Tuesday, August 23, 2011



Pest Control is Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, including the common House
Fly.  The House Fly is of the most common
of all insects.  It is worldwide in
distribution and is a pest in homes, barns, poultry houses, food processing
plants, dairies, and recreation areas. The House Fly has a tremendous breeding
potential all year in Florida and can produce a generation in less than 2
weeks. House Fly eggs can be laid in almost any type of warm organic material,
such as fermenting vegetation, manure, or garbage. House Fly eggs hatch within
24 hours into tiny larva called maggots. In 3 to 6 day these maggots migrate to
drier areas and cocoon themselves just like a butterfly.  A House Fly can complete its life cycle, (egg,
larva, pupa, and adult) in Florida in 6 to 10 days, living a life span of about
30 days.

Flies digest their food outside their bodies. They excrete a fluid on their
food to digest it and then draw this fluid, with the digested food, up through
their sponging sucking mouth part.  This
is why House Flies can vector or spread diseases such as dysentery and
diarrhea.  Flies can be a problem here in
Southwest Florida all year round, but the strongest activity is from May
through July.  

Collier Pest Control has many ways
to help you combat flies and their annoying problems.  We have put together some items that can
offer help with continuing fly problems. 
First, try to eliminate excess food sources such as open garbage cans,
unused pet food, excess pet excrement, open drain covers, broken sprinkler
heads, uncleaned mops and brooms.   Eliminate any item a fly could use as
food.  Second, repair or correct all
openings to your home or business a fly could enter such as broken screens,
open doors, non sealing weather stripping, and open construction cracks in the
building.  Finally, Collier Pest Control
can assist you in mechanical fly control. 
We can provide you with fly bait for quick easy control, electronic fly
traps for inside or outside control, thorough broadcast treatment of insect
controlling materials to help give you a quick control, and expert assistance
from manufacturers, distributors, and educators.

                Call. 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on
any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don't let unwanted
guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared
with insects!

Posted via OnFast - http://www.OnFast.com

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