feeding upon plant and decaying organic matter.  If it invades a structure it will feed upon varieties of starchy materials.  

The female Australian Cockroach can produce an egg capsule containing up to 15 eggs as fast as every 10 days.

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, can control these pests with our “Collier Complete” pest control service.  This service thoroughly treats all the cracks and crevices the inside of your home and completes the service with a broadcast spraying of the eaves, soffits, flowerbeds, entry ways, and 5 to 10 feet around your home.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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Wednesday, September 17, 2014



The Ghost Ant has become the number one pest ant found in Southwest Florida. This ant is identified by the worker ants running erratically and rapidly on a set trail that can be traced back to the nest.  They are very tiny, about 1/32 of an inch long, and derives its name from the fact that it is very difficult to see.  The head and thorax of the Ghost Ant is dark in color and the abdomen and legs are very pale.  This forces a person to look very closely at surfaces just to see the workers moving about.  They will create trails from just a few ants to hundreds.  

These trails can usually be located along building foundations and up the walls outdoors.  Ghost ants will readily trail down branches of trees and shrubs into the structure, and through cracks around eaves and soffits.  The Ghost Ant's primary habitat is outdoors.  They will nest in the soil, dead tree limbs, under stones, and in hollow cavities of plants.  Inside, the Ghost Ant will nest inside wall voids, behind base boards, and under cabinets.  

Each Ghost Ant colony is moderate in size, with thousands of workers and numerous reproductive queens.  New colonies are started by "budding" where one or more reproductive queens, together with workers and brood (larvae and pupae), move away from the original colony.  

The worker Ghost Ant is very fond of honeydew secreted by aphids, but will also feed upon live and dead insects.  Moisture is a limiting factor in the survival of Ghost Ants. They have a very high need for moisture.  

Conditions which result in excess moisture such as poor drainage or plumbing leaks should be corrected.  If possible, a vegetation free border should be installed around the foundation.  Branches of trees and shrubs which 

touch the structure should be trimmed back.  Successful control of the Ghost Ant depends upon the ability to locate 

the foraging ants and  the nest sites.  The liberal use of bait in proper locations works well when combined with an exterior power spray treatment.  The Ghost Ant can often be controlled within a few days.

Don’t let insect change your lifestyle in beautiful Southwest Florida.  If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control today for a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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Fleas are pest to humans and their domestic animals all over the world.  While most fleas prefer non-human hosts, many can and do feed on humans when infestations are heavy or when other hosts are not readily available.

Fleas are small, wingless parasitic insects that are extremely well adapted to their environment.  The first step toward effective control is recognizing two very important factors.  First, the 4 stages of the flea life cycle (egg, larva, pupa, and adult) have to be broken or stopped.  Second, the flea population must be controlled everywhere it exists, on the pet, inside the home, and out in the yard.


The eggs are laid loosely and singly on the host.  The eggs are not sticky so when the host shakes, scratches, or moves around the eggs will be deposited in all areas where the hosts rest, sleeps, and is active.


Flea larva is whitish, legless, and worm like.  Unlike adult fleas, the larvae are free living (non-parasitic) with chewing mouth parts and feed on material available in their environment.   It is necessary for successful development of the larva to feed on organic debris and the adult flea excrement containing dried blood which composes the main diet of the flea larva. Larvae are more sensitive to temperature and humidity than the eggs.  Low humidity, less than 50%, is fatal for flea larvae.  The larval period normally lasts 7-15 days, but can be as long as several months if the environment is less favorable.


Unlike the egg and larval stage, the pupa stage is very resilient to harsh conditions.  The cocoon serves to protect the pupa from predators and also acts as a barrier against insecticides.  Within the cocoon the pupa changes into a pre-emerged adult flea.  Adults will emerge from the pupa case in 5-7 days under favorable conditions.  In adverse conditions, the pupae and pre-emerged adults can lay quiet within the cocoon for up to a full year.   Flea emergence can be stimulated by body warmth of the host and the pressure made by a host walking on the pre-emerged adult within the cocoon, increased temperatures and mechanical disturbances.


The adult flea has well developed legs for jumping.  Adults have piercing-sucking mouth parts and are usually ready to take a blood meal, their only source of food, 24-48 hours after emerging from the cocoon.  Adult fleas spend 90% of their life on the host and feed many times a day.  On average, the female flea lays 15-20 eggs per day for the 10-14 days that she is fertile.

For an effective flea program to stop any re-infestation of fleas in all areas, the pet, the home, and the yard must be treated.  Pets drop flea eggs anywhere at any time.  After hatching, the flea larva then can migrate to dark low traffic areas where food is available.  All stages of the flea can be carried throughout the house in the laundry, on people or on their clothing.  Also, if the infested pet frequently travels in the family vehicle it may be necessary to treat the vehicle as well.  Outdoor treatment is also necessary when the pets are allowed outside.

Although nearly all adult fleas present at the time of service will be controlled, don’t be alarmed if you see some fleas within a few days to three weeks after treatment.  These are newly emerged adults from the cocoon of the pupa stage.  If these conditions are present after treatment, control the new adults on the pet with bathing or a pet flea insecticide.  Any flea prevention program must include regular grooming and bathing of the pet.  If the pet is not being treated regularly, you could see constant sighting of fleas.  Your home and your yard would not be re-infested but your pet would be infested.

To insure a continuous protection from fleas on your home and yard, we recommend that you renew your flea services at the end of each guarantee period.  If you are looking for a dependable knowledgeable exterminator and live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Control Authority, for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our service, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle!  Remember, Florida does not have to be share with insects!


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