Monday, September 9, 2013




                FED UP!  Tired of seeing Carpenter Ants in your home?  Sick of spraying those awful smelling insecticides? Trying to kill off what seems to be a never ending army of silent invaders?

                NO PROBLEM! Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, has a  highly developed method of Carpenter Ant Control that can rid you of your nightly aggravations.  As the population of Florida continues to grow and building development extends into previously undisturbed land, ant and insect sightings in homes are on the rise.

                The Florida Carpenter Ant is a large ant, up to ½ inch long, with its head and thorax brown, and abdomen black.  The reputation of this ant being a house wrecker is all fable.  The Florida Carpenter Ant does not eat wood, as termites do.  They will, however, excavate galleries in previously damaged wood from moisture, termites, or dry rot.  The Florida Carpenter Ant feeds on honeydew produced from aphids, other insects, and household scraps.

                The Florida Carpenter Ant nests in the ground beneath root systems, rotting logs, tree stumps, mulch beds, tree cavities or any moisture area.  These ants foliage indoors for water, food, or to form a satellite colony. This satellite colony is a secondary colony to support the main colony.

                Collier Pest Control will control these swiftly moving nocturnal pests by eliminating the satellite colonies in your home, killing other colonies around your home and applying carpenter ant repealing materials to keep all unwanted guests from returning to your home.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control today for an estimate and a complete explanation on how this new method of Carpenter Ant treatment will work for you, or look us up on our web site at  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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