Monday, June 30, 2014





If you see your Ficus Trees or Hedge suddenly losing its leaves or turning brown and tiny white, gnat-like, adult whiteflies fly from the foliage.  DON’T WAIT contact us quickly!  You may have the Fig White Fly attacking your Ficus.  They can defoliate your trees and hedges very quickly.  Although your ficus tree or hedge may appear to be dying after losing a lot of leaves, it may not be a goner.  If the twigs are still flexible, it may refoliate in a few weeks.  Very Important:  if you find an infestation do not pt pruning clippers in the yard waste, trash pick-up.  Don’t spread the flies to other areas of our neighborhood.  Keep the clippings in a garbage bag or in compose piles to kill the flies.

These Fig White Flies are hard to see compared to other species of whiteflies.  The body of the adult Fig Whitefly is yellow in color and the wings are white with a faint grey band towards the middle of the wing and a grey longitudinal bar on the inside of the back edge of each  of the front wings. 

Ficus hedges and trees are not native to South Florida and these Fig White Flies are quickly spreading northward from Homestead since 2007.  Fortunately, these flies can be controlled.  First, you have to determine if you already have Fig Whitefly.  If not, keep monitoring your trees and hedges for early signs of an infestation, such as; leaves falling off or small gnat-like flies emerging from the foliage.

If you find signs of the Fig White Fly or wish to prevent the fly from damaging your hedges or trees, call Collier Pest Control today for a free inspection or set up treatment.  Yes, we can eliminate unwanted Fig Whiteflies from your foliage or prevent them from damaging them with our Fig White Fly Treatments.  Collier Pest Control not only will kill off all Fig White Flies on the hedges and tree but will put a special material in the soil and on the plant.  This material will absorb into the plant and any new Fig Whitefly will be killed from just biting into the plant for moisture.

Collier Pest Control offers this one time correction treatments for the Fig Whitefly. If you have been told or suspect you may have the Fig Whitefly problem or other lawn insect or fungi problems, call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300 for a Free Inspection or a complete explanation to any of our services.  You also can look us up on our web site at or Email us at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.


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Now there is a non-repellent termiticide that provides excellent control of termites yet has minimal impact on the environment. The team of scientists at DuPont has developed another new class of chemistry with this latest innovation, providing high-performing termite control and soil residual for ongoing structural protection. DuPont™ Altriset,™ the first soil-applied liquid termiticide launched in almost a decade, is in a class of chemistry with a mode of action like no other termite control product. Laboratory and field study results prove Altriset™ halts termite feeding within hours while providing termite elimination for critical long-term structural protection. Plus, Altriset™ offers an excellent toxicological and environmental profile.  In addition to requiring no signal word on the label, DuPont™ Altriset™ is the first and only liquid termiticide to be classified as reduced-risk under the U.S. EPA reduced-risk program.

Studies have proven that DuPont™ Altriset™ is highly effective against termites, and even halts feeding in hours. Laboratory tests have shown as termites tunnel through the treated zone, they quickly acquire a lethal dose of Altriset.™ However, these termites will continue to crawl, groom and clean for extended periods after exposure.  Once affected by Altriset,™ termites will begin to exhibit increased aggregation, enhanced grooming and contact with other colony members for hours.  Affected termites will become more lethargic and show signs of muscle paralysis; decreased coordination and mortality will ultimately occur within several days. The delayed mortality and increased colony interaction are key reasons why Altriset™ is so effective.

DuPont™ Altriset™ is a highly effective way to control termites while also minimizing impact on the environment. Altriset™ also has an excellent environmental and toxicological profile—requiring no signal word on the label. This achievement is one reason why the U.S. EPA has awarded Altriset™ reduced-risk status for use as a termiticide treatment.

Collier Pest Control is also concerned about the impact we have on our environment.  This is why we are very excited about the New Altriset™ by DuPont™ that has little or no toxic effect on our surroundings and environment!  If you are looking for a environmentally safe way to control damaging subterranean termites, this is it.  Altriset™ control termites quickly and without any impact to our surrounding. 

Call, 239-455-4300, for a complete explanation of how an Altriset™ treatment will work for you or any of our other services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Sunday, June 29, 2014




                Booklice are very small insects found on books and papers.   They are both winged and wingless and less than a 1/8 of an inch, with chewing mouthparts.  There are more than a 100 species collectively called psocids, including Booklice are a part. The term “lice” is somewhat misleading because none of these insects are parasitic or have 8 legs.  Most of the species are found inside buildings.  The two most commonly found are the common Booklouse and the Deathwatch.  These are often found among books and papers.  They also can be found in stored grain, dried foods, insect collections, furniture, beddings, warm moist areas, leaking water pipes, air conditioning drain pans, windowsills, or damaged roofs. 

The control of psocids is directly related to finding the source of the Booklice and the source of the moisture that supports these insects. Infested furniture and bedding or other movable furnishings should be thoroughly cleaned and aired.  All infested foods should be discarded.  All excess moisture areas should be dried, repaired and aired to kill fungi. Insecticides can reduce the population of Booklice for a short length of time.  To completely eliminate psocids you must find the source of moisture supporting the molds and fungi that the Booklice feed on and eliminate it.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.


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            The Australian Cockroach is one of the most common large roaches seen here in Southwest Florida.  The Australian Cockroach is identified by its bat shaped markings on its pronotum (the area behind the head) , the light markings on the outer edge at the top of the wings, its brown coloring, rounded wing tips, and grows to a length of 1 ¼ inches.  This roach is primarily an outdoor pest feeding upon plant and decaying organic matter.  If it invades a structure it will feed upon varieties of starchy materials. 

            The female Australian Cockroach can produce an egg capsule containing up to 15 eggs as fast as every 10 days.

            Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, can control these pests with our “Collier Complete” pest control service.  This service thoroughly treats all the cracks and crevices the inside of your home and completes the service with a broadcast spraying of the eaves, soffits, flowerbeds, entry ways, and 5 to 10 feet around your home.

            If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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Saturday, June 28, 2014




            BUGS AND PARTIES DON’T MIX!!  So, if your planning an outdoor event, don’t forget to protect your guests against biting or crawling insects.

            Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, can help make your outdoor event a sparkling success!  We can eliminate the annoying bug problems that can accompany an outdoor gathering.  We will treat all outside foliage, turf, and structures for crawling insects, and put out flying insect equipment to attract and trap flying insects.  These specially designed materials will eliminate crawling and flying insects without risk to you or your guests.

            Call us before your outdoor event. Our office staff can plan convenient times to come treat your outdoor areas.  Collier Pest Control’s Outdoor Event Protection treatment is simple, convenient, affordable, and will leave you with a peace of mind! 

            If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 for more details on this or any other of our protective services or look us up on our web site at Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida outdoor event!  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!  

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Yes, Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, has incorporated the all new VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT developed at the University of Florida.  This amazing new method of bed bug treatments allows you to keep all your furniture with very little inconvenience.  Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT places room heaters and box fans along with vapor strips, plus residual control materials in every room of your home or business.  These vapor strips penetrate all parts of each room, such as: closets, mattresses, headboards, couches, chairs, tables, carpet, draperies, wall pictures to kill off all bed bugs.

This amazing new VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT method controls and kills off all adult bed bugs and their eggs within 24 hours.  We set up treatment stations in every room of your home or business and the materials go to work.  You only need to be prepared to leave your home or business for a period of 27 hours for us to complete the VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT service. 

Collier Pest Control has 2 different methods of Bed Bug Control that saves your furniture.  Don’t throw out your valuable furniture because of an unwanted bed bug infestation.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida and think you may have bed bugs call 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control for a full explanation of our amazing VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT method or any other of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Friday, June 27, 2014




            Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority, including Silverfish and Firebrats. Both Silverfish and Firebrats are common household pests that can cause damage in homes by eating foods or other materials that are high in protein, sugar, or starch.   Silverfish will eat cereals, moist wheat and flour, paper on which there is glue or paste, sizing in paper and bookbinding’s, starch in clothing and rayon fabrics.

                Both Silverfish and Firebrats have flattened bodies, broad at the front and tapering gradually toward the rear (carrot shaped).  They both have three long slender appendages found at the rear of the body and two long slender antennae attached to their heads.  Both are wingless with their bodies covered with scales.  Silverfish are shiny silver gray or pearl gray in color and Firebrats are mottled gray in color.  Both are active at night and hide during the day.

                Silverfish live and develop in damp cool places such as baseboards, bookcases, closets, window and door frames.  Large numbers of Silverfish may be found in newly constructed buildings in which the newly plastered walls are still damp.

                Firebrats live and develop in hot damp places such as around furnaces, fireplaces, hot water pipes and heaters, insulation, and outdoor mulch beds.

                Collier Pest Control can eliminate unwanted Silverfish and Firebrats with our “Collier Complete” pest control service.  We will treat all the cracks and crevices inside your home and broadcast spray the eaves, soffits, mulch beds, flower beds, entry ways, and 5 to 10 feet perimeter around the outside of your home.

                Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on line at  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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            Fall Army Worms are native to the tropical regions of the western hemisphere and are a constant threat to southern turf.  They normally winter successfully in Southern Florida and Southern Texas.  The adult of the Fall Army Worm is a shaded gray and brown moth.  Adults are nocturnal, and are most active during warm, humid evenings. Here in South Florida adults can be found from April to December and sometimes during the winter. They are strong fliers, and disperses long distances during the summer months.  Adult moths only live around 10 days and lay most of her eggs within the first four to five days.  Eggs hatch in 7 to 10 days or 2 to 3 days in July and August. Larva takes as little as 12 days to mature in July or up to 30 days in October. The pupa stage only takes 8 to 9 days and there could be as many as 3 to 4 generations each summer here in South Florida.

            The 1 ½ inch long mature Fall Army Worm larva with distinct strips along its sides does all the damage to your turf and foliage.  They feed on grasses any time of the day but are most active in the early morning.  Fall Army Worms are known for their habit of moving and feeding in mass from one turf grass area to another.  They commonly eat everything green, leaving only a few stems.  This moving front of larvae may consume many square feet of turf which seems to disappear overnight.  It seems as if the ground is moving with so many caterpillars in the grass.

            Don’t let the Fall Army Worm destroy your lawn!  Call, 239-455-4300, for a full explanation on how we control Fall Army Worms and all other turf damaging insects and fungus or look us up on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Thursday, June 26, 2014



                Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, recognizes the need to offer an option for a GREEN PEST CONTROL SERVICE that offers a no spray, non-organophosphate pest control treatment.  Collier Pest Control searched for an alternative GREEN PEST CONTROL method, a new environmentally sensitive system that offers a no spraying system.

                Collier Pest Control developed and offers the Enviro-Care Pest Control Treatment done Natures Way!  A totally new concept of doing pest control.  NO SPRAYING PESTICIDES, NO ORGANOPHOSPAHATES, NO CARBAMATES, NO CHLORINATED HYDROCARBONS, and absolutely no odors inside your home or business!  This new and exciting treatment gives everyone an alternative GREEN PEST CONTROL SERVICE when concerned over the use of spraying pesticide treatments in their home.  The Enviro-Care treatment puts greater emphasis on non-chemical methods of controlling insects.  This new method consists of a thorough evaluation and inspection of your home or business with the use of biological, organic, and mechanical means to trap, repel, and bait to control insects.

                If you have had concerns or are opposed to the old fashion methods of pest control spraying treatments, The Enviro-Care Treatment from Collier Pest Control will meet your needs. 

                Insects and rodents compete with us for our food supply, destroy or damage property, and can spread diseases.  You can protect your health and property from pests without compromising your environment to chemical pesticides.

                Collier Pest Control, using the Enviro-Care Treatment, done Natures Way, will treat the cracks and voids of your home or business.  We’ll also treat the windows, door frames, plumbing and electrical pipes, cabinets and vanities, and your attic.  Collier Pest Control will finish the service with a non chemical perimeter outside treatment to the surroundings of your home or business.  The Enviro-Care Treatment will protect your home or business against most of Southwest Florida’s crawling insects for a period of up to 180 days, that’s  six months of protection.

                Don’t let unwanted insects compromise your beliefs or spoil your Beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  You now can protect your home or business in a ALL NEW GREEN PEST CONTROL SERVICE, without old fashion spraying methods, with the Enviro-Care Treatment, done Natures Way.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation of all our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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            Few Organisms are capable of utilizing wood as a source of food energy.  Among these, wood decay fungi are the most important of these organisms.  Wood Decay Fungi is important and is a beneficial organisms in the natural ecology of the world’s forests.

          Wood Decay Fungi are plants which lack chlorophyll.  Therefore, since they cannot produce their own carbohydrate food, they live on carbohydrates contained or stored in wood.  The fungal reproductive body or spore (seed) germinates when the proper conditions of oxygen, temperature and moisture exist, by developing threadlike hyphae.  These hyphae secrete enzymes which break down wood into usable food.  The hyphae of some fungi form thick root like strands called rhizomorphs which allow them to conduct water long distances.  Eventually fruiting structures called sporophores (some are called mushrooms, toadstools, and conks) are produced.

          Decay of wood in structures is a problem in moist, humid climate areas.  Moisture in some form is necessary for the growth of fungi that causes rot.  When wood is used in the construction of a building, it should be well seasoned, so that it does not contain enough natural moisture to support decay fungi.

          Wood-decaying fungi causes as much, if not more, damage to structures each year than do termites.  These fungi, primarily brown, rot including the water conducting fungi, and white rot, are found throughout the United States, although some are restricted to areas of warmer and or more humid conditions.

          Some people term this as “dry” rot.  There is no such thing a “dry rot”.  All wood must have moisture of over 20% in order for the wood decay fungi to attack.  There are many types of fungi damaging wood here in Southwest Florida.  It is necessary to at least be able to determine the type of fungi causing the damage at hand: Sap-Staining fungi (blue-stain fungi), Surface-Staining fungi (molds and mildews), White Pocket Rot, Brown Rot, Water-conducting Fungi (dry-rot, or White Rot.

                    The first step in controlling wood decay fungi is to locate signs of moisture problems.  Then remove all the damaged wood and live active growing fungi.  Since fungi is created from excess moisture and to keep the fungi from returning, lowering the moisture percentage in the area to below 20% and humidity below 50% will help stop fungi growth.  Sometimes these changes can be as simple as more air flow into the area and other times on exterior wood it may need to be changed regularly.

          If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, for a complete explanation on termites, wood destroying insects, wood decay fungi, or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014



            Worldwide, rats and mice spread over 35 diseases. These diseases can be spread to humans directly, through handling of rodents, through contact with rodent feces, urine, or saliva, or through rodent bites. Diseases carried by rodents can also be spread to humans indirectly, through ticks, mites or fleas that have fed on an infected rodent. The primary strategy for preventing human exposure to rodent diseases is effective rodent control in and around the home. This is achieved by eliminating any food sources, sealing even the smallest entries into homes, and successfully trapping rodents inside and baiting outside around the home. 

            The first step is to inspect for rodent entry areas inside and outside the home.  Collier Pest Control offers rodent proofing inspections for your home or business.  We look for gaps or holes that are ¼” or larger.  We inspect around the pipes going to hot water heaters and furnaces, around floor vents and dryer vents, inside the attic, in the roof among the rafters, gables, and eaves, around windows, attic vents and crawl space vents, and around holes for electrical, plumbing, cable, and gas lines.  We also inspect areas of concern outside the home including trees and hedges near home, shingles, roof ventilators and vent screens to be sure they are secure and undamaged, and chimneys.

            Once Collier Pest Control completes a thorough rodent proofing inspection, we can offer you suggestions and answers on what we can do for you to rodent proof your home from invading rodents.  We can explain to you how we will repair the entry areas of your home and the methods we will use to rid you of any active rodent activity inside your home at the present.         If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control for a full explanation on our rodent control program or look us up on our website at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with pests!

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                THE SOUTHERN BLACK WIDOW SPIDER is the most wide-spread widow Spider here in Southwest Florida.  They are identified by their very shiny jet black bodies and their famous red hourglass marking on the underside of the abdomen and another red spot at the tip end of the abdomen.

            The Southern Black Widow Spider is usually found outdoors in protected places, such as under rocks and boards, and in and around old buildings, window shutters, garbage cans, screen enclosures, playground equipment, and stored bicycles or cars.

            The bite of any widow Spider usually feels like a pin prick. The initial pain will disappear and back usually begin within 15 minutes to 3 hours.  If severe pain to the abdomen, nausea, sweating, or difficulty in breathing occur, seek medical attention immediately.

Outside Spider control could involve sweeping down Spiders and webs or pressure cleaning the exterior of your home.  Keeping outside lights turned off will eliminate attracting insects which will draw Spiders to those areas.

Collier Pest Control’s Spider treatment will eliminate unwanted Spider problems and their webs for a period of 6 months.  We will treat all the areas Spiders will cling and make webs such as; the eaves, soffits, doors, windows, gutters, garage, construction décor changes in the walls, and your pool cage.  We can keep your home as pristine clean as the day it was build.

            Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation of all of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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                THE SOUTHERN BLACK WIDOW SPIDER is the most wide-spread widow Spider here in Southwest Florida.  They are identified by their very shiny jet black bodies and their famous red hourglass marking on the underside of the abdomen and another red spot at the tip end of the abdomen.

            The Southern Black Widow Spider is usually found outdoors in protected places, such as under rocks and boards, and in and around old buildings, window shutters, garbage cans, screen enclosures, playground equipment, and stored bicycles or cars.

            The bite of any widow Spider usually feels like a pin prick. The initial pain will disappear and back usually begin within 15 minutes to 3 hours.  If severe pain to the abdomen, nausea, sweating, or difficulty in breathing occur, seek medical attention immediately.

Outside Spider control could involve sweeping down Spiders and webs or pressure cleaning the exterior of your home.  Keeping outside lights turned off will eliminate attracting insects which will draw Spiders to those areas.

Collier Pest Control’s Spider treatment will eliminate unwanted Spider problems and their webs for a period of 6 months.  We will treat all the areas Spiders will cling and make webs such as; the eaves, soffits, doors, windows, gutters, garage, construction décor changes in the walls, and your pool cage.  We can keep your home as pristine clean as the day it was build.

            Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation of all of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Rugose Spiraling White Fly


The Rugose Spiraling Whitefly originated in Central America.  This is not the same whitefly that is currently causing defoliation and branch dieback of ficus in South Florida.  These whiteflies are small winged insects.  They typically feed on the underside of leaves with their needle-like mouthparts.  Whiteflies can seriously injure host plants by sucking nutrients from the plant causing wilting, yellowing, stunting, leaf drop, or even death.

The Rugose Spiraling Whitefly has a very broad host range from palms to woody ornamentals and fruits.  It has been seen on gumbo limbo, black olive, copperleaf, broadleaf arrowhead, Brazilian pepper, wax myrtle, live oak, mango, and several palms.

The adults congregate on the undersides of the leaves to feed and reproduce.  The female lays here eggs in a spiral pattern on the leaves and also deposits a white, waxy substance on the eggs.  The crawler stage hatches from the eggs and crawls around before it starts to feed with its “needle-like” mouthparts.  This stage is very small and difficult to see.

The most noticeable symptoms of an infestation of this whitefly are the abundance of white, waxy material covering the leaves and also excessive black sooty mold.  The actual effect of an infestation of Rugose Spiraling Whitefly on the health of a plant is unknown; however, whiteflies in general can cause plant decline, defoliation and branch dieback.

Monitor plants for early signs of an infestation.  Small potted plants can be washed off with water.  Larger plants can be controlled with horticultural oil or insecticidal soap or most likely will need an insecticide spraying and root drenching by a professional lawn pest control company to control these whiteflies.  They will use a systemic insecticide product that can be applied directly to the infested plant or the soil.

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, will treat each infected tree with the appropriate materials by root feeding and by direct contact.  These materials will protect each tree for a period of 6 months after application.

If you suspect a problem with the Rugose Spiraling Whitefly or any other insect call our office, 239-455-4300, for a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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            The White Footed ant is native to tropical Asia, but has been inadvertently introduce into South Florida.  The White Footed Ant arrived in the Homestead are of Florida in 1986, followed by rapidly spreading up and out expanding throughout the rest of South Florida.

                The White Footed Ants are relatively small ants with a black body and yellowish-white feet, called tibia and tarsi.  These ants do not bite or sting, nor have they been reported to cause any type of structural damage.  They are just a nuisance ant attracted to sweet foods.  Thus, it is common to find them foraging indoors around kitchens and bathrooms, and outside on hedges infested with honeydew producing insects, such as aphid and scales.

                White Footed Ants in Southwest Florida for many pest control companies, have been extremely difficult to control because of several characteristics of their biology.  One big problem is that they establish colonies of well over a million ants, over half being worker ants.  Workers ants are sterile females that are responsible for foraging for food and caring for the nest.  Another problem is that food ingested by the worker ants is never shared back in the colony, as like most every other type of ant.  These sterile worker ants are capable of laying unfertilized eggs.  These Thinner more fragile non fertile eggs are what the worker ants, larva, and queens in the colony use as their food source, therefore, any toxic bait to kill off ants never reach the ants in a White Foot Ant colony, and only affect the foraging worker ants that eat the insect killing baits.

                While White Foote Ants are not directly harmful to humans or pets, their presence within the home is a nuisance. Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, has developed a 3-step 6-week treatment method to eliminate unwanted White Foote Ants from you home and property.  Collier Pest Control will first use insect killing baits inside you home and attic to eliminate any activity being seen inside your home.  Then we will treat the immediate sides of your home with special insect killing materials to kill any trailing White Foot Ant attempting to enter your home.  The 3-stage of this treatment method is to use special insect killing materials up to 30 or 40 feet around your home, killing off all activity trailing toward your home.  Collier Pest Control will follow up with a service treatment each week for 5 more weeks insuring that no White Foot Ants are infested or entering your home.

                If you have been run out of your home by unwanted White Foot Ants and live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control for a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don’t let insect spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida doesn’t have to be shared with insects.

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Monday, June 23, 2014




            Collier Pest Control is Southwest Florida’s Pest Control Authority.  We are specialist’s in general household pest and termite control. Our approach to tick control is not just with surface sprays.  Collier Pest Control developed a complete thorough Tick Treatment that treats your complete house and every place your pet is active; all the cracks and crevices, voids, windows and door casings, furniture, baseboards, and rugs.

                The Brown Dog Tick is the most common tick here in beautiful Southwest Florida.  The Brown Dog Tick does not vector any disease, such as Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever.  Ticks are a serious problem and can cause major health problems if allowed to infest your living area.  Ticks are not an insect and are closely related to the spider.  Adult ticks have 8 legs, insects only have 6 legs.  All ticks are parasitic and feed on the blood of animals.  Most ticks spend the majority of their life on or near the ground waiting for a suitable host to come attach themselves on.  Ticks will climb onto an appropriate object, such as a tall blade of grass, bush, fence post, side of a building to wait for a host to pass by. The Brown Dog Tick can live for as long as 200 days without a blood meal.

                The female Brown Dog Tick can lay a mass of 1000 to 3000 eggs. These eggs will hatch in 19 to 60 days into a 6 legged, small, immature seed tick. Within 3 to 6 days it will molt and change into an 8 legged nymph tick.  After a blood meal from a host, this nymph will molt in 12 to 29 days into an adult tick. 

                If you find a tick attached to you or a family member never just pull it off the skin.  A tick is easily removed by first touching the tick with a warm butter knife or alcohol to get it to remove its head from the skin. Then grab the tick and lift it off the skin.

                Don’t be over whelmed with a tick infestation in your home. If you are looking for a dependable knowledgeable exterminator and live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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            The Giant Day Gecko is an introduced species in Florida.  The species has been released in several areas of Florida, but the only population that appears to be established occurs in the Florida Keys. The giant day gecko is native to the tropical and subtropical rainforests of Madagascar and some nearby islands off the Madagascan coast where its neon green colors are able to blend in with the surrounding vegetation. Giant day geckos are partial to palm trees, banana trees, and the walls of village houses. Until the mid 1980s, giant day geckos were rare in reptile collections and considered a highly prized captive. They can now be found in local pet stores, Adults are bright green with an orange stripe between the eye and nostril. Additional orange spots may be present on the head and back. The scales on the back and sides are granular, and the belly is whitish. The skin is very delicate and easily torn. Giant Day Geckos feed on insects and fruits. It is a large species; adult males may reach 9 to 12 inches in length and can live up to about 20 year old.  They can be observed on the walls of buildings and on tree trunks, scampering up the wall, and hanging from the ceiling. They have been seen plastered against a tree trunk sound asleep. Many geckos do that--but HOW? Dozens of flaps of skin on each toe, each with thousands and thousands of tiny hairs, or setae (SEE-tee). Each tiny hair topped with up to a thousand tinier branches. They sometimes add up to a billion--that's right, 1,000,000,000--tiny triangular pads called spatulae (SPAH-choo-lee) that contact the surface whenever a gecko plants its feet.

            As with all geckos, the Giant Day Gecko possesses a tail with fracture planes, or weakened areas of the tail anatomy, that will allow the tail to break off so that the gecko can escape predators.  The tail will regenerate eventually but will never look exactly like the original.

            If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, or anywhere in beautiful Southwest Florida and are having a problem with lizards or any other problem pest call, 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation to any of our services, or look us up on our website at  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Sunday, June 22, 2014



          Frogs are common throughout the world. There are over 85 species here in the United States. The most common species include tree frogs, toads, and bullfrogs. Tree frogs and bullfrogs are most common where there is adequate water for their survival and reproduction. Toads are more prevalent where it is dry. Though tree frogs are considered beneficial because they eat insects, in some cases local populations can become a nuisance.

          Tree frogs can become a problem for many reasons. Tree frogs mostly live in trees but will find their way into homes. Once there, they will hide behind shutters, under siding window frames, siding, rain gutters, overhanging bricks and facia boards away from sunlight in shaded areas are all prime tree frog hiding sites during the day. Tree frogs like these areas and at night they will emerge to feed.

          The problem with having tree frogs on your home is that they tend to make a mess. Their droppings will quickly accumulate below where they are nesting. Tree frog droppings look a lot like rat droppings and can easily fool people into believing they have a rodent problem.  While frogs in and of themselves may be harmless, but they often will leave feces and a sticky residue wherever they go.

          Collier Pest Control Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority can help with our Frog and Lizard Repellant Treatment.  We can treat all areas around your home or business where tree frogs are roosting, such as: the soffits, eaves, lighting, garage, doors, window sills, pool cage, lanai furniture, and even around plants.  This all natural clear treatment material does not stain.  It repels frogs, toads, and lizards away by releasing a scent certain animals can detect and don’t like. Because this is an all natural treatment, monthly applications should be made to continue keeping your home or business Frog, Toad, and Lizard Free.

          If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Beautiful Southwest Florida and are having a Frog, Toad, or Lizard problem, call Collier Pest Control for a full explanation of our Frog and Lizard Repellant Treatment, or on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with pests.

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                The American Cockroach is one of the larger roaches growing to the length of about 1 ½ inches.  It is identified by an auburn to brown color with a white ring around its pronotum (that the shield looking area behind the head) and well developed winds with rounded tips, but rarely fly.  They can open their wings and glide for a considerable distance.  This is the first monster of the night to be called a Palmetto bug, mostly because it is large and lives outside.

            Here in Southwest Florida the American Cockroach is abundant in alleyways, yards, hollows of trees, and all types palm trees.  They are also found in sewer drains and around manhole covers.  The American Cockroach prefers moist shady areas to live and feed.  They feed upon a variety of foods of decaying organic matter, book bindings, glue, soap, clothing, paper, sweets, sugar, syrup, fruit, and vegetables, and when their environment puts stress on them will even eat their own.

            The female American cockroach produces an egg capsule containing 15 eggs as fast as every 7 days.  There is no known chemical that the American Cockroach has resistance to.  A regular Collier Complete treatment including a regular perimeter power spraying will control most American Cockroach problems

            If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, for a free estimate and a complete explanation of all of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Saturday, June 21, 2014



Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, is aware of the life style of today’s consumer.  We also know you desire to have a healthy pest free environment at home.  The Collier Express Pest Control Service offers you the convenience of no appointments necessary and the assurance from Collier Pest Control of a healthy pest free life style. 

            The Collier Express takes advantage of today’s technical advancements in pest control products and delivers it to you in an exterior pest control treatment that includes interior treatments only, at need, if a problem would occur.  Our Collier Express protects and controls the outside of your home from unwanted pests. 

On our very first visit we will perform an extensive crack and crevice treatment to every part of the interior of your home.  We will treat all crack and crevices, voids and gaps, receptacles, plumbing and electrical pipes, and all construction gaps around the cabinets and vanities in your kitchen and bathroom.  Then we will treat the complete exterior of your home to all of the risk areas such as; the windows, doors, soffits, eaves, foundation area, hose bibs and any other gap or crack in the exterior of your home. In addition to this insect protection Collier Pest Control will wipe down all excess spider webs and install termite monitors around your home for your security and peace of mind.  

On all of our following quarterly visits we will perform our extensive exterior treatment on your home and give you the same bug free guarantee for 90 days.  We will apply 3 different types of materials to the exterior or your home or business to keep unwanted pests out and then wipe down all excess spider webs and check the termite monitors around the building. If an insect problem occurs we will return to correct any insect pest problem at no extra charge.  We can do all of this without you having to make any inconvenient scheduled appointment times.  You are free to carry on with your tropical life style here in beautiful Southwest Florida.  We will call you and leave an estimated time on which day we will come by your house, leave a door hanger to let you know we where there, and let you enjoy the freedom and protection from our Collier Express Pest Control Service.

            Let Collier Pest Control protect your home or business with any of our services.  If you are looking for a dependable knowledgeable exterminator and live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-45-4300 for a complete explanation on our Collier Express or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida life style.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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                An annoying and troublesome pest that concerns numerous homeowners is the moth fly, also commonly known as the drain fly, filter fly, or sewage fly. Moth flies are frequently found indoors on windows, sinks and walls. The source of the fly infestation is generally from sinks and floor drains, or from nearby sewage plants or waste disposal areas. Polluted waters and wet organic materials are preferred breeding areas of the fly.

            The adult fly is about one-tenth inch long (about one-third the size of a housefly). It has a dark gray body and lighter colored wings. The body and wings are densely covered with long hairs which give the body a fuzzy or hairy appearance, hence the name “moth fly”.

            Eggs are deposited throughout the spring and summer in moist, decomposing organic materials. The gelatinous organic deposits, which accumulate in drains, provide an ideal breeding site. Eggs hatch into the maggots, which feed in this organic matter. Under favorable conditions, maggots mature in about two weeks and form a hard shell (puparium) within which the pupa forms and from which the adult fly emerges.

            Control varies with the origin of the moth fly infestation. The most economical and sanitary way is to remove the organic material in which they breed. This requires cleaning sinks, drain pipes, and traps with a stiff wire brush or by steam. Several new products are now available that contain either bacteria or enzymes which breakdown the gelatinous scum in drains. They are applied as either a pour around the drain lip or injected as foam. Most pest management companies provide this as a service. To determine which drain is infested, place a jar over the outlet or tape a plastic bag over the opening of the overflow outlet. Check the container at intervals for adult flies.

            If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Friday, June 20, 2014



OnFast.Com is an internet marketing program for small business to get a broad base internet exposure for your business simply and inexpensively.

Collier Pest Control has used OnFast.Com since May 4th, 2011to promote our services on the internet. set up for us a Facebook Business account, a Twitter account, and a Blog account that I can send our information to the internet I would like to promote.

How I use OnFast.Com is to copy and paste problem pest information sheets that we offer to our customers that educate them to our services and Florida’s problem pests.  I post 4 pest information sheets daily on a very simple template previously set up on the OnFast.Com program.  I then pick a day and time I wish the information to be available and click on a send Icon and these postings go to the Facebook Business Account, Twitter Account, Blog Account, and a link to our web site.  By doing these information postings about our business and services 2 things happen, first many people from all over the world see our information and comment on it through our web site, second and most important fact is that the postings exposure us to the servers on Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, and others  to see new and fresh information daily on all of these accounts and after continued daily postings over a long period of time, your web site information is pushed to the first page on the organic listings of the topic a potential customer is looking for.

What makes this program work for us is the daily postings which we have done over the last 2 years.  We now receive over 60% of our new customers from the internet and not just our web site.  The new customers typed into the internet a subject related to our business and we came up on the first page of the organic listings to choose from.

If you are looking for more customers without spending a fortune to advertisers or internet marketing firms, I highly suggest contacting OnFast.Com and giving it a try.  You must be committed to use it daily and repeatedly.  If you do you will see the increase in new customer calls within a few months.

Look us up, Collier Pest Control Facebook Business, Twitter, and Blog accounts to see how my daily postings give us internet exposure or you can contact me at Collier Pest Control at 239-455-4300 or email us at phil.hadley@collierpestcontrol.  I will explain how I use OnFast.Com to our benefit.

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If you are seeing small white or dingy brown moths fling out of your lawn, or your lawn has developed grayish brown damaged areas 2 or 3 foot in diameter.  It is a good chance you may have Sod Web Worms.  Often, damage is first noticed along hedges or flower beds.

This is the most common caterpillar to attacking turfgrasses.  These moths attack all grasses but prefer Bermuda and least desire bahia.  During the day, the moths rest in shrubbery next to turf areas and at dusk, fly over the turf depositing eggs.  When these eggs hatch into larva, they do their damage on the turf, rasping the surface or skeletonize the blades.   As the larva mature, injured grass has notches are chewed along the sides of the blades or is eaten back evenly.  Damaged areas of your lawn become larger and fuse together.  Sod Web Worms are usually not a problem until June here in Beautiful Southwest Florida.

Don’t what and see if your problem goes away and you lose your beautiful lawn to this tropical partier.  Let Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, treat your lawn and eliminate those unwanted worms in just 2 visits, 7 to 10 days apart your Sod Web Worms will be gone.  If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 for a complete explanation on our Sod Web Worm treatment or any of our services, or look us up on line at  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Thursday, June 19, 2014





          Customers doing business with you assume you keep a clean and pest free environment. Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, can provide this protection and peace of mind for you at a reasonable price. We offer the latest, most complete method of commercial pest control ever developed for Southwest Florida, Collier Complete for Restaurants.  This specialized method of pest control enables our advanced thoroughly trained technicians to apply the proper amount of materials into cracks, crevices, and wall voids where insects and pests live and hide.  We also treat hiding areas around the motors housings of appliances, stoves, refrigerators, freezers, walk in coolers, prep tables, dish washers, storage shelving, waitress stations, service bars, dining room tables, bars, display cabinets, electrical and plumbing pipes, floor drains, doors, windows, restroom fixtures, outdoor dumpsters, flower beds, mulch beds, eaves, soffits, outdoor construction defects, and any place a pest would hide or enter.  The Collier Complete for Restaurants is more effective, less odorous, and the materials cannot be washed away with regular clean ups and wash downs.

          This specially designed method of pest control will provide you the most protection against Florida’s common pest such as; roaches, ants, spiders, silverfish, earwigs, scorpions, and rodents.  The Collier Complete for Restaurants pest control service gives you the advantage of  NO PREPERATION OR CLEAN UP because our materials are applied to only hidden areas, there is no open spraying, and has no or very low odor.  We can service your business just before you open or just after you close, at a convenient time for you.

           Don’t let unwanted pests, old fashion chemicals, unpleasant orders, and inconvenient service treatment times be a problem anymore.   If your business is in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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                Subterranean Termites are social insects that live in colonies consisting of many individuals.  The colonies are composed of workers, soldiers, and reproductives.  The workers are very small, 1/8th of an inch, have not wings, are white to cream colored and very numerous.  Soldiers defend the colony against insects, like ants, that can attack the colony.  Soldiers are wingless and white in color with large brown heads.  King and Queen Termites perform the reproductive functions of the colony.  They are dark brown to black in color.

Subterranean Termites, as the name suggests, live in the soil, in most cases.  Subterranean Termites are an important part of our environment.  In a natural setting, this type of termite recycles dead trees back into the soil.  Without the termite, our forests would be littered with dead trees as wood “rot” cannot break the dead trees down fast enough.  The termite sees the wood in your home as just another food source.   If the wood of your home does not contact the soil, they can build mud tunnels or tubes to reach the wood several feet above the ground.   These mud tunnels can extend for 50-60 feet to reach wood and often enter a structure through expansion joints in concrete slabs or where utilities enter the home.  The main portion of the termite colony stays in the ground and the foraging worker termites come into a home through cracks in the concrete, as small as 1/64th of an inch, a dimes width.  Once inside, they will eat the wood and bring it back to the nest in the ground as food to the termites remaining in the colony.


            Subterranean termites feed on wood or other items that contain cellulose, such as paper, fiberboard, and some fabrics derived from cotton or plant fibers.  Subterranean Termites are often difficult to detect.  Detection can be from the presence of winged reproductives, mud tubes on the sides of your home, or seeing wood damage.


            The control of subterranean termites is often a major expense and like any other household expense should be carefully considered.  An important point to remember is that Subterranean Termites work SLOWLY!  There are many variables when considering how fast or slow a termite colony will damage a home.  A small colony can typically eat six inches of a wooden 2X4 board in one year.  You do not need to rush into an agreement with a firm before you thoroughly investigate what are all your alternatives. 

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, can control all types of termites for you economically.  Let our experienced termite Inspector come and evaluate if you have a termite problem or some other form of damage.  If it is termites, we can offer to you different types of service to correct the infestation.  Collier Pest Control offers long term protection  with our in ground termite baiting systems if you plan to keep you home, or traditional liquid treatments for a 5 or 7 year protection. 

            If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida and think you may have Termites or want a FREE termite home inspection call 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control for any of our FREE TERMITE INSPECTION and a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014




                Honey Bees get their name from the sweet yellowish to brownish fluid they make from the nectar of flowers and use as food.  Honey Bees not only provide honey and wax, but as pollinators are of far greater importance.  They are responsible for a large share of insect stings, although many stings blamed on bees are actually done by yellow jackets.  More people die of allergic reaction to Bee stings than of rattle snake bites each year.  Bees can only sting you once.  When stinging them pull away and leave the back half of their abdomen, with the poison sack and the stinger imbedded in your skin.  This action kills s the insect that stung you.  This poison sack can continue to inject poison into your body for a few minutes after the sting.  They are best controlled at night using dusts and contact sprays.  Queen Bees lay as many as 1,500 to 2000 eggs per day, and may live as long as 5 years.  Worker Bees only live 5 to 7 weeks in the summer and shorter during the winter.

          Collier Pest Control can control any bee hive or remove any hive that may be a bother to you.  If you have a bee swarm that is a nuisance to you, we can illuminate it for you.

          If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, for a full explanation about bees, wasps or on any of our services or look us up on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.


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THE JUMPING SPIDER: or Zebra jumper is a very common Spider here in Southwest Florida.  This Spider can be seen inside or outside they are easily identified by their eye arrangement, which is in three rows, compact shape with relatively short legs, and brightly

Colored and from 6 to 15 mm long with a red or white marking on the dorsal surface of the abdomen...  Jumping spiders can jump up to 6 inches depending on the species.

The Jumping Spider does not construct webs, but actively hunt prey during the day, taking advantage of their excellent eyesight pouncing on their luckless victims.

Collier Pest Control’s Collier Complete treatment will eliminate hunting spiders from inside and around the perimeter of your home.  Don’t be startled by unwanted guests. Let Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, protect your home and health.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 for a full explanation on our Guaranteed 6 Month Spider Free Treatment or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014





If you see your Ficus Trees or Hedge suddenly losing its leaves or turning brown and tiny white, gnat-like, adult whiteflies fly from the foliage.  DON’T WAIT contact us quickly!  You may have the Fig White Fly attacking your Ficus.  They can defoliate your trees and hedges very quickly.  Although your ficus tree or hedge may appear to be dying after losing a lot of leaves, it may not be a goner.  If the twigs are still flexible, it may refoliate in a few weeks.  Very Important:  if you find an infestation do not pt pruning clippers in the yard waste, trash pick-up.  Don’t spread the flies to other areas of our neighborhood.  Keep the clippings in a garbage bag or in compose piles to kill the flies.

These Fig White Flies are hard to see compared to other species of whiteflies.  The body of the adult Fig Whitefly is yellow in color and the wings are white with a faint grey band towards the middle of the wing and a grey longitudinal bar on the inside of the back edge of each  of the front wings. 

Ficus hedges and trees are not native to South Florida and these Fig White Flies are quickly spreading northward from Homestead since 2007.  Fortunately, these flies can be controlled.  First, you have to determine if you already have Fig Whitefly.  If not, keep monitoring your trees and hedges for early signs of an infestation, such as; leaves falling off or small gnat-like flies emerging from the foliage.

If you find signs of the Fig White Fly or wish to prevent the fly from damaging your hedges or trees, call Collier Pest Control today for a free inspection or set up treatment.  Yes, we can eliminate unwanted Fig Whiteflies from your foliage or prevent them from damaging them with our Fig White Fly Treatments.  Collier Pest Control not only will kill off all Fig White Flies on the hedges and tree but will put a special material in the soil and on the plant.  This material will absorb into the plant and any new Fig Whitefly will be killed from just biting into the plant for moisture.

Collier Pest Control offers this one time correction treatments for the Fig Whitefly. If you have been told or suspect you may have the Fig Whitefly problem or other lawn insect or fungi problems, call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300 for a Free Inspection or a complete explanation to any of our services.  You also can look us up on our web site at or Email us at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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This tropical cockroach usually is not noticed until large numbers have populated an area.  They remain inside cracks and crevices, under leaf litter, and mulch during the day and come out at night to feed upon plants.  Surinam cockroaches are plant feeders and can severely damage plants in greenhouses and atriums.  They also are commonly found in potted plants, planters, and other humid, hot situations outdoors in the Gulf coast states from Florida to Texas.

The Surinam cockroach burrows into the soil to a depth of three to four inches, where they construct a burrow containing nymphs, (adolescents), and females incubating their egg capsules.  These egg capsules produce from 14 to 42 eggs each.  Surinam cockroaches are unique, in that there are NO males of the species found in the United States.  The females reproduce parthenogentically without mating with a male.  Surinam cockroaches are 3/4” to 1” long, are brown in color,  and have a very obvious dark brown to black shield, (the area behind its head), which is called the pronotum.  

To control this insect it is critical to remove harborage areas, such as excessive leaf litter, excessive mulch, unneeded landscape timbers, stones, or other objects close to the foundation of your building.  Residual materials should be applied to foundations, plantings, woodpiles, potted plants, mulch and any infested areas.  Barrier treatments can substantially reduce Surinam cockroach populations around your home.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Do not let unwanted guest spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Monday, June 16, 2014





Collier Pest Control is Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, Including Rodent Control!

The Roof Rat is an introduced species of rat native to southern Asia.  It was brought to America on the first ships to reach the New World and has spread around the world.  This rat is the same species that carried the bubonic plague around the world and is also the reservoir host for murine typhus.  Roof Rats are the worst rodent pest in the State of Florida and most abundant.  A typical roof rat is between 13 and 18 inches long from nose to tail.  It is commonly known as the black rat or palm squirrel, but is often dark brown in color.  Unlike other rats, their tails are longer than the length of their bodies and they have large ears.  Roof rats will nest in trees, woodpiles, garbage and plants, but they generally like inside high places, like attics.  They are good climbers and only need a hole the size of a quarter to gain entry.  They primarily consume fruits and nuts, although they will eat anything.  They tend to hoard food for consuming later.  They are known for hollowing out citrus fruit in trees.  Control of roof rats is not an easy task.  Professional Pest Management is needed to control these pests.  The tools of a Professional Pest Control Technician includes; the knowledge of cultural control (prevention and habitat management): Physical control (trapping and exclusion): Biological control (predators like snakes): and if needed chemical control (rodent baits and repellents).

The Florida House Mouse weighs less than an ounce.  It can fit in a crack of only a quarter inch.  They can and do get everywhere.  If your house has food and any small openings, eventually mice will find their way in.  A single mouse can’t eat a whole lot, but they nibble on many foods and defecate on everything, mice destroy considerably more food than they consume.  They can also spread diseases.  Some examples of diseases that can be spread by mice or rats are salmonellosis (food poisoning), rickett-sialpox, and lymphocytic choriomeningitis. Mice may also carry leptospirosis, ratbite fever, tapeworms, and organisms that can cause ringworm (a fungal skin disease) in humans.  They like to chew and gnaw everything, and will often chew on electrical wires, creating a fire hazard.

Collier Pest Control can eliminate unwanted rodent infestations, with our exclusive Rodent Treatment.  We will place control trapping equipment in all active areas on the interior of your home or building and set up exterior rodent control baiting stations around the outside of your home or building.  We then will monitor and remove any trapped rodents every other day until there is no more rodents active inside your home or building.  Permanent Exterior Rodent Baiting Stations are available for an extra onetime fee.

Collier Pest Control has the knowledge, experience, and a highly trained staff to be able to control and protect you from Florida’s rodent problems.  If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Bonita Springs, or anywhere in beautiful Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control for a full explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with pests.

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Sunday, June 15, 2014




            BUGS AND PARTIES DON’T MIX!!  So, if your planning an outdoor event, don’t forget to protect your guests against biting or crawling insects.

            Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, can help make your outdoor event a sparkling success!  We can eliminate the annoying bug problems that can accompany an outdoor gathering.  We will treat all outside foliage, turf, and structures for crawling insects, and put out flying insect equipment to attract and trap flying insects.  These specially designed materials will eliminate crawling and flying insects without risk to you or your guests.

            Call us before your outdoor event. Our office staff can plan convenient times to come treat your outdoor areas.  Collier Pest Control’s Outdoor Event Protection treatment is simple, convenient, affordable, and will leave you with a peace of mind! 

            If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 for more details on this or any other of our protective services or look us up on our web site at Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida outdoor event!  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!  

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          The Ghost Ant has become the number one pest ant found in Southwest Florida. This ant is identified by the worker ants running erratically and rapidly on a set trail that can be traced back to the nest.  They are very tiny, about 1/32 of an inch long, and derives its name from the fact that it is very difficult to see.  The head and thorax of the Ghost Ant is dark in color and the abdomen and legs are very pale.  This forces a person to look very closely at surfaces just to see the workers moving about.  They will create trails from just a few ants to hundreds. 

                These trails can usually be located along building foundations and up the walls outdoors.  Ghost ants will readily trail down branches of trees and shrubs into the structure, and through cracks around eaves and soffits.  The Ghost Ant's primary habitat is outdoors.  They will nest in the soil, dead tree limbs, under stones, and in hollow cavities of plants.  Inside, the Ghost Ant will nest inside wall voids, behind base boards, and under cabinets. 

                Each Ghost Ant colony is moderate in size, with thousands of workers and numerous reproductive queens.  New colonies are started by "budding" where one or more reproductive queens, together with workers and brood (larvae and pupae), move away from the original colony. 

                The worker Ghost Ant is very fond of honeydew secreted by aphids, but will also feed upon live and dead insects.  Moisture is a limiting factor in the survival of Ghost Ants. They have a very high need for moisture. 

                Conditions which result in excess moisture such as poor drainage or plumbing leaks should be corrected.  If possible, a vegetation free border should be installed around the foundation.  Branches of trees and shrubs which

touch the structure should be trimmed back.  Successful control of the Ghost Ant depends upon the ability to locate

the foraging ants and  the nest sites.  The liberal use of bait in proper locations works well when combined with an exterior power spray treatment.  The Ghost Ant can often be controlled within a few days.

                Don’t let insect change your lifestyle in beautiful Southwest Florida.  If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control today for a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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          The Ghost Ant has become the number one pest ant found in Southwest Florida. This ant is identified by the worker ants running erratically and rapidly on a set trail that can be traced back to the nest.  They are very tiny, about 1/32 of an inch long, and derives its name from the fact that it is very difficult to see.  The head and thorax of the Ghost Ant is dark in color and the abdomen and legs are very pale.  This forces a person to look very closely at surfaces just to see the workers moving about.  They will create trails from just a few ants to hundreds. 

                These trails can usually be located along building foundations and up the walls outdoors.  Ghost ants will readily trail down branches of trees and shrubs into the structure, and through cracks around eaves and soffits.  The Ghost Ant's primary habitat is outdoors.  They will nest in the soil, dead tree limbs, under stones, and in hollow cavities of plants.  Inside, the Ghost Ant will nest inside wall voids, behind base boards, and under cabinets. 

                Each Ghost Ant colony is moderate in size, with thousands of workers and numerous reproductive queens.  New colonies are started by "budding" where one or more reproductive queens, together with workers and brood (larvae and pupae), move away from the original colony. 

                The worker Ghost Ant is very fond of honeydew secreted by aphids, but will also feed upon live and dead insects.  Moisture is a limiting factor in the survival of Ghost Ants. They have a very high need for moisture. 

                Conditions which result in excess moisture such as poor drainage or plumbing leaks should be corrected.  If possible, a vegetation free border should be installed around the foundation.  Branches of trees and shrubs which

touch the structure should be trimmed back.  Successful control of the Ghost Ant depends upon the ability to locate

the foraging ants and  the nest sites.  The liberal use of bait in proper locations works well when combined with an exterior power spray treatment.  The Ghost Ant can often be controlled within a few days.

                Don’t let insect change your lifestyle in beautiful Southwest Florida.  If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control today for a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Saturday, June 14, 2014



            Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, is proud of its 23 plus years of successful service here in Southwest Florida.  Our Mission Statement has always been, To offer the most advanced, complete general household pest control service available.  We have continued through the years to add new materials and methods to provide you with the latest and best methods of pest control available to all of us here in Southwest Florida.

                Our Collier Complete general household pest control service is the most thorough pest control service available.  It starts with a detailed crack and crevice treatment of baits, dusts, and graduals throughout your house or business.  We look and inspect your home or business for areas of risk to apply insect controlling materials to protect you and your property for the guaranteed period. 

                With this service we apply a long lasting protective material to the soffits, under each window, and 8 to 10 feet around the perimeter of your home or business, including mulch and flower beds.  This material will control and prevent unwanted pest invaders from interring your home or business.

                We offer with all Collier Complete Services Free Interior rodent control, attic dusting, ant baiting, and annual termite inspections.

                The Collier Complete general household service also offers Free termite monitors around your home which we check every 90 days to alter you of a potential risk to your home or business.  This service also offers a complete spider wipe down of excessive spider webs on your soffits and foyers.

                Collier Pest Control’s service technicians are the most thoroughly trained technicians in Southwest Florida.  Each service technician completes a rigorous 2 week academic training, continuous on the job supervision and training, monthly training sessions with national representatives from products we use and ongoing information sheets and questionnaire training of specialized information from our industry.  All of this is to offer you our customer the best most advanced general household pest control service available here in beautiful Southwest Florida.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 for complete explanations on any of our many services, or look us up on line at  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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A Bed Bug infestation in one of your home or business could not only be embarrassing, but could be a health issue, and cost you major dollars. 

Collier Pest Control can help you with a quick and easy treatment to get your home or business back in order, in just one day!  Collier Pest Control can provide the proven guaranteed Chambered Bed Bug Heat Treatment to any hotel room or efficiency, you have an infestation.  In just a few short hours your hotel room or efficiency will be ready to be lived in again, and without throwing away any furniture or bedding!

Yes, Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, will set up the exclusive Bed Bug Heat Treatment Chamber in any room infested with bed bugs.  We will place in the Heat Chamber all infested items; such as, the mattress, box springs, bed frame, head board, upholstered furniture, draperies, drapery rods, and any other furniture Bed Bug infested.  After we place all the room’s furniture in the Heat Chamber, we will chemically treat the rest of the house or business’s cracks, crevices, voids, and carpet for Bed Bugs.  This whole Heat Treatment process will rid your hotel room or efficiency of unwanted Bed Bugs.   Then in just a few hours your Bed Bug problem will be gone without throwing away any furniture or bedding

There are only a few pest control operators skilled enough to provide this New Chambered Bed Bug Heat Treatment, invented by the University of Florida.  Collier Pest Control can offer this amazing treatment to you now, here in our beautiful Southwest Florida.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control or find us at our web site at today for a complete explanation of this amazing new Chambered Bed Bug Heat Treatment or any of our services.  Don’t let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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