Thursday, July 31, 2014




            The Giant Day Gecko is an introduced species in Florida.  The species has been released in several areas of Florida, but the only population that appears to be established occurs in the Florida Keys. The giant day gecko is native to the tropical and subtropical rainforests of Madagascar and some nearby islands off the Madagascan coast where its neon green colors are able to blend in with the surrounding vegetation. Giant day geckos are partial to palm trees, banana trees, and the walls of village houses. Until the mid 1980s, giant day geckos were rare in reptile collections and considered a highly prized captive. They can now be found in local pet stores, Adults are bright green with an orange stripe between the eye and nostril. Additional orange spots may be present on the head and back. The scales on the back and sides are granular, and the belly is whitish. The skin is very delicate and easily torn. Giant Day Geckos feed on insects and fruits. It is a large species; adult males may reach 9 to 12 inches in length and can live up to about 20 year old.  They can be observed on the walls of buildings and on tree trunks, scampering up the wall, and hanging from the ceiling. They have been seen plastered against a tree trunk sound asleep. Many geckos do that--but HOW? Dozens of flaps of skin on each toe, each with thousands and thousands of tiny hairs, or setae (SEE-tee). Each tiny hair topped with up to a thousand tinier branches. They sometimes add up to a billion--that's right, 1,000,000,000--tiny triangular pads called spatulae (SPAH-choo-lee) that contact the surface whenever a gecko plants its feet.

            As with all geckos, the Giant Day Gecko possesses a tail with fracture planes, or weakened areas of the tail anatomy, that will allow the tail to break off so that the gecko can escape predators.  The tail will regenerate eventually but will never look exactly like the original.

            If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, or anywhere in beautiful Southwest Florida and are having a problem with lizards or any other problem pest call, 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation to any of our services, or look us up on our website at  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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                Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority, including Rodent control.  The House Mouse is the most commonly encountered of all rodents.  The Norway and Roof Rat are two other common rodent pests.  Here in Southwest Florida we encounter the House Mouse and the Roof Rat or sometimes called the Black Rat, Palm Rat, Ship Rat, Grey Bellied Rat, or Tree Rat.  The word rodent means “to gnaw”.  All rodents, mice, rats, squirrels possess chisel like incisor teeth which grow continuously throughout their lives.  These incisors are kept filed and sharp primarily by the rodents grinding and gnawing.

          Rodents are not only a nuisance; they damage, destroy things, eat and contaminate stored food, and they are also a human health danger as a disease carrier or vector of many diseases.  Rodents have been responsible for the spread of various diseases to people and domestic animals.  With modern technology for sanitation, effective drugs and specialized rodent and insect control programs, the disease threat from rodents is not as significant as it once was years ago.

          The House Mouse is thought to have spread from its origin of the grassy plains of central Asia throughout the world because of their small size and ability to survive on extremely small amounts of food.  The House Mouse is identified by a small slender body weighing ½ to 1 ounce as an adult with a smooth fur usually dusty gray.

          The Roof Rat the most common rodent here in Southwest Florida and is primarily a vegetarian eating seeds and plant food such as fresh vegetables and fruits.  The Roof Rat is appropriately named because by nature it is a climber and commonly lives above ground in trees, roofs, or aerial areas around structures.  The Roof Rat is identified by a pointed nose, long tail, large ears, large eyes, gray to black fur, and total weight of only 5 to 9 ounces.  The adult dropping is up to ½ inch long and pointed.  This dropping looks very like our green Cuban Gecko dropping.

          The importance to any successful rodent control program is pest identification, proper sanitation, harborage elimination, and rodent proofing of the building. Proper rodent control is based on the behavioral habits of the rodent.  Mice are very social and inquisitive.  They will explore anything new and only eat small amounts of food at any one time.  Roof Rats are also social and primarily nocturnal in habit. Roof Rats are very cautious and shy away from new objects and tend to eat their fill at one sitting.

          Call Collier Pest Control to set up our Rodent Elimination Treatment.  We will place control trapping equipment in all active area on the interior of your building and set up rodent control baiting stations around the exterior of your home.  We then will monitor and remove any trapped rodents every other day until there are not more rodent active inside your home.  Regular service for exterior rodent baiting stations is available if needed.

          Collier Pest Control has the knowledge, experience, and a highly trained staff to be able to control or protect you from rodent problems.  If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don’t let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with pest!

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014




Yes, Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, has incorporated the all new VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT developed at the University of Florida.  This amazing new method of bed bug treatments allows you to keep all your furniture with very little inconvenience.  Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT places room heaters and box fans along with vapor strips, plus residual control materials in every room of your home or business.  These vapor strips penetrate all parts of each room, such as: closets, mattresses, headboards, couches, chairs, tables, carpet, draperies, wall pictures to kill off all bed bugs.

This amazing new VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT method controls and kills off all adult bed bugs and their eggs within 24 hours.  We set up treatment stations in every room of your home or business and the materials go to work.  You only need to be prepared to leave your home or business for a period of 27 hours for us to complete the VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT service. 

Collier Pest Control has 2 different methods of Bed Bug Control that saves your furniture.  Don’t throw out your valuable furniture because of an unwanted bed bug infestation.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida and think you may have bed bugs call 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control for a full explanation of our amazing VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT method or any other of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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                The Big Headed Ant is a very successful invasive species that is sometimes considered a danger to native ants and has been nominated as one of the 100 "World's Worst" invaders.  Big Head Ants has been a pest in southern Florida for many years, and according to reports by pest control operators, it is becoming an even more pervasive nuisance as it displaces other ants.  Big Head Ants can be found nesting in disturbed soils, lawns, flowerbeds, under objects, such as bricks, cement slabs, flower pots, around trees or water pipes, along the base of structures, and walkways, where displaced soil is usually observed from the action of ants digging below the surface.  It is possible that the increase in Big Head Ant infestations was augmented by several years of excessive hurricane activity in Florida that damaged lawns and killed trees which necessitated the use of increased amounts of sod and other replacement vegetation that may have been infested with this ant. The Big Head Ant does not sting or cause any structural damage, and usually does not bite unless the nest is disturbed, and even then, the bite is not painful.

          Big Head Ants are a soil-nesting ant that leaves piles of loose sandy soil. Homeowners are annoyed by these "dirt piles" and by ants foraging in bathrooms, kitchens, around doors, and windows, as well as on exterior paved or brick walkways or driveways. Control of Big Head Ants is difficult because the ant colonies are numerous and populations usually extend across property lines. The Big Head Ant receives its common name from the large-sized head of the major worker, or "soldier." Minor workers are small reddish brown ants.

          Collier Pest Control Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority has developed a successful 3 step treatment method to eliminate and control Big Head Ants.  We will treat your lawn with growth regulator materials to eliminate the development of queens producing new ants and stop the development of the larva stage (the baby ants) from growing up into adult Big Head Ants. With the addition of interior ant baiting, this 3 step lawn treatment will eliminate Big Head Ants quickly and is guaranteed for a full 90 days. 

          Collier Pest Control can continue to keep the Big Head Ants away with a quarterly Big Head Ant Lawn Maintenance program and stop all unwanted Big Head Ants from moving back into your home and lawn.

          If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, or anywhere in beautiful Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a full explanation on our exclusive Big Head Ant Lawn Treatments or on any of our services.  All our services and most of Florida’s problem pests are also on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014





            The Giant Bufo Marinus Toad is the largest of the frogs and toads found in Florida. The giant toad is not native to the United States.  Known scientifically as Bufo Marinus, the Cane Toad, Giant Toad, or Marine Toad is native to an area extending from Mexico and Central America to the Amazon Basin and was introduced to Florida in 1966 in an attempt to control the population of a type of beetle that was ravaging the sugar cane crops. The toads ignored the cane beetles, but began ravaging everything else in sight instead. They have immense appetites, breed by the zillions, and secrete poisonous gunk that makes them unpalatable to all but a tiny handful of native animals and poisonous to many.

            Giant Toads range in size from 4 - 6 in. (10 - 15.2 cm). Females can weigh up to 3.3 lbs (1.5 kg). Giant Toads are huge brown toads that vary in color between brown and red and may have darker and lighter spots. These Giant Toads breed from June to January, but Giant Toads have been found in breeding condition throughout the year. Females produce 8,000 to 50,000 eggs in a clutch and can breed at least twice a year for 5 years in the wild. Giant Toads normally lay eggs in slow moving freshwater streams, but they can also breed in brackish water. Tadpoles hatch in 48 to 72 hours. Depending on the water temperature and food availability, they can complete their development in 16 to 180 days. Giant Toads can live for at least 15 years in captivity.  The Giant Toad calls are a slow, low-pitched trill that has been compared to the sound of exhaust noise from a distant tractor. The largest males tend to have the deepest voices. 

            The Giant Toads are an exotic species that will eat all types of native frogs and toads. This species is skilled at locating all types of food.  They have even been known to eat pet food.

            When this Giant Toad is threatened or handled, it secretes a highly toxic milky substance from its large glandsat the back of its head, behind the ears. This secretion can burn your eyes, may irritate your skin, and can kill cats and dogs if they ingest the secretion. Symptoms of Giant Toad poisoning in pets include drooling, head-shaking, crying, loss of coordination, and, in more serious cases, convulsions.

            In Florida, Giant Toads can be found associated with urban and agricultural areas. This species breeds in canals, flooded ditches, shallow pools and fish ponds. At night, Giant Toads have been known to congregate around house lights to feed on insects.

            Giant toads are beneficial for the gardener and homeowner in general. They do displace native toads and reptiles and birds if they can catch them. Giant toads are often transported in shipments of fruit and other commodities. Until effective control methods are available like quarantine checks and the stopping of any accidental releases of these toads, there is little or no hope in the control these Giant Toads.
            This Bufo Marinus Frog can be removed and disposed of humanely by placing them in a plastic container (or bag) and then in the freezer for three days and then burying the carcasses. If you do not wish to handle the toads, call Collier Pest Control at 239-455-4300 for a full explanation on our Frog and Lizard Repellant Treatment or look us up on our website at Remember Florida does not have to be shared with pests.

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            Blow flies and flesh flies are very common flies associated with dead animals. Blow flies can be found in almost every known terrestrial habitat and they are found in association with human civilization throughout the world. Blow flies include a number of species including the common Blue Bottle Fly and the Green Bottle Fly. Adult flies are metallic blue, green, copper or black colored flies that otherwise resemble large house flies in appearance. Other blow flies include the Black Blow Fly and the Cluster Fly.

          The larvae (maggots) of these flies feed on dead animal tissue and as such are beneficial in nature as decomposer of dead animal carcasses. The appearance of these flies or maggots in the house typically indicates that an animal (i.e. rodent, bird, etc.) has died within the walls or in the attic. The larvae infest the animal carcass for 5-10 days before they leave the carcass and wander in search of a dry place to pupate. Maggots have hook-like mouthparts. Adults have sponge-like mouthparts similar to those of house flies. These maggots are unsavory but harmless.

          Female flies lay eggs on or near suitable habitats. Tiny maggots hatch from eggs in 6 to 48 hours. After 2 to 7 days they form a pupa (cocoon), Adult flies emerge 10 to 17 days after the formation of the pupa (cocoon). Development from egg to adult occurs in 16 to 35 days, depending on temperature and environmental conditions. The adults can live up to six weeks.

          Adult blow flies are attracted to nectar, carrion, garbage, bloody or soiled hair, fur, or wool.

          Sanitation via removal and proper disposal of garbage, carcasses and similar breeding media is probably the most satisfactory method of limiting blow fly populations. The only necessary control for flesh fly maggots is to vacuum or sweep them up and discard. Then check for dead animals in the walls, attic, etc.

          If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, Bonita Springs, or anywhere in Southwest Florida and have blow flies or any other pest problem, call our office for a full explanation to any of our services or look us up on our website at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Monday, July 28, 2014


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          Termites cause $5,000,000,000 worth of damage each year in the U.S.  This type of damage, most homeowners insurance does not cover.  In fact, your home could be subject to an infestation without you knowing about it. The old adage of “an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure” is absolutely true, especially when it comes to building a home and preventing termites. While it is nearly impossible to prevent anything from happening one hundred percent, pre-treating the area where your home is to be constructed or where an addition is to be built, can drastically increase your chances of remaining free of termites.  The University of Florida states that 3 out of 5 homes built since 1987 have termites within the first 5 years.

          The goal of pre-construction termite treatments is to form a chemical barrier in the ground that will keep subterranean termites from coming up from the soil to feed on the wood structures.

          A properly applied preconstruction treatment is a wise investment.  New construction pre-treatments are the most effective and economical time to apply a liquid Termiticide to prevent termites from enterring a structure.

          Termite construction pre-treatments are not permanent.  While some chemicals may be still adequately toxic after 10 years under a slab, most will be significantly degraded and we suggest re-application to accessible areas by 5 years after construction. Termite construction pre-treatment is not complete until the final pre-construction treatment comes with the last grading, but prior to the landscaping.  

          Because of the short life of liquid Termiticide pre-treatments, alternative termite preventative methods have developed.  Termite baiting systems as well as borate treatment of wood members in the structure are successful alternative methods.

          Collier Pest Control can offer you many types of termite protection.  We can provide you a pre construction termite treatment as the home is being built. We can also apply a Bora-Care preventative coating to all exposed wood while the home is being built, that will protect the wood for a life time.

          We now have available a government rated reduced risk termite protection from Syngenta named Altriset.  This liquid product provides the performance you would expect with immediate and long-lasting structural protection with low environmental risks.

          We can also protect your existing home from termites with either a liquid trenching application or an Exterra Inground Baiting System that does not deteriorate with time.  Inground baiting offers you an alternative to liquid applications where 100’s of gallons of material is placed under you and around your home.

          Collier Pest Control has many ways to protect you and your home from termites.  If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers or anywhere in Southwest Florida and are building a new home or think you may have termites, call us for information on how we can help protect your home and property, or look us up on our website at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Sunday, July 27, 2014




            THE GOLDEN SILK SPIDER: is found throughout Florida and the Southeastern United States.  These large webbing Spiders are usually found outside in forest, along trails, heavily landscaped yards, and at clearing edges.  The Golden Silk Spiders is identified by the female’s distinctive coloring and being 25 to 40 mm long and conspicuous hair tufts on the her legs. The males are only 4 to 6 mm long and are dark brown in color.  The males are often found in the webs of the female.

            The Golden Silk Spider feeds on insects caught in web that may be constructed greater than a meter in diameter.

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, has developed a Spider treatment that will eliminate unwanted Spider problems in Southwest Florida and their webs for a period of 6 months.  We will treat all the areas Spiders will cling and make webs such as; the eaves, soffits, doors, windows, gutters, garage, construction décor changes in the walls, and your pool cage.  We can keep your home as pristine clean as the day it was build.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 for a complete explanation about our 6 Month Guaranteed Spider Treatment or on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.



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            THE GOLDEN SILK SPIDER: is found throughout Florida and the Southeastern United States.  These large webbing Spiders are usually found outside in forest, along trails, heavily landscaped yards, and at clearing edges.  The Golden Silk Spiders is identified by the female’s distinctive coloring and being 25 to 40 mm long and conspicuous hair tufts on the her legs. The males are only 4 to 6 mm long and are dark brown in color.  The males are often found in the webs of the female.

            The Golden Silk Spider feeds on insects caught in web that may be constructed greater than a meter in diameter.

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, has developed a Spider treatment that will eliminate unwanted Spider problems in Southwest Florida and their webs for a period of 6 months.  We will treat all the areas Spiders will cling and make webs such as; the eaves, soffits, doors, windows, gutters, garage, construction décor changes in the walls, and your pool cage.  We can keep your home as pristine clean as the day it was build.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 for a complete explanation about our 6 Month Guaranteed Spider Treatment or on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.



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Also known as a Rasberry Crazy Ant

            The Caribbean Crazy Ant for many years has been a nuisance to the east coast of Florida.  We now have the Caribbean Crazy Ant here in Southwest Florida.  This ant resembles a small fire ant in appearance but is harmless and does not sting or bite.  It does however, infest neighborhood with multitudes of ants that overrun homes and businesses. 

            The Caribbean Crazy Ant is a small golden brown to reddish brown ant with a smooth glossy body covered with tiny hairs has longer antennae, like the black crazy ant.  This ant likes to nest near the ground under objects for protection.  It has been found under palm fronds, logs, railroad ties, trees, shrubs, along sidewalks, cracks in concrete, leaves, lumber, electrical conduits, metal, mulch, and even sod.   This ant is extremely resourceful in foraging for food.  Each Caribbean Crazy Ant colony could have over 5 million or more ants and have been known to have millions of ants trail over a ½ mile from their nest for food.   They will feed on dead insects and tend honeydew producers on plants.  They also group together multiple colonies to support their nests.  This ant can infest total communities within a short period of time because of their numbers in each colony.

            The control of the Caribbean Crazy Ant is not as easy as other types of ants.  First nesting sites need to be removed from the area as stated above.  Clean up all debris and items that are on or near the ground.  The nests should be located or the trails followed back to see where the nests could be located.  This ant will move their nests rapidly when disturbed.  With many millions of worker ants in each colony, a repeated insecticide spraying followed by a thorough baiting with sweet ant killing baits of all the infested area must be applied. 

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, offers a 3 week Caribbean Crazy Ant treatment process to control the problem for you.  Collier Pest Control will perform it’s proven “Collier Complete” pest control treatment to the inside of your home or business followed by a thorough and complete spraying treatment of all the turf, flower and mulch beds around your home or business.  We will return each week to bait the inside and retreat the outside of your home for 2 more weeks.  By this continued repetitive treatment we can get total control of the Caribbean Crazy Ant.

            If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call for a free estimate and a complete explanation about our Caribbean Crazy Ant treatment or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don’t let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Saturday, July 26, 2014




This cockroach's common name comes from the country where it was originally collected.  It found it's way here in bunches of bananas and tobacco.  It is only found in Florida, along the Gulf Coast in Louisiana and Texas; it is widely distributed in Mexico, central America and northern South America.

This outdoor species unique green coloring is a give away to the type of cockroach it is, which only survives in tropical and subtropical area.  It is attracted to lights at night and only becomes a nuisance pest when it enters structures via open doors and where ever light shines through to the outside.

Reducing outdoor lighting and interior lighting shining through to the outside will slow this nuisance pest from entering a structure.  Closing exterior cracks and voids such as caulking thresholds, windows, door weather stripping, and repairing screens will help stop this green invader from entering.

Don't let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, to rid you home or business of pests. Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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            If your home is built with a permanent pest control system put into the wall and attic Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, can service this permanent pest control system for you.  This permanent pest control system is designed to prevent insect infestations before they happen.

            Collier Pest Control services these permanent pest control wall systems and your home to meet the needs of Southwest Florida.  We have developed the Wall Systems, Plus method of pest control to protect you and your home from unwanted pests.

            Collier Pest Control investigated and studied many of permanent wall systems being installed in homes today.  Each one of these wall systems had their own advantages and one common problem.  Yes, the wall system protected and prevented insect infestation inside the wall where it was installed.  Unfortunately, the wall system does not protect or prevent insect infestation in the common risk areas of your home such as the doors, windows, sliders, plumbing and electrical pipes, garages, and common construction cracks around your cabinets and vanities in the bathroom and kitchen.  These areas also need to be treated to protect the home from insects.

            Collier Pest Control is able to service your permanent wall system you have in your home, plus treat the common problem areas.  The Wall System, Plus treatment will charge your wall system with the latest and safest materials available to protect the inside wall voids of your

home.  Then Collier Pest Control will treat all the common problem areas in your home, applying the exact amount of materials to the common risk areas of your home with our perfected “Collier Complete Pest Control Treatment”.  Collier Pest Control will complete the Wall System, Plus treatment with an exterior perimeter power spray treatment, treating the mulch beds, flower beds, entry areas, eaves and soffits, and 5 to 10 feet around the base of your home.

            The Wall System, Plus treatment will protect your home with environmentally safe materials, out of touch from you and your pets; effective for a period of 90 days against most of Florida’s crawling insects.

            If your home has been built with a permanent pest control system, let Collier Pest Control protect your home. 

            If you live In Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Friday, July 25, 2014



OnFast.Com is an internet marketing program for small business to get a broad base internet exposure for your business simply and inexpensively.

Collier Pest Control has used OnFast.Com since May 4th, 2011to promote our services on the internet. set up for us a Facebook Business account, a Twitter account, and a Blog account that I can send our information to the internet I would like to promote.

How I use OnFast.Com is to copy and paste problem pest information sheets that we offer to our customers that educate them to our services and Florida’s problem pests.  I post 4 pest information sheets daily on a very simple template previously set up on the OnFast.Com program.  I then pick a day and time I wish the information to be available and click on a send Icon and these postings go to the Facebook Business Account, Twitter Account, Blog Account, and a link to our web site.  By doing these information postings about our business and services 2 things happen, first many people from all over the world see our information and comment on it through our web site, second and most important fact is that the postings exposure us to the servers on Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, and others  to see new and fresh information daily on all of these accounts and after continued daily postings over a long period of time, your web site information is pushed to the first page on the organic listings of the topic a potential customer is looking for.

What makes this program work for us is the daily postings which we have done over the last 2 years.  We now receive over 60% of our new customers from the internet and not just our web site.  The new customers typed into the internet a subject related to our business and we came up on the first page of the organic listings to choose from.

If you are looking for more customers without spending a fortune to advertisers or internet marketing firms, I highly suggest contacting OnFast.Com and giving it a try.  You must be committed to use it daily and repeatedly.  If you do you will see the increase in new customer calls within a few months.

Look us up, Collier Pest Control Facebook Business, Twitter, and Blog accounts to see how my daily postings give us internet exposure or you can contact me at Collier Pest Control at 239-455-4300 or email us at phil.hadley@collierpestcontrol.  I will explain how I use OnFast.Com to our benefit.

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                The Florida Midge emerge from lakes in astronomical numbers, covering walls of homes, and forming heaps of wispy corpses under outdoor lights.  They are sometimes called blind mosquitoes because when their multitudes are disturbed in their resting places on lake shore sedges, they rise up with a mosquito-like whine and fly clumsily away among the vegetation, as to recognize a good meal when it walks into their back yard.  Actually, Midges do not feed during their short life of a day or two.  Since they do not feed they do not bite as adult mosquitoes.     

 This is time enough for myriads of them to vanish down the gullets of swallows, dragonflies, and fish.

The larva of the Midge lives in the mud of lakes and low water areas where each constructs a small open-ended tube. Through which they draw a little stream of water from which they remove algae and microscopic debris.  They act as the filter for our lakes and low water areas.  90% of all Midge activity takes place just before sundown.

            Control of the Midge is limited to reducing the lights around lakes and low water areas, stocking bodies of water with carp and goldfish, adding insect growth regulators to bodies of water, and light traps around the same bodies of water.

            Collier Pest Control is also limited to controlling the source points of the Midge, but we have had very good success in controlling Midges at homes around Southwest Florida.  We can treat your home with a special material in all areas that Midges would rest such as, front foyers, eaves, soffits, windows, doors, lanai areas, pool cages, and the garage.  When Midges rest on areas where we have treated they will be controlled within a few minutes.  It is very effective!

            Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don’t let unwanted pests spoiling your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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                The Florida Midge emerge from lakes in astronomical numbers, covering walls of homes, and forming heaps of wispy corpses under outdoor lights.  They are sometimes called blind mosquitoes because when their multitudes are disturbed in their resting places on lake shore sedges, they rise up with a mosquito-like whine and fly clumsily away among the vegetation, as to recognize a good meal when it walks into their back yard.  Actually, Midges do not feed during their short life of a day or two.  Since they do not feed they do not bite as adult mosquitoes.     

 This is time enough for myriads of them to vanish down the gullets of swallows, dragonflies, and fish.

The larva of the Midge lives in the mud of lakes and low water areas where each constructs a small open-ended tube. Through which they draw a little stream of water from which they remove algae and microscopic debris.  They act as the filter for our lakes and low water areas.  90% of all Midge activity takes place just before sundown.

            Control of the Midge is limited to reducing the lights around lakes and low water areas, stocking bodies of water with carp and goldfish, adding insect growth regulators to bodies of water, and light traps around the same bodies of water.

            Collier Pest Control is also limited to controlling the source points of the Midge, but we have had very good success in controlling Midges at homes around Southwest Florida.  We can treat your home with a special material in all areas that Midges would rest such as, front foyers, eaves, soffits, windows, doors, lanai areas, pool cages, and the garage.  When Midges rest on areas where we have treated they will be controlled within a few minutes.  It is very effective!

            Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don’t let unwanted pests spoiling your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Thursday, July 24, 2014



                        Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority including Stored Food Product Pests.  There are several different types of Food Product Pests in Southwest Florida.  The most common are flour beetles, saw-toothed grain beetles, cigarette and drug store beetles, weevils, grain moths, Indian and Mediterranean flour moths, and psocids.

                Most of the Stored Food Product Pests in Florida can reproduce quickly all year. It is very unsettling to open a brand new package of something just to find it infested with insects.  How did they get into that package?  The answer is that they were in the package when the food product was processed at the factory.  Then when the age, humidity, and temperature of the food product get just right the insects hatch out. From the infested food packages, the pests may spread to other exposed food.

                These Food Product Pests are usually found living in dried fruit, spices, flour, bran,  dried vegetables, dried flowers, grains, milled cereal products, dried dog and cat food, nuts, candy, pasta, grits, cake mixes, and other similar processed dried or grain products.

                The first step in controlling Food Product Pests is to locate the source of the infestation.  All susceptible foods should be thoroughly inspected and infested items be discarded.  You need to take the time to go through the pantry and inspect those items in question. 

                Insects in infested foods may be killed by heat or cold if the item is of value and need to be saved.  Invested foods may be placed in an oven at 130 degrees for 30 minutes or into a freezer at 0 degrees for 4 days to kill live insects and their eggs.  If insects are out of the food package and active, you can vacuum or dry wipe up all insects and wash the area with warm soapy water. If insects reappear after you have inspected and discarded infested food items take the time to re-inspect and discard any new infested items and look for the source of the problem.

                The presence of Food Product Pests is not an indication of uncleanliness since the infestation of the food product was before you purchased the food product.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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            In the Sunshine State, the primary range for land snails is South Florida, which has consistently warm temperatures. Most land snails prefer moist climates and semi-aquatic habitats. Some of Florida's common snail species are exotic -- not native to the state -- and are considered pests in urban gardens.  Snails were brought to the U.S. from Europe in the 1850, with the idea that they would be a food, like they are over there. Instead, they became a prolific and very destructive pest.

            According to the University of Florida, there are two common garden snails in the state -- the garden Zachrysia and the Banded Caracol.  The Zachrysias Snail is a family of air-breathing land snails found throughout much of the tropics. A number of species are known from Central and South America and some Caribbean Islands. Three introduced species occur in Florida. The Banded Caracol Snail is a very distinctive species and cannot be confused with other species occurring in Florida due to its large size and banded color pattern. Although the introduction was first recorded in 1919, the presence of viable populations of this large species remained

unknown until it was rediscovered in 1991. Both snails, originally found in Cuba, were introduced to South Florida in the early 20th century. Garden Zachrysias,feast on small fruits and ornamental plants, while Banded Caracols, eat algae and decaying plants. Banded Caracols have shells that are 1 1/2 inches long. Garden Zachrysia shells are approximately 1 inch long.

            If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida and are annoyed by the presence of snails around your home and would like to rid yourself of this pest, call our office or look up our website at for information about our Snail repellant treatment. Remember Florida does not have to be shared with pests.


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Wednesday, July 23, 2014



Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority, including Scorpions.  Here in Southwest Florida we mostly see the Common Striped Scorpion.  It has 2 broad dark bands extending the length of the back on a yellowish brown body.  They usually grow to 1 ½ inches and normally live outdoors and only invade homes foraging for food.  They can live 3 to 5 years.

                Scorpions are flattened, crab like animals having 10 legs and a fleshy tail.  They have an upturned up stinger at the end of their tail.  There are over 1200 species of scorpions, but only 20 to 30 types are in the United States.  They are unique as they do not lay eggs and their young are born alive.  After they are born, the mother will carry them until their first molt.  Scorpions are most active at night hiding under boards, bark, rubbish, buildings of the ground, debris, under foliage growth, and palm fronds.

                Scorpion’s sting!  But, only sting when provoked or disturbed.  The sting of the Common Striped Scorpion is painful but not dangerous to our health except for those persons who exhibit allergic reactions to insect stings.  Normally, strong ammonia will help the pain and icing the sting will keep the swelling down. There have been no deaths from Scorpion stings in Florida. 

                Scorpions have poor eye sight and being nocturnal and predaceous, they feed on insects, spiders, or small animal wildlife.  They do not stalk their prey, but wait to grab it alive with their pinchers.

                Collier Pest Controls can help eliminate any Scorpion problem around your home with our “Collier Complete” pest control service.  We will treat all the cracks and crevices inside your home and broadcast spray the soffits, eaves, mulch beds, flower beds, entry ways, and a 5 to 10 perimeter around your home.   If you remove all areas Scorpions will hide listed above, around your home your will be protected from these silent invaders.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be 

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          Here in Southwest Florida the Brown Dog Tick is the most common tick found.  It is unusual among ticks, in that it can complete its entire life cycle indoors.  Infestations in houses can explode to very high levels quickly. A female tick can lay from 1,000 to 3,000 egg.  The eggs hatch in 19 to 60 days into six-legged, small larvae known as “seed ticks.” Adults have been known to live for as long as 200 days without a blood meal. The Brown Dog Tick rarely causes disease in humans; only a few cases are known. In dogs, symptoms of canine ehrlichiosis include lameness and fever; those for babesiosis include fever, anorexia and anemia. Both have been found in Florida.

          Typically, a few ticks are brought into the house or kennel. The early stages of the infestation, when only a few individuals are present, are often missed completely. The first indication the dog owner has that there is a problem is when they start noticing ticks crawling up the walls or curtains!

                If you find yourself with a tick infestation in your home, a strategy that involves landscape management to create an environment unsuitable for tick survival is necessary. Simple measures can be taken to provide a tick-free environment.  Keep the grass mowed, remove all the leaf litter, brush, and weeds at the edge of the lawn, trim tree branches and shrubs around the edge of the lawn, and manage pet activity by trying to keep cats and dogs out of the woods and in a contained area. Try to keep wildlife away from your pet’s activity area by fencing the habitat.

          If a heavy tick infestation occurs, it is necessary to treat pets, home, and yard at the same time.  Control of ticks, starts with the host through on pet treatments, insecticide applications inside the house to all active areas, and insecticide broadcast lawn treatments. Dogs should be examined regularly and attached ticks removed and disposed of.

          Outdoors, infested areas should be treated by applying a broadcast treatment of insecticide to the landscape. Collier Pest Control offers a thorough Tick Lawn Treatment to broadcast spray your lawn, mulch beds, flower beds, tree trucks, fences, hedges, and the sides of any buildings in the treatment area.  Special treatment efforts are given to areas frequented by pets.  Pets should be kept off treated surfaces until dry.

          If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida and are finding Ticks in or around your home, call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a full explanation of our Brown Dog Tick Treatments to the Lawn or Home, or look us up on our website at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014




            Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority, including Silverfish and Firebrats. Both Silverfish and Firebrats are common household pests that can cause damage in homes by eating foods or other materials that are high in protein, sugar, or starch.   Silverfish will eat cereals, moist wheat and flour, paper on which there is glue or paste, sizing in paper and bookbinding’s, starch in clothing and rayon fabrics.

                Both Silverfish and Firebrats have flattened bodies, broad at the front and tapering gradually toward the rear (carrot shaped).  They both have three long slender appendages found at the rear of the body and two long slender antennae attached to their heads.  Both are wingless with their bodies covered with scales.  Silverfish are shiny silver gray or pearl gray in color and Firebrats are mottled gray in color.  Both are active at night and hide during the day.

                Silverfish live and develop in damp cool places such as baseboards, bookcases, closets, window and door frames.  Large numbers of Silverfish may be found in newly constructed buildings in which the newly plastered walls are still damp.

                Firebrats live and develop in hot damp places such as around furnaces, fireplaces, hot water pipes and heaters, insulation, and outdoor mulch beds.

                Collier Pest Control can eliminate unwanted Silverfish and Firebrats with our “Collier Complete” pest control service.  We will treat all the cracks and crevices inside your home and broadcast spray the eaves, soffits, mulch beds, flower beds, entry ways, and 5 to 10 feet perimeter around the outside of your home.

                Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on line at  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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            Worldwide, rats and mice spread over 35 diseases. These diseases can be spread to humans directly, through handling of rodents, through contact with rodent feces, urine, or saliva, or through rodent bites. Diseases carried by rodents can also be spread to humans indirectly, through ticks, mites or fleas that have fed on an infected rodent. The primary strategy for preventing human exposure to rodent diseases is effective rodent control in and around the home. This is achieved by eliminating any food sources, sealing even the smallest entries into homes, and successfully trapping rodents inside and baiting outside around the home. 

            The first step is to inspect for rodent entry areas inside and outside the home.  Collier Pest Control offers rodent proofing inspections for your home or business.  We look for gaps or holes that are ¼” or larger.  We inspect around the pipes going to hot water heaters and furnaces, around floor vents and dryer vents, inside the attic, in the roof among the rafters, gables, and eaves, around windows, attic vents and crawl space vents, and around holes for electrical, plumbing, cable, and gas lines.  We also inspect areas of concern outside the home including trees and hedges near home, shingles, roof ventilators and vent screens to be sure they are secure and undamaged, and chimneys.

            Once Collier Pest Control completes a thorough rodent proofing inspection, we can offer you suggestions and answers on what we can do for you to rodent proof your home from invading rodents.  We can explain to you how we will repair the entry areas of your home and the methods we will use to rid you of any active rodent activity inside your home at the present.         If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control for a full explanation on our rodent control program or look us up on our website at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with pests!

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Monday, July 21, 2014




            The Paper Wasp gets its name from the paper like material of which they construct their nests.  This wasp is recognized by its 5/8 to3/4 inch brownish to black bodies with yellow or red markings.  The Paper Wasps hang their comb nests under twigs and branches of trees and shrubs which can cause concern when ornamental shrubs and hedges are trimmed or fruit is being picked form trees.  They also like to hang their nests from porch ceilings, the top member of window and door frames, soffits, eaves, attic rafters, deck floor joists and railings, play ground equipment, almost any protected place imaginable.  If the nest is contacted or disturbed, the Paper Wasps on the nest at the time will defend the nest vigorously and the offender of the nest will probably get stung.  If in a breeze or wind when the Paper Wasps get disturbed, stand still and the wasps will fly around but will not follow you.  If you run the vacuum of wind from your movement will lead the wasps to you and you will get stung.  These wasps are beneficial insects by helping to control many types of insect pests.  If you need to control these wasps, it is essential that you control and kill the adults early in the morning or at night when all the wasps will be tending to the nest, then remove the nest.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, for a full explanation about bees, wasps or on any of our services or look us up on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.


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                Drywood Termites as well as other termites dwell in Florida.  Drywood Termites infest dry wood and do not require contact with the soil.  Other types of termites need to nest in the soil in order to survive. 

                Drywood Termites are a social insect that live in colonies.  The colonies are composed of kings, queens and soldiers.  There is no worker caste of termite as in other types of termites. The work or foraging for food is done by the immature termites before they become adults.  These nymphs, the immature termites, which are most numerous castes, are white and wingless.  Kings and Queens Termites perform the reproductive function of the colony.  They are light to dark brown and 1/3 to one inch in length.  The Soldiers guard the colony against invaders such as ants.  They are white and wingless with large brownish heads and jaws.  The soldiers and immature remain inside the wood at all times.

                Drywood Termites are more common along coastal areas, although they are also found inland.  Drywood Termite food consists of cellulose obtained from wood.  Infestations of Drywood Termites may be found in almost any product containing cellulose.  They are most commonly found infesting attics, window sills, door frames, woodwork in buildings and furniture.

                Detecting Drywood Termites infestations may be noticed in several ways.  One way is during the early months of the year.  Drywood Termite Kings and Queens emerge from the colonies as swarms.  The purpose of these swarms is to establish new colonies.  The appearance of winged termites in the home is an indication of probable infestation; however, they may have come in from outside.  Swarming termites are attracted to light.  Swarming termites may be found around window sills or lights.  Shortly after emerging from the colony, swarming termites land and lose their wings.  If the swarming termites do not find a suitable nesting area, they will die.

                A common way to detect Drywood Termites is that Drywood Termites unlike other types of termites excrete pellets of partly digested wood.  These pellets are straw-colored to reddish brown and about the size of sand.  The pellets are pushed from the galleries and found on are surfaces beneath the infested wood.

An experienced eye can detect Drywood Termites in an advanced stage of infestation from surface blistering.  Drywood Termites sometimes tunnel close to the surface giving the wood a blistered appearance. 

                Preventative measures for the Drywood Termite is limited at best.  Any opening to windows and attics should be screened.  Any cracks or voids should be caulked or filled with wood filler.  The use of termite resistant woods such as Redwood, Bald Cypress, Mahogany, Spanish cedar, and commercial pressure treated wood will resist Drywood Termites for several years until weathering makes it susceptible to infestation.

                Drywood Termites require a completely different control method; therefore’ the infestation must be correctly identified first.  If detected in the early stages and damage is localized, a Drywood Termite colony may be controlled by removing and replacing the damaged wood or by the application of a termite labeled insecticide.  If the infestation is too extensive and advanced for local treatment, it will be necessary to tent and fumigate the entire building.  This method can be costly and leaves no residual protection; it is usually the only alternative when many large termite colonies are present.

                We live in a sea of Termites here in Florida.  It’s not if you will get a termite problem, It is when will you get a termite problem.  The University of Florida states that, 2/3’s of all new homes in Florida will have a termite problem within 5 years.  To protect your home, have a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION performed yearly from Collier Pest Control.  Then consider one of our economic protective termite services to protect your valuable home form unwanted damage and stress.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, for a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION and a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Sunday, July 20, 2014



THE BROWN WIDOW:  is a common type of widow Spider here in Southwest Florida, also.  They are identified from Southern Black Widow Spiders by the hourglass markings on the underside of the abdomen being either orange or yellow in color.  The body of the Brown Widow Spider varies in color from gray to light brown or black.

            The Brown Widow Spiders are usually found in and on buildings in well lighted areas and other areas that are not frequented often.

                The bite of the Brown Widow is like any widow Spider usually feels like a pin prick. The initial pain will disappear and back usually begin within 15 minutes to 3 hours.  If severe pain to the abdomen, nausea, sweating, or difficulty in breathing occur, seek medical attention immediately.

Collier Pest Control’s Spider treatment will eliminate unwanted Spider problems and their webs for a period of 6 months.  We will treat all the areas Spiders will cling and make webs such as; the eaves, soffits, doors, windows, gutters, garage, construction décor changes in the walls, and your pool cage.  We can keep your home as pristine clean as the day it was build.

                Collier Pest Control can control these pests with our “Collier Complete” pest control service.  This service thoroughly treats all the cracks and crevices the inside of your home and completes the service with a broadcast spraying of the eaves, soffits, flowerbeds, entry ways, and 5 to 10 feet around your home.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida and see Spiders or other Florida Problem Pests call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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                The Big Headed Ant is a very successful invasive species that is sometimes considered a danger to native ants and has been nominated as one of the 100 "World's Worst" invaders.  Big Head Ants has been a pest in southern Florida for many years, and according to reports by pest control operators, it is becoming an even more pervasive nuisance as it displaces other ants.  Big Head Ants can be found nesting in disturbed soils, lawns, flowerbeds, under objects, such as bricks, cement slabs, flower pots, around trees or water pipes, along the base of structures, and walkways, where displaced soil is usually observed from the action of ants digging below the surface.  It is possible that the increase in Big Head Ant infestations was augmented by several years of excessive hurricane activity in Florida that damaged lawns and killed trees which necessitated the use of increased amounts of sod and other replacement vegetation that may have been infested with this ant. The Big Head Ant does not sting or cause any structural damage, and usually does not bite unless the nest is disturbed, and even then, the bite is not painful.

          Big Head Ants are a soil-nesting ant that leaves piles of loose sandy soil. Homeowners are annoyed by these "dirt piles" and by ants foraging in bathrooms, kitchens, around doors, and windows, as well as on exterior paved or brick walkways or driveways. Control of Big Head Ants is difficult because the ant colonies are numerous and populations usually extend across property lines. The Big Head Ant receives its common name from the large-sized head of the major worker, or "soldier." Minor workers are small reddish brown ants.

          Collier Pest Control Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority has developed a successful 3 step treatment method to eliminate and control Big Head Ants.  We will treat your lawn with growth regulator materials to eliminate the development of queens producing new ants and stop the development of the larva stage (the baby ants) from growing up into adult Big Head Ants. With the addition of interior ant baiting, this 3 step lawn treatment will eliminate Big Head Ants quickly and is guaranteed for a full 90 days. 

          Collier Pest Control can continue to keep the Big Head Ants away with a quarterly Big Head Ant Lawn Maintenance program and stop all unwanted Big Head Ants from moving back into your home and lawn.

          If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, or anywhere in beautiful Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a full explanation on our exclusive Big Head Ant Lawn Treatments or on any of our services.  All our services and most of Florida’s problem pests are also on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Saturday, July 19, 2014



          The Brown Banded Cockroach prefers to live indoors, like the German Cockroach.  It is small, rarely more than ½ inches long.  The Brown Banded Cockroach can be distinguished from the German Cockroach by two lighter, transverse bands across the base of the wings on its abdomen.  They are quite active, and readily fly when disturb, unlike the German Cockroach which cannot fly.  Nymphs and adults may jump to escape if in danger.  The Brown Banded Cockroach are prefers dryer non food handling area areas to live in, like cabinets, dressers, door frames, compared to the German Cockroach that lives in and around food handling and high moisture areas.  When seeing any problem pest insect.  A careful identification needs to be made to make sure you will treat for the pest properly and effectively.

            Call Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services.  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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                Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, recognizes the need to offer an option for a GREEN PEST CONTROL SERVICE that offers a no spray, non-organophosphate pest control treatment.  Collier Pest Control searched for an alternative GREEN PEST CONTROL method, a new environmentally sensitive system that offers a no spraying system.

                Collier Pest Control developed and offers the Enviro-Care Pest Control Treatment done Natures Way!  A totally new concept of doing pest control.  NO SPRAYING PESTICIDES, NO ORGANOPHOSPAHATES, NO CARBAMATES, NO CHLORINATED HYDROCARBONS, and absolutely no odors inside your home or business!  This new and exciting treatment gives everyone an alternative GREEN PEST CONTROL SERVICE when concerned over the use of spraying pesticide treatments in their home.  The Enviro-Care treatment puts greater emphasis on non-chemical methods of controlling insects.  This new method consists of a thorough evaluation and inspection of your home or business with the use of biological, organic, and mechanical means to trap, repel, and bait to control insects.

                If you have had concerns or are opposed to the old fashion methods of pest control spraying treatments, The Enviro-Care Treatment from Collier Pest Control will meet your needs. 

                Insects and rodents compete with us for our food supply, destroy or damage property, and can spread diseases.  You can protect your health and property from pests without compromising your environment to chemical pesticides.

                Collier Pest Control, using the Enviro-Care Treatment, done Natures Way, will treat the cracks and voids of your home or business.  We’ll also treat the windows, door frames, plumbing and electrical pipes, cabinets and vanities, and your attic.  Collier Pest Control will finish the service with a non chemical perimeter outside treatment to the surroundings of your home or business.  The Enviro-Care Treatment will protect your home or business against most of Southwest Florida’s crawling insects for a period of up to 180 days, that’s  six months of protection.

                Don’t let unwanted insects compromise your beliefs or spoil your Beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  You now can protect your home or business in a ALL NEW GREEN PEST CONTROL SERVICE, without old fashion spraying methods, with the Enviro-Care Treatment, done Natures Way.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation of all our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Friday, July 18, 2014



OnFast.Com is an internet marketing program for small business to get a broad base internet exposure for your business simply and inexpensively.

Collier Pest Control has used OnFast.Com since May 4th, 2011to promote our services on the internet. set up for us a Facebook Business account, a Twitter account, and a Blog account that I can send our information to the internet I would like to promote.

How I use OnFast.Com is to copy and paste problem pest information sheets that we offer to our customers that educate them to our services and Florida’s problem pests.  I post 4 pest information sheets daily on a very simple template previously set up on the OnFast.Com program.  I then pick a day and time I wish the information to be available and click on a send Icon and these postings go to the Facebook Business Account, Twitter Account, Blog Account, and a link to our web site.  By doing these information postings about our business and services 2 things happen, first many people from all over the world see our information and comment on it through our web site, second and most important fact is that the postings exposure us to the servers on Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, and others  to see new and fresh information daily on all of these accounts and after continued daily postings over a long period of time, your web site information is pushed to the first page on the organic listings of the topic a potential customer is looking for.

What makes this program work for us is the daily postings which we have done over the last 2 years.  We now receive over 60% of our new customers from the internet and not just our web site.  The new customers typed into the internet a subject related to our business and we came up on the first page of the organic listings to choose from.

If you are looking for more customers without spending a fortune to advertisers or internet marketing firms, I highly suggest contacting OnFast.Com and giving it a try.  You must be committed to use it daily and repeatedly.  If you do you will see the increase in new customer calls within a few months.

Look us up, Collier Pest Control Facebook Business, Twitter, and Blog accounts to see how my daily postings give us internet exposure or you can contact me at Collier Pest Control at 239-455-4300 or email us at phil.hadley@collierpestcontrol.  I will explain how I use OnFast.Com to our benefit.

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          The Brown Anole is similar looking but more abundant than the Green Anole.  It was accidentally introduced from the West Indies. The brown anole is native to Cuba and the Bahamas, it was first observed in the Florida Keys in 1887. It arrived in the major seaports of South Florida during the 1940s and had become firmly established in most large urbanized areas south of Gainesville by 1980. This species thrives in disturbed habitats and ornamental plantings but can potentially inhabit almost any inland or coastal habitat in Florida. It is apparently the most abundant anole over much of the southern half of peninsular Florida, and populations now occur in every county in peninsular Florida.  Cold winters reduce these northern populations but enough individuals usually survive to maintain viable populations.  This exotic species varies from yellowish tan to brown in color, and is never green.  The Brown Anole has a more blunt snout than the Green Anole.  Like their green cousins, male Brown anoles use a throat fan for marking territory or attracting mates, their fan is bright red. Some experimental evidence suggest that the brown anole is primarily responsible for reduced numbers of green anoles, particularly in human-altered habitats where adult male brown anoles sometimes prey upon smaller green anoles. Brown Anoles are often seen on the walls of buildings, rocks and logs.  When threatened, they flee to the ground to hide, but will dash rapidly forward to grab their food.  The diet of Brown Anoles may include ants, roaches, spiders, beetles, and other small prey.

            If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, or anywhere in beautiful Southwest Florida and are having a problem with lizards or any other problem pest call, 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation to any of our services, or look us up on our website at  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Thursday, July 17, 2014



            Fleas are pest to humans and their domestic animals all over the world.  While most fleas prefer non-human hosts, many can and do feed on humans when infestations are heavy or when other hosts are not readily available.

                Fleas are small, wingless parasitic insects that are extremely well adapted to their environment.  The first step toward effective control is recognizing two very important factors.  First, the 4 stages of the flea life cycle (egg, larva, pupa, and adult) have to be broken or stopped.  Second, the flea population must be controlled everywhere it exists, on the pet, inside the home, and out in the yard.

                1.  THE EGG STAGE

                The eggs are laid loosely and singly on the host.  The eggs are not sticky so when the host shakes, scratches, or moves around the eggs will be deposited in all areas where the hosts rest, sleeps, and is active.

                2.  THE LARVAL STAGE

                Flea larva is whitish, legless, and worm like.  Unlike adult fleas, the larvae are free living (non-parasitic) with chewing mouth parts and feed on material available in their environment.   It is necessary for successful development of the larva to feed on organic debris and the adult flea excrement containing dried blood which composes the main diet of the flea larva. Larvae are more sensitive to temperature and humidity than the eggs.  Low humidity, less than 50%, is fatal for flea larvae.  The larval period normally lasts 7-15 days, but can be as long as several months if the environment is less favorable.

                3.  THE PUPAL STAGE

                Unlike the egg and larval stage, the pupa stage is very resilient to harsh conditions.  The cocoon serves to protect the pupa from predators and also acts as a barrier against insecticides.  Within the cocoon the pupa changes into a pre-emerged adult flea.  Adults will emerge from the pupa case in 5-7 days under favorable conditions.  In adverse conditions, the pupae and pre-emerged adults can lay quiet within the cocoon for up to a full year.   Flea emergence can be stimulated by body warmth of the host and the pressure made by a host walking on the pre-emerged adult within the cocoon, increased temperatures and mechanical disturbances.

                4.  THE ADULT STAGE

                The adult flea has well developed legs for jumping.  Adults have piercing-sucking mouth parts and are usually ready to take a blood meal, their only source of food, 24-48 hours after emerging from the cocoon.  Adult fleas spend 90% of their life on the host and feed many times a day.  On average, the female flea lays 15-20 eggs per day for the 10-14 days that she is fertile.

                For an effective flea program to stop any re-infestation of fleas in all areas, the pet, the home, and the yard must be treated.  Pets drop flea eggs anywhere at any time.  After hatching, the flea larva then can migrate to dark low traffic areas where food is available.  All stages of the flea can be carried throughout the house in the laundry, on people or on their clothing.  Also, if the infested pet frequently travels in the family vehicle it may be necessary to treat the vehicle as well.  Outdoor treatment is also necessary when the pets are allowed outside.

                Although nearly all adult fleas present at the time of service will be controlled, don’t be alarmed if you see some fleas within a few days to three weeks after treatment.  These are newly emerged adults from the cocoon of the pupa stage.  If these conditions are present after treatment, control the new adults on the pet with bathing or a pet flea insecticide.  Any flea prevention program must include regular grooming and bathing of the pet.  If the pet is not being treated regularly, you could see constant sighting of fleas.  Your home and your yard would not be re-infested but your pet would be infested.

                To insure a continuous protection from fleas on your home and yard, we recommend that you renew your flea services at the end of each guarantee period.  If you are looking for a dependable knowledgeable exterminator and live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Control Authority, for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our service, or look us up on our web site at  Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle!  Remember, Florida does not have to be share with insects!

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            BUGS AND PARTIES DON’T MIX!!  So, if your planning an outdoor event, don’t forget to protect your guests against biting or crawling insects.

            Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida’s Pest Authority, can help make your outdoor event a sparkling success!  We can eliminate the annoying bug problems that can accompany an outdoor gathering.  We will treat all outside foliage, turf, and structures for crawling insects, and put out flying insect equipment to attract and trap flying insects.  These specially designed materials will eliminate crawling and flying insects without risk to you or your guests.

            Call us before your outdoor event. Our office staff can plan convenient times to come treat your outdoor areas.  Collier Pest Control’s Outdoor Event Protection treatment is simple, convenient, affordable, and will leave you with a peace of mind! 

            If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 for more details on this or any other of our protective services or look us up on our web site at Don’t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida outdoor event!  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!  

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014




            Worldwide, rats and mice spread over 35 diseases. These diseases can be spread to humans directly, through handling of rodents, through contact with rodent feces, urine, or saliva, or through rodent bites. Diseases carried by rodents can also be spread to humans indirectly, through ticks, mites or fleas that have fed on an infected rodent. The primary strategy for preventing human exposure to rodent diseases is effective rodent control in and around the home. This is achieved by eliminating any food sources, sealing even the smallest entries into homes, and successfully trapping rodents inside and baiting outside around the home. 

            The first step is to inspect for rodent entry areas inside and outside the home.  Collier Pest Control offers rodent proofing inspections for your home or business.  We look for gaps or holes that are ¼” or larger.  We inspect around the pipes going to hot water heaters and furnaces, around floor vents and dryer vents, inside the attic, in the roof among the rafters, gables, and eaves, around windows, attic vents and crawl space vents, and around holes for electrical, plumbing, cable, and gas lines.  We also inspect areas of concern outside the home including trees and hedges near home, shingles, roof ventilators and vent screens to be sure they are secure and undamaged, and chimneys.

            Once Collier Pest Control completes a thorough rodent proofing inspection, we can offer you suggestions and answers on what we can do for you to rodent proof your home from invading rodents.  We can explain to you how we will repair the entry areas of your home and the methods we will use to rid you of any active rodent activity inside your home at the present.         If you live in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control for a full explanation on our rodent control program or look us up on our website at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with pests!

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