Monday, June 13, 2011



Honey Bees
get their name from the sweet yellowish to brownish fluid they make from
the nectar of flowers and use as food. 
Honey Bees not only provide honey and wax, but as pollinators are of far
greater importance.  They are responsible
for a large share of insect stings, although many stings blamed on bees are
actually done by yellowjackets.  More
people die of allergic reaction to Bee stings than of rattle snake bites each
.  Bees can only sting you once.  When stinging them pull away and leave the
back half of their abdomen, with the poison sack and the stinger imbedded in
your skin.  This action kills s the
insect that stung you.  This poison sack
can continue to inject poison into your body for a few minutes after the
sting.  They are best controlled at night
using dusts and contact sprays.  Queen
Bees lay as many as 1,500 to 2000 eggs per day, and may live as long as 5
years.  Worker Bees only live 5 to 7
weeks in the summer and shorter during the winter. At different times of the year or when disturbed Bees will move their hive.  When this happens large amounts of Bees will be seen in a ball or swarming in one area.  Do not try to kill or move them yourself! Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control and have us explain how to control these unwanted visitors, or look us up on line at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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