Tuesday, October 1, 2013




The common name “House Cricket” comes from the fact that thee crickets often enter houses where they can survive indefinitely. Having been introduced from Europe, this species is found throughout the United States but is a pest primarily east of the Rocky Mountains.  Crickets are nocturnal or active at night and usually hide in dark warm places during the day. Their presence is indicated by the male’s chirping with is done y rubbing their front wings together.  His chirping serves to attract females.

            Outside, they are often attracted to electric lights in large numbers. When present in large numbers, crickets are a considerable annoyance and if inside can cause damage to some fabrics, such as wood, cotton, linens, rayon, and furs.  They will attack paper, all kinds of foods, and even rubber.  Outside, they feed on plants and dead or live insects, including other crickets.

            Crickets are closely related to cockroaches, their young look like adults except their wings are not fully developed.  The House Cricket lives primarily outdoors and especially in garbage dumps, but may invade houses.  They are omnivorous, eating or drinking almost anything that is available.

            Control or elimination of Crickets frequently involves treatment of both inside and outside the structure, as well as removal of breeding and feeding sites outdoors like weeding plant beds, removing woodpiles, and mowing lawns near the structure, and use of tight-fitting screens and doors.  Appropriate labeled pesticides applied to the moist, areas outdoors and well and as a indoor treatment will help control crickets.

            Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, can provide the proper services to control and eliminate Crickets and other unwanted Florida problem pests.  If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free explanation on any of our services or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

Posted via OnFast - http://www.OnFast.com

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