Most pet owners, at sometime, will be aware of problem fleas. Without warning small insects will be on either their pet or biting themselves. Here is some information and helpful hints to stop those unfriendly invaders before they take over in your home.
Fleas are small, wingless insects, well adapted to their environment. The first step toward effective control of fleas is recognition of 2 important factors. The insect's life cycle (egg, larva, pupa, and adult) and the fleas population must be controlled everywhere at the same
time, on the pet, in the yard, and in the home. Plan a complete treatment program to rid yourself of fleas.
First, start with the pet and either shampoo, dip the pet yourself, or send them off to the vet.
This should rid the fleas from your pet. Second, prepare to spray and treat your home and furniture. Pick up all of the pet's toys and other objects off the floor; turn up all furniture cushions on chairs and sofas so a thorough treatment can be applied to these areas. Third, if your pet is infested, the area they inhabit outside will need treated.
All stages of a flea's life cycle can be controlled except the pupa stage. This stage will not
be controlled with regular spraying treatments. After a flea treatment on your home you may experience fleas biting or on your pet within a few days. This is a result of adult fleas emerging from the pupa stage. This pupa stage of the flea can stage inside the pupa for up to one year if not stimulated to emerge. Heat, vibration, and carbon dioxide will all stimulate the adult flea from the pupa. To speed up the fleas out of the pupa, you can vacuum your carpet daily. You can put mothball granules inside the vacuum bag to kill off any adult fleas you may vacuum. Washing the hard surface floors daily will pick up and eliminate flea pupa. Clean your pets bedding and do not forget about the car if your pet takes trips with you. These helpful aids can be done until all the pupa has emerged and your home is flea free.
Fleas can be an extreme problem in the spring and fall here in Southwest Florida. Call, 239-455-4300, today for a complete explanation and a free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted guests spoil your
beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects!
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