Tuesday, July 31, 2012



            The White Footed ant is native to tropical Asia, but has been inadvertently introduce into South Florida.  The White Footed Ant arrived in the Homestead are of Florida in 1986, followed by rapidly spreading up and out expanding throughout the rest of South Florida.

                The White Footed Ants are relatively small ants with a black body and yellowish-white feet, called tibia and tarsi.  These ants do not bite or sting, nor have they been reported to cause any type of structural damage.  They are just a nuisance ant attracted to sweet foods.  Thus, it is common to find them foraging indoors around kitchens and bathrooms, and outside on hedges infested with honeydew producing insects, such as aphid and scales.

                White Footed Ants in Southwest Florida for many pest control companies, have been extremely difficult to control because of several characteristics of their biology.  One big problem is that they establish colonies of well over a million ants, over half being worker ants.  Workers ants are sterile females that are responsible for foraging for food and caring for the nest.  Another problem is that food ingested by the worker ants is never shared back in the colony, as like most every other type of ant.  These sterile worker ants are capable of laying unfertilized eggs.  These Thinner more fragile non fertile eggs are what the worker ants, larva, and queens in the colony use as their food source, therefore, any toxic bait to kill off ants never reach the ants in a White Foot Ant colony, and only affect the foraging worker ants that eat the insect killing baits.

                While White Foote Ants are not directly harmful to humans or pets, their presence within the home is a nuisance. Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, has developed a 3-step 6-week treatment method to eliminate unwanted White Foote Ants from you home and property.  Collier Pest Control will first use insect killing baits inside you home and attic to eliminate any activity being seen inside your home.  Then we will treat the immediate sides of your home with special insect killing materials to kill any trailing White Foot Ant attempting to enter your home.  The 3-stage of this treatment method is to use special insect killing materials up to 30 or 40 feet around your home, killing off all activity trailing toward your home.  Collier Pest Control will follow up with a service treatment each week for 5 more weeks insuring that no White Foot Ants are infested or entering your home.

                If you have been run out of your home by unwanted White Foot Ants and live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control for a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don't let insect spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida doesn't have to be shared with insects.

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Monday, July 30, 2012



                Drywood Termites as well as other termites dwell in Florida.  Drywood Termites infest dry wood and do not require contact with the soil.  Other types of termites need to nest in the soil in order to survive. 

                Drywood Termites are a social insect that live in colonies.  The colonies are composed of kings, queens and soldiers.  There is no worker caste of termite as in other types of termites. The work or foraging for food is done by the immature termites before they become adults.  These nymphs, the immature termites, which are most numerous castes, are white and wingless.  Kings and Queens Termites perform the reproductive function of the colony.  They are light to dark brown and 1/3 to one inch in length.  The Soldiers guard the colony against invaders such as ants.  They are white and wingless with large brownish heads and jaws.  The soldiers and immature remain inside the wood at all times.

                Drywood Termites are more common along coastal areas, although they are also found inland.  Drywood Termite food consists of cellulose obtained from wood.  Infestations of Drywood Termites may be found in almost any product containing cellulose.  They are most commonly found infesting attics, window sills, door frames, woodwork in buildings and furniture.

                Detecting Drywood Termites infestations may be noticed in several ways.  One way is during the early months of the year.  Drywood Termite Kings and Queens emerge from the colonies as swarms.  The purpose of these swarms is to establish new colonies.  The appearance of winged termites in the home is an indication of probable infestation; however, they may have come in from outside.  Swarming termites are attracted to light.  Swarming termites may be found around window sills or lights.  Shortly after emerging from the colony, swarming termites land and lose their wings.  If the swarming termites do not find a suitable nesting area, they will die.

                A common way to detect Drywood Termites is that Drywood Termites unlike other types of termites excrete pellets of partly digested wood.  These pellets are straw-colored to reddish brown and about the size of sand.  The pellets are pushed from the galleries and found on are surfaces beneath the infested wood.

An experienced eye can detect Drywood Termites in an advanced stage of infestation from surface blistering.  Drywood Termites sometimes tunnel close to the surface giving the wood a blistered appearance. 

                Preventative measures for the Drywood Termite is limited at best.  Any opening to windows and attics should be screened.  Any cracks or voids should be caulked or filled with wood filler.  The use of termite resistant woods such as Redwood, Bald Cypress, Mahogany, Spanish cedar, and commercial pressure treated wood will resist Drywood Termites for several years until weathering makes it susceptible to infestation.

                Drywood Termites require a completely different control method; therefore' the infestation must be correctly identified first.  If detected in the early stages and damage is localized, a Drywood Termite colony may be controlled by removing and replacing the damaged wood or by the application of a termite labeled insecticide.  If the infestation is too extensive and advanced for local treatment, it will be necessary to tent and fumigate the entire building.  This method can be costly and leaves no residual protection; it is usually the only alternative when many large termite colonies are present.

                We live in a sea of Termites here in Florida.  It's not if you will get a termite problem, It is when will you get a termite problem.  The University of Florida states that, 2/3's of all new homes in Florida will have a termite problem within 5 years.  To protect your home, have a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION performed yearly from Collier Pest Control.  Then consider one of our economic protective termite services to protect your valuable home form unwanted damage and stress.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, for a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION and a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Sunday, July 29, 2012




            First and foremost, DO NOT EAT WILD MUSHROOMS unless you are ABSOLUTELY sure you have identified the mushroom correctly and know that it is edible.  Many common lawn mushrooms are poisonous.  If you must eat a wild mushroom, leave one in case the poison control center needs an sample of what you ate.

            Mushrooms are truly unique organism, and their ability to recycle agricultural wastes, tree stumps, and other decomposing matter is usually not fully appreciated because they tend to do it right in the middle of our well cared for lawns!

            Mushrooms, sometimes called toadstools, are the reproductive (fruiting) structures of some kinds of fungi.  Many fungi do not produce visible fruiting structures, including those that cause many lawn diseases.  Most fungi in lawns however, are beneficial because they decompose organic matter, thereby releasing nutrients that are then available for plant growth.  Lawn mushrooms feed off decaying matter such as: old mulch, animal waste, rotting, tree stumps, or muck from newly laid sod.

            The mushrooms that you see are not the whole fungus.  You are in fact seeing the fruiting body, which has a prime function of spreading spores to create new colonies.  It is what's going on under the ground that keeps the fungus alive.  Most mushrooms reproduce by releasing thousands of spores through their gills into open air for dispersion into the environment.

            Most mushrooms do not harm your lawn nor cause any damage.  But to rid you lawn of mushrooms, first find out why they are there.  Over watering, organic material in the soil, spores being blown in from a neighbor lawn, or decaying foliage near the lawn.

            Just mowing the mushrooms down will only spread the spores and give you more mushrooms.  To rid your lawn of mushrooms try reducing the water irrigating to a mininium to dry out the soil.  Thatch the lawn of excess lawn clippings and foliage to let the soil breathe and dry out.  Hand pick each mushroom with a plastic bag, not to let the spores drop on the ground.  If mushrooms are associated with a lawn fungus called Fairy Ring.  Have the lawn treated with the proper fungicide by a professional pest control operator.  If there is no sign of other damaging fungi on your lawn, you can sometimes eliminate mushrooms growing from organic matter by applying nitrogen fertilizer.  This helps, because fertilization speeds up decomposition of organic matter.  If you fertilize with nitrogen and there is damaging fungi on your lawn, the nitrogen will cause the damaging fungi to spread quickly thorough out the lawn.  Or, rather than trying to kill mushrooms, enjoy their beauty and just what till the weather or environment changes and the mushrooms just stop returning.

            Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, can help you with mushrooms or lawn fungus.  We can identify the source of your problem and either provide a treatment to eliminate the fungus or give you mechanical or physical methods to reduce the moisture in the lawn to help with the mushrooms.

            If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call Collier Pest Control for a full explanation on any of our services or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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            Sometimes referred to as "red coats", "chinches," or "mahogany flats," bed bugs are appearing in great numbers in all parts of our society.  From upper income homes, hotels, businesses, apartments, even hospitals.  Infestations reports are up 5000 percent, due to international travel and the loss of DDT as an insecticide control product.

            The nightmare begins when a bed bug finds its way into your clothing; it now can start almost anywhere.  It only takes one bed bug to hitch a ride on your clothing (furniture, suitcase, etc.) to infest your residence. What's worse is that bed bugs can live up to one year without any further blood feedings.  

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, can help you with a quick and easy treatment to get you back in order in just one day!  Collier Pest Control can provide the proven guaranteed Bed Bug Heat Treatment to any room you have an infestation with.  In Just a few short hours and your room is ready to be used again without throwing away any furniture or bedding!

Yes, the Collier Pest Control's Bed Bug Heat Treatment will Heat Treat the infested furniture such as:  mattress, box springs, bed frame, head board, upholstered furniture, draperies, drapery rods, and any other furniture Bed Bug infested.  We will also chemically treat all the cracks, crevices, voids, and carpet for Bed Bugs throughout the rest of the room.  This whole process will only take a few hours and your Bed Bug problem will then be gone without throwing away any furniture or bedding!  There are only a few pest control operators skilled enough to provide this New Bed Bug Heat Treatment properly, and now Collier Pest Control can offer this amazing treatment to you now, here in our beautiful Southwest Florida.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida and think you may have bed bugs call Collier Pest Control today 239-455-4300 or look us up on line at collierpestcontrol.com, for a complete explanation of this amazing new Bed Bug Heat Treatment or any of our services.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Saturday, July 28, 2012



            Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, is proud of its 20 plus years of successful service here in Southwest Florida.  Our Mission Statement has always been, To offer the most advanced, complete general household pest control service available.  We have continued through the years to add new materials and methods to provide you with the latest and best methods of pest control available to all of us here in Southwest Florida.

                Our Collier Complete general household pest control service is the most thorough pest control service available.  It starts with a detailed crack and crevice treatment of baits, dusts, and graduals throughout your house or business.  We look and inspect your home or business for areas of risk to apply insect controlling materials to protect you and your property for the guaranteed period. 

                With this service we apply a long lasting protective material to the soffits, under each window, and 8 to 10 feet around the perimeter of your home or business, including mulch and flower beds.  This material will control and prevent unwanted pest invaders from interring your home or business.

                We offer with all Collier Complete Services Free rodent control, attic dusting, ant baiting, and annual termite inspections.

                The Collier Complete general household service also offers Free termite monitors around your home which we check every 90 days to alter you of a potential risk to your home or business.  This service also offers a complete spider wipe down of excessive spider webs on your soffits and foyers.

                Collier Pest Control's service technicians are the most thoroughly trained technicians in Southwest Florida.  Each service technician completes a rigorous 2 week academic training, continuous on the job supervision and training, monthly training sessions with national representatives from products we use and ongoing information sheets and questionnaire training of specialized information from our industry.  All of this is to offer you our customer the best most advanced general household pest control service available here in beautiful Southwest Florida.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 for complete explanations on any of our many services, or look us up on line at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects
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                FED UP!  Tired of seeing Carpenter Ants in your home?  Sick of spraying those awful smelling insecticides? Trying to kill off what seems to be a never ending army of silent invaders?

                NO PROBLEM! Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, has a  highly developed method of Carpenter Ant Control that can rid you of your nightly aggravations.  As the population of Florida continues to grow and building development extends into previously undisturbed land, ant and insect sightings in homes are on the rise.

                The Florida Carpenter Ant is a large ant, up to 1/2 inch long, with its head and thorax brown, and abdomen black.  The reputation of this ant being a house wrecker is all fable.  The Florida Carpenter Ant does not eat wood, as termites do.  They will, however, excavate galleries in previously damaged wood from moisture, termites, or dry rot.  The Florida Carpenter Ant feeds on honeydew produced from aphids, other insects, and household scraps.

                The Florida Carpenter Ant nests in the ground beneath root systems, rotting logs, tree stumps, mulch beds, tree cavities or any moisture area.  These ants foliage indoors for water, food, or to form a satellite colony. This satellite colony is a secondary colony to support the main colony.

                Collier Pest Control will control these swiftly moving nocturnal pests by eliminating the satellite colonies in your home, killing other colonies around your home and applying carpenter ant repealing materials to keep all unwanted guests from returning to your home.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control today for an estimate and a complete explanation on how this new method of Carpenter Ant treatment will work for you, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com..  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Friday, July 27, 2012




            Springtails are minute wingless insects that occur in large numbers in moist soil and are found in homes with very high humidity, organic debris, or mold.  Homeowners sometimes discover these insects in large numbers in swimming pools, potted plants, or in moist soil and mulch.  Springtails feed on decaying, damp vegetation causing organic material and other nutrients to return to the soil which are later used by plants.

            Springtails range in length from .25 to 6 millimeter and range in color from white to yellow, gray, or blue gray.  They are unique in the fact that attached to the tip of their abdomen is a forked appendage called the tenaculum, resembling a lever.  When disturbed, this lever strikes the ground, causing the insect to spring into the air.            They are capable of springing up to about 4 inches into the air, which is where they received their name.  Because of this jumping motion they are sometimes confused with fleas.

            These insects are pests due to their large numbers.  They do not bite or transmit diseases.  They can easily climb the sides of houses and are attracted to lights.  They can also be brought into homes in soil of potted plants.  Springtail populations have also been found floating in swimming pools. 

            Controlling Springtails can be as easy as drying out the soil and mulch around your home or misting the infested areas with a dishwashing soap in water.  Insecticides can be applied to control these pesky pests when great numbers show up.

            If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, for a full explanation on how to control Springtails or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Now no matter where termites are infesting, subterranean or drywood, inside or out, Termidor Dry can control all types of termites quickly, without the high cost of fumigating, drilling, or baiting.  Yes, if Termidor Dry's unique "Transfer Effect" transfers the active ingredients from one termite to another.  Eliminating the whole colony.

Because Termidor Dry is designed to be applied with precision directly to termite galleries in wood, carton nests, or shelter tubes from foundation to roof, it gets right to the heart of the problem-whether it is in a structural support member, window sill, or decorative wood trim.

Termidor Dry allows for treatments throughout structures including trees, fence posts, landscaping timbers, docks-almost anywhere you would find active termites.

Collier Pest Control can treat immediately to any infestation inside your home or business with this minimally invasive application method.  Termidor Dry can be applied through extremely small predrilled holes.  Now it is possible to treat isolated termite infestation without costly fumigating, drilling, or baiting.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida and think you have termites, or want a Free Termite Home Inspection call, 239-455-4300, for a full explanation of this NEW TERMIDOR DRY termite control method, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com for information any of Florida's problem pests.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Thursday, July 26, 2012





Yes, Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, has incorporated the all new VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT developed at the University of Florida.  This amazing new method of bed bug treatments allows you to keep all your furniture with very little inconvenience.  Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT places room heaters and box fans along with vapor strips, plus residual control materials in every room of your home or business.  These vapor strips penetrate all parts of each room, such as: closets, mattresses, headboards, couches, chairs, tables, carpet, draperies, wall pictures to kill off all bed bugs.

This amazing new VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT method controls and kills off all adult bed bugs and their eggs within 24 hours.  We set up treatment stations in every room of your home or business and the materials go to work.  You only need to be prepared to leave your home or business for a period of 27 hours for us to complete the VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT service. 

Collier Pest Control has 2 different methods of Bed Bug Control that saves your furniture.  Don't throw out your valuable furniture because of an unwanted bed bug infestation.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida and think you may have bed bugs call 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control for a full explanation of our amazing VAPOR BED BUG TREATMENT method or any other of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012





                Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, can full fill the needs of our community with a TRULY ORGANIC PEST CONTROL TREATMENT.  Collier Pest Control has for years recognize the need to offer an option for a GREEN PEST CONTROL SERVICE. We have offered our Envirocare Pest Control Natures Way for 20 years and for the last 10 years we have offered a TRULY ORGANIC PEST CONTROL TREATMENT.

            Insects and rodents compete with us for our food supply, destroy or damage property, and can spread diseases.  You can protect your health and property from pests without compromising your environment to chemical pesticides.

            Collier Pest Control developed and offers our ORGANIC PEST CONTROL TREATMENT to anyone who would like to keep their home environment free of any chemical presence or those who wants to qualify as an organic business or produces an organic product. 

              Our Organic Pest Control Treatment consists of a thorough evaluation and inspection of your home or business, making government approved graphs and charts, detailed government approved inspection forms, and a complete description plan of how each service will be performed and with an approved list of products and materials, including monitoring traps, that can be used in an ORGANIC PEST CONTROL TREATMENT.       

            If you have had concerns or are opposed to the old fashion methods of pest control spraying treatments, The ORGANIC PEST CONTROL Treatment from Collier Pest Control will meet your needs. 

                        Collier Pest Control's ORGANIC PEST CONTROL TREATMENT will inspect all the interior cracks and voids of your home or business.  We'll also inspect the windows, door frames, plumbing and electrical pipes, cabinets and vanities, storage rooms, shelving, and your attic, and only treat, or trap if insects are found.  We will finish the service with insect controlling materials on a perimeter outside treatment to the surroundings of your home or business.

            Don't let unwanted insects compromise your beliefs or spoil your Beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  You now can protect your home or business with Collier Pest Control's TRULY ORGANIC PEST CONTROL SERVICE, without old fashion spraying methods,

            If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 for a free estimate and a complete explanation of all our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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                Ants can be a nuisance here in Southwest Florida and one of the most persistent pest problems is the Crazy Ant.  This is a small brown to black ant about 1/10th inch long with a tremendous amount of energy.  The Crazy Ant got named from the habit of running about very erratically with no apparent sense of direction.  They are sometimes recognized by their extremely long legs and antennae out of proportion to the other parts of their body.  This unusual feature is a good identifying characteristic.

                The Crazy Ant is found in the ground, dead logs, fence posts, hollow trees, mulch, potted plants, small cracks, crevices and voids inside structures, and wanders throughout the building searching for food.  The Crazy ant is very adaptable of nesting habits.  They will nest in both moist and relatively dry environments.  They prefer to feed on animal mater, grease and other insects, but will readily eat sweets, of all kinds.  The workers will forage up to 100 feet or more from the colony in search of food.

                Each colony contains numerous queens.  The Crazy Ant colony is very mobile and will move from one site to a new site if conditions become unfavorable.  New colonies are produced by budding or splitting apart.  Budding occurs when one or more queens and a group of workers split away from the original colony to form a new colony.

                Treating or controlling Crazy Ants consists of three steps.  First, is to correct any condition contributing to the infestation, such as excess moisture. Then, is locating and treating existing colonies, using baits and spray insecticides.  Finally, is to establish barriers of residual insecticide around the structure to try to prevent new Crazy Ants from entering the building.

                Patience will normally results in success.  Locations of the colonies are important, but if they cannot be found, baiting and a perimeter treatment will give a temporary relief of the problem.  Your cooperation in locating the colonies is a key element to the success of this treatment.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services. Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012



                        Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority including Stored Food Product Pests.  There are several different types of Food Product Pests in Southwest Florida.  The most common are flour beetles, saw-toothed grain beetles, cigarette and drug store beetles, weevils, grain moths, Indian and Mediterranean flour moths, and psocids.

                Most of the Stored Food Product Pests in Florida can reproduce quickly all year. It is very unsettling to open a brand new package of something just to find it infested with insects.  How did they get into that package?  The answer is that they were in the package when the food product was processed at the factory.  Then when the age, humidity, and temperature of the food product get just right the insects hatch out. From the infested food packages, the pests may spread to other exposed food.

                These Food Product Pests are usually found living in dried fruit, spices, flour, bran,  dried vegetables, dried flowers, grains, milled cereal products, dried dog and cat food, nuts, candy, pasta, grits, cake mixes, and other similar processed dried or grain products.

                The first step in controlling Food Product Pests is to locate the source of the infestation.  All susceptible foods should be thoroughly inspected and infested items be discarded.  You need to take the time to go through the pantry and inspect those items in question. 

                Insects in infested foods may be killed by heat or cold if the item is of value and need to be saved.  Invested foods may be placed in an oven at 130 degrees for 30 minutes or into a freezer at 0 degrees for 4 days to kill live insects and their eggs.  If insects are out of the food package and active, you can vacuum or dry wipe up all insects and wash the area with warm soapy water. If insects reappear after you have inspected and discarded infested food items take the time to re-inspect and discard any new infested items and look for the source of the problem.

                The presence of Food Product Pests is not an indication of uncleanliness since the infestation of the food product was before you purchased the food product.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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            Bora-care is an affordable prevention treatment against most of Florida's crawling and wood destroying insects.  This amazing product is made from a natural mineral product mined from the earth and then micro filtered until it is 98% boron.  This is the same basic material that borax soap has been made from for years.  Bora-Care is safe.  It is less toxic and safer than table salt

                If you are building a new home, commercial building, or just at the being stage of thinking about building, it will pay you to consider having your new structure protected with a Bora-Care Protection treatment.  You will be investing a lot in your new structure.  Protect it for just a few dollars more with a Bora-Care Protection treatment.

                Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, will treat all the exposed wood beginning with the roof plywood, trusses, wall studs, soffits, fascia, window and door frames.  Bora-Care will soak deep into the wood giving the structure years of protection from crawling and wood damaging organisms such as; termites, beetles, brown and white rot, wood decaying fungi, carpenter ants, silverfish, and most any crawling insect that would come in contact with the treated areas.  We can only treat a building that is at the dried in stage.  Just after the roof has been covered, studs in place, soffit and fascia in place, and window and door frames in before the glass is installed.  We cannot service the structure after the glass and dry wall has been installed. .  This Bora-Care Protection treatment will last for the life of the building and give you years of protection and mental comfort against crawling and wood destroying insects.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Monday, July 23, 2012





Sometimes called the Flower Ant, the Floricola Ant is found in tropical and sub-tropical regions.  This small and slender ant is widely known to attack other insect eggs, including butterflies.  The Floricola Ant can be distinguished by their distinctive bi-colored body, with a pale thorax and darker brown head and gaster, and a clubbed 3 segmented antenna and 2 nodes between their thorax and their gaster. 

The Floricola is primarily forming large colonies in bushes, dry stems of grasses, and trees as well as in small voids or cracks in homes to varying degrees.  They are a common urban pest in most tropical countries.

The Floricola lives on living and dead insects.   Sucking the sap from insects and collecting honeydew off plants, giving them the generic name as the flower ant.

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, is thoroughly familiar with the Floricola Ant as well as all of Southwest Florida's problem ants and how to control and eliminate them. 

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call Collier Pest Control for an explanation on any of our services or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com. 

Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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                During the early winter to late spring of each year here in Southwest Florida, the Subterranean Termites produce winged Swarmers.  The purpose of these swarmers is to fly up onto the air, find a mate and start a new colony.  After mating, both the male and the female after mating land on a suitable nesting area, and lose their wings. When they swarm into your home, in most cases, they cannot do any damage to your home.  To start a nest, Subterranean Termites need a moist, wet, or rotten wood.  Unless you have one of those conditions the swarmer termites cannot hurt you.  Swarmer termites are attracted to light when they emerge from the colony.  They may be found in window sills or around your T.V. or ceiling lights.  Try not to spray these termite swarmers.  They will die within a few hours if no wooden moisture nesting area is found.  You can use a vacuum to rid yourself of these nuisance pests.

                We live in a sea of Subterranean Termites here in Florida.  It's not if you will get a termite problem, It is when will you get a termite problem.  The University of Florida states that, 2/3's of all new homes in Florida will have a termite problem within 5 years.  To protect your home have a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION performed yearly from Collier Pest Control.  Then consider one of our economic protective Subterranean Termite services.  Choose from one of these; Exterra Inground Baiting System, Termidor, or Altriset termite protection to protect your valuable home from unwanted damage and stress.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, for a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION and a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com. Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Sunday, July 22, 2012





Sometimes known as the Singapore Ant, is renowned for transporting itself around the world vi human commerce and trade.  Found foraging in the tops of coconut palm trees, the Floricola Ant is a slow-moving ant with a clubbed 3 segmented antenna and 2 nodes between their thorax and gaster, lives on a broad diet of living and dead insects, insect eggs, sucking sap from the insects and nectar, feeding on almost any food available.  The Destructor is distinctively identified by its bi-colored yellowish-orange light brown and shiny body with a darker gaster.

The Floricola Ant nests anywhere, on the ground or in trees, including potted plants.  Their nests are mobile, being able to move in the wet season of Southwest Florida.  This ant is capable of surviving in buildings in temperate areas.  They will gnaw holes in fabric, rubber goods, can cause considerable damage to cars, telecommunication equipment, TV's, and have been attributed to several fires.  There also is reason to believe they have the potential to spread disease such as bubonic plague bacteria found in feces of ants feeding on infected rats.

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, is thoroughly aware of the Destructor Ant as well as most of Southwest Florida's problem pests and how to eliminate and control them. 

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call Collier Pest Control for a full explanation on any of our services or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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            The Elongated Tree Ant is an isolated species of Southern Florida.  This wasp-like in appearance stinging Mexican ant species is about half an inch long and an attractively colored orange and black. 

It darts quickly around branches of trees and bushes.  The biggest complaint about the Elongate Tree Ant is that they fall out of tree and other plants onto people and give a painful sting when trapped between clothing and skin.  This species known locally as the "neck biter ant" appeared in Florida in the 1960's and quickly spread throughout the southern 2/3 of Florida.

            The Elongated Tree Ant has single queen small nests that contain few individuals.  The nests are usually located in hollow twigs and dried grasses barely wide enough for two or three ants to pass one another.

            Seldom seen inside the Elongated Tree Ant, Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, can successfully control this ant with our exclusive outdoor perimeter and lawn treatments.

If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Controlfor a full explanation of the Elongated Tree Ant or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don't let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida's lifestyle.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects. 

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Saturday, July 21, 2012



Also known as a Rasberry Crazy Ant


            The Caribbean Crazy Ant for many years has been a nuisance to the east coast of Florida.  We now have the Caribbean Crazy Ant here in Southwest Florida.  This ant resembles a small fire ant in appearance but is harmless and does not sting or bite.  It does however, infest neighborhood with multitudes of ants that overrun homes and businesses. 

            The Caribbean Crazy Ant is a small golden brown to reddish brown ant with a smooth glossy body covered with tiny hairs has longer antennae, like the black crazy ant.  This ant likes to nest near the ground under objects for protection.  It has been found under palm fronds, logs, railroad ties, trees, shrubs, along sidewalks, cracks in concrete, leaves, lumber, electrical conduits, metal, mulch, and even sod.   This ant is extremely resourceful in foraging for food.  Each Caribbean Crazy Ant colony could have over 5 million or more ants and have been known to have millions of ants trail over a 1/2 mile from their nest for food.   They will feed on dead insects and tend honeydew producers on plants.  They also group together multiple colonies to support their nests.  This ant can infest total communities within a short period of time because of their numbers in each colony.

            The control of the Caribbean Crazy Ant is not as easy as other types of ants.  First nesting sites need to be removed from the area as stated above.  Clean up all debris and items that are on or near the ground.  The nests should be located or the trails followed back to see where the nests could be located.  This ant will move their nests rapidly when disturbed.  With many millions of worker ants in each colony, a repeated insecticide spraying followed by a thorough baiting with sweet ant killing baits of all the infested area must be applied. 

Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, offers a 3 week Caribbean Crazy Ant treatment process to control the problem for you.  Collier Pest Control will perform it's proven "Collier Complete" pest control treatment to the inside of your home or business followed by a thorough and complete spraying treatment of all the turf, flower and mulch beds around your home or business.  We will return each week to bait the inside and retreat the outside of your home for 2 more weeks.  By this continued repetitive treatment we can get total control of the Caribbean Crazy Ant.

            If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call for a free estimate and a complete explanation about our Caribbean Crazy Ant treatment or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don't let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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                During the early winter to late spring of each year here in Southwest Florida, the Subterranean Termites produce winged Swarmers.  The purpose of these swarmers is to fly up onto the air, find a mate and start a new colony.  After mating, both the male and the female after mating land on a suitable nesting area, and lose their wings. When they swarm into your home, in most cases, they cannot do any damage to your home.  To start a nest, Subterranean Termites need a moist, wet, or rotten wood.  Unless you have one of those conditions the swarmer termites cannot hurt you.  Swarmer termites are attracted to light when they emerge from the colony.  They may be found in window sills or around your T.V. or ceiling lights.  Try not to spray these termite swarmers.  They will die within a few hours if no wooden moisture nesting area is found.  You can use a vacuum to rid yourself of these nuisance pests.

                We live in a sea of Subterranean Termites here in Florida.  It's not if you will get a termite problem, It is when will you get a termite problem.  The University of Florida states that, 2/3's of all new homes in Florida will have a termite problem within 5 years.  To protect your home have a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION performed yearly from Collier Pest Control.  Then consider one of our economic protective Subterranean Termite services.  Choose from one of these; Exterra Inground Baiting System, Termidor, or Altriset termite protection to protect your valuable home from unwanted damage and stress.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, for a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION and a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com. Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Friday, July 20, 2012






Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, recognizes the need to offer an option for a GREEN PEST CONTROL SERVICE that offers a no spray, non-organophosphate pest control treatment.  Collier Pest Control searched for an alternative GREEN PEST CONTROL method, a new environmentally sensitive system that offers a no spraying system.

                Collier Pest Control developed and offers the Enviro-Care Pest Control Treatment done Natures Way!  A totally new concept of doing pest control.  NO SPRAYING PESTICIDES, NO ORGANOPHOSPAHATES, NO CARBAMATES, NO CHLORINATED HYDROCARBONS, and absolutely no odors inside your home or business!  This new and exciting treatment gives everyone an alternative GREEN PEST CONTROL SERVICE when concerned over the use of spraying pesticide treatments in their home.  The Enviro-Care treatment puts greater emphasis on non-chemical methods of controlling insects.  This new method consists of a thorough evaluation and inspection of your home or business with the use of biological, organic, and mechanical means to trap, repel, and bait to control insects.

                If you have had concerns or are opposed to the old fashion methods of pest control spraying treatments, The Enviro-Care Treatment from Collier Pest Control will meet your needs. 

                Insects and rodents compete with us for our food supply, destroy or damage property, and can spread diseases.  You can protect your health and property from pests without compromising your environment to chemical pesticides.

                Collier Pest Control, using the Enviro-Care Treatment, done Natures Way, will treat the cracks and voids of your home or business.  We'll also treat the windows, door frames, plumbing and electrical pipes, cabinets and vanities, and your attic.  Collier Pest Control will finish the service with a non chemical perimeter outside treatment to the surroundings of your home or business.  The Enviro-Care Treatment will protect your home or business against most of Southwest Florida's crawling insects for a period of up to 180 days, that's  six months of protection.

                Don't let unwanted insects compromise your beliefs or spoil your Beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  You now can protect your home or business in a ALL NEW GREEN PEST CONTROL SERVICE, without old fashion spraying methods, with the Enviro-Care Treatment, done Natures Way.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation of all our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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                The Big Headed Ant is often misidentified and confused with either a pharaoh ant or a fire ant worker.  All of these ants have 2 nodes between their abdomen and thorax, are yellow to reddish brown in color and have a three section club antenna.  The Big Headed Ant has two distinct sizes of workers. A major worker, is a soldier, defends the colony and a minor worker forages for the colony.  The major workers have a very large head in proportion to their bodies which gives them the name Big Headed Ants.  The minor workers look similar to other types of ants except for the antennas which have 12 segments.  The first segment, called the scape, of the antenna only reaches about halfway up the head.  Big Headed Ants have a stinger like many other ants, but it may not be extended and visible at all times.

                These ants have multiple queens and are more common as a structural pest in warm regions, such as here in Southwest Florida.  They generally are only an occasional, unwanted invader primarily living outdoors.

                Big Headed Ants usually nest in the soil, in protected location under rocks, logs, firewood, patio blocks, landscape timbers, and various types of debris.  Here in Southwest Florida, they rarely nest in the soil and prefer the crack and voids within tree

bark, fences, and walls of your home.  They also form huge, extended colonies called "Super Colonies".  New colonies are primarily formed by mid-summer flights, however budding (splitting) may occur with the large multi-queen colonies.  This ant may form large bone piles of dead colony member along foundations, baseboards, and under carpeting.

                Big Headed Ants feed upon live and dead insects, seed and honeydew produced by aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects.  Once these ants get inside a home they prefer protein rich foods such as meats and peanut butter but will also feed upon sweets and fruits.

                Getting rid of the Big Headed Ant is best accomplished by locating and eliminating the colonies found in and around the structure.  If the Big Headed Ant colonies cannot be located, bait can be placed in areas where foraging ants can find the bait.  However, the results may be less than satisfactory. 

                If you have battled these ant with little or no success, Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority can help you eliminate the Big Head Ants invading your home!  We have a 3 stage treatment that will control and eliminate Big Head Ants from your lawn and home.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control today for an estimate and complete explanation on our exclusive Big Heat Treatment and any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Thursday, July 19, 2012




            Springtails are minute wingless insects that occur in large numbers in moist soil and are found in homes with very high humidity, organic debris, or mold.  Homeowners sometimes discover these insects in large numbers in swimming pools, potted plants, or in moist soil and mulch.  Springtails feed on decaying, damp vegetation causing organic material and other nutrients to return to the soil which are later used by plants.

            Springtails range in length from .25 to 6 millimeter and range in color from white to yellow, gray, or blue gray.  They are unique in the fact that attached to the tip of their abdomen is a forked appendage called the tenaculum, resembling a lever.  When disturbed, this lever strikes the ground, causing the insect to spring into the air.            They are capable of springing up to about 4 inches into the air, which is where they received their name.  Because of this jumping motion they are sometimes confused with fleas.

            These insects are pests due to their large numbers.  They do not bite or transmit diseases.  They can easily climb the sides of houses and are attracted to lights.  They can also be brought into homes in soil of potted plants.  Springtail populations have also been found floating in swimming pools. 

            Controlling Springtails can be as easy as drying out the soil and mulch around your home or misting the infested areas with a dishwashing soap in water.  Insecticides can be applied to control these pesky pests when great numbers show up.

            If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, for a full explanation on how to control Springtails or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, provides you with the latest technology and most effective method of flea control for you and your home.  Any home can become the home of fleas, especially if you have dogs or cats.  We can help you rid your home of fleas and problems they cause.  If your home has fleas the time has come to treat it professionally.

                Collier Pest Control's specially trained technicians will treat all your flooring including the carpet, vinyl, and tile.  Fleas also infest your furniture; our flea service treatment includes the treatment of all your upholstered furniture.

                Adult fleas spend almost all their time on the host and feed many times a day from the host.  On average, a female flea lays 15-20 eggs per day for the 10-14 days that she is fertile.  These female adult fleas lay eggs on the tops of your pet's hair.   As your pet rests or move through your home, these microscopic eggs drop onto the floor or furniture where they develop.  The first step toward an effective control of fleas is to break the life cycle, which is egg, larva, pupa, and adult.  Collier Pest Control's advanced method of flea treatment contains both an adult control material and a material to control the larva stage (a growth regulator) that never lets the flea develop into an adult.

                To insure that new fleas do not re-enter your home, outdoor flea treatments are sometimes necessary when pets are allowed outside regularly.

                Collier Pest Control has two separate and completely different methods of indoor flea treatments and an effective outdoor flea lawn service to conveniently meet your needs and lifestyle.  We have an indoor dry yearly treatment and a 90 day indoor and outdoor treatment.  Our thoroughly trained staff can explain to you the different flea services and help you choose which is best suited for your needs.

                Collier Pest Control has the best on pet spray, free with every indoor flea treatment.  We treat all your fleas risk areas; the pet, the home, and the lawn.  No one can control fleas better or longer than Collier Pest Control.   If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call, 239-455-4300, today and get a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Rugose Spiraling Whitefly


The Rugose Spiraling Whitefly originated in Central America.  This is not the same whitefly that is currently causing defoliation and branch dieback of ficus in South Florida.  These whiteflies are small winged insects.  They typically feed on the underside of leaves with their needle-like mouthparts.  Whiteflies can seriously injure host plants by sucking nutrients from the plant causing wilting, yellowing, stunting, leaf drop, or even death.

The Rugose Spiraling Whitefly has a very broad host range from palms to woody ornamentals and fruits.  It has been seen on gumbo limbo, black olive, copperleaf, broadleaf arrowhead, Brazilian pepper, wax myrtle, live oak, mango, and several palms.

The adults congregate on the undersides of the leaves to feed and reproduce.  The female lays here eggs in a spiral pattern on the leaves and also deposits a white, waxy substance on the eggs.  The crawler stage hatches from the eggs and crawls around before it starts to feed with its "needle-like" mouthparts.  This stage is very small and difficult to see.

The most noticeable symptoms of an infestation of this whitefly is the abundance of white, waxy material covering the leaves and also excessive sooty mold.  The actual effect of an infestation of Rugose Spiraling Whitefly on the health of a plant is unknown; however, whiteflies in general can cause plant decline, defoliation and branch dieback.

Monitor plants for early signs of an infestation.  Small potted plants can be washed off with water.  Larger plants can be controlled with horticultural oil or insecticidal soap.  Large infestations on large plants will most likely need an insecticide spraying of the foliage in order to control these whiteflies.  A systemic insecticide can be applied directly to the infested plant or the soil.

If you suspect a problem with the Rugose Spiraling Whitefly or any other insect call our office, 239-455-4300, for a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012




            Sometimes referred to as "red coats", "chinches," or "mahogany flats," bed bugs are appearing in great numbers in all parts of our society.  From upper income homes, hotels, businesses, apartments, even hospitals.  Infestations reports are up 5000 percent, due to international travel and the loss of DDT as an insecticide control product.

            Bed bugs are a broadly flattened six legged insect with greatly reduce front wings.  Adults are usually brown in color and the size of an apple seed.  After feeding the body is often swollen and red in color.  Bed bugs have never been implicated in the spread of disease to humans but are suspected carriers of leprosy, oriental sore, Q-fever, and brucellosis.

            The two bed bug species important to man are the Common Bed Bug and the Tropical Bed Bug.  Both of these species can be picked up and spread here in Southwest Florida and the U.S.

            The nightmare begins when a bed bug finds its way into your clothing; it usually happens at a hotel but can start anywhere.  Once bed bugs have been found in your home it has nothing to do with poor hygiene.  It only takes one bed bug to hitch a ride on your clothing (furniture, suitcase, etc.) to infest your residence.  A female bed bug will lay approximately 200 eggs during her life span at a rate of one to twelve eggs per day.  Within six to seventeen days bed bugs nymphs emerge from the eggs and take five molts, approximately ten weeks, to reach maturity.  What's worse is that bed bugs can live up to one year without any further blood feedings.  Some species of bed bugs are adapted with mouthparts that can feed with pain.  They inject an anesthetic to numb you so you don't feel the bite and an anti-coagulant to thin the blood to feed better.

            Bed bugs are most active at night and are extremely shy and wary so their infestations are not easily located.  They can be located in mattresses, box springs, pillows, bed frames, head boards, loose wall paper, sofa seams, chairs, rugs, edges of carpets, end tables, dressers, baseboards, window casings, receptacles, cracks in the wall plaster, televisions, radios, clocks, computers, phones, sleeping bags, picture frames, clothing, and any very small dark crack or void.  Heavy infestations can be located by reddish brown spotting around entry and exit points of their hiding places make from excrements of the bed bug and a distinctive foul order from the oily secretions around the infested areas.

Once an infestation has been found, you need to take quick action to prevent further infestation of the bed bugs.

            Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida Pest Authority, has methods to rid your home of bed bugs.  Both use vacuum extraction and insect controlling materials to eliminate and control the bed bugs in all of their hiding areas.  One method asks you dispose of all heavily infested furniture and bedding to rid your home of bed bugs.  The other method in-corporate a control heat treat method to encase all infested furniture and bedding in a heat chamber to rid the home of bed bugs, plus treating the rest of the hiding areas with our proven control materials.  Both methods are successful in ridding your home of this most unwanted pest.

            If you live in Naples, Fort Myers or anywhere in Southwest Florida call Collier Pest Control for a full explanation of both bed bugs control methods or any of our services.  Don't let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects. (University of Florida and Bad Bed Bugs.com)

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012




                FED UP!  Tired of seeing Carpenter Ants in your home?  Sick of spraying those awful smelling insecticides? Trying to kill off what seems to be a never ending army of silent invaders?

                NO PROBLEM! Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, has a  highly developed method of Carpenter Ant Control that can rid you of your nightly aggravations.  As the population of Florida continues to grow and building development extends into previously undisturbed land, ant and insect sightings in homes are on the rise.

                The Florida Carpenter Ant is a large ant, up to 1/2 inch long, with its head and thorax brown, and abdomen black.  The reputation of this ant being a house wrecker is all fable.  The Florida Carpenter Ant does not eat wood, as termites do.  They will, however, excavate galleries in previously damaged wood from moisture, termites, or dry rot.  The Florida Carpenter Ant feeds on honeydew produced from aphids, other insects, and household scraps.

                The Florida Carpenter Ant nests in the ground beneath root systems, rotting logs, tree stumps, mulch beds, tree cavities or any moisture area.  These ants foliage indoors for water, food, or to form a satellite colony. This satellite colony is a secondary colony to support the main colony.

                Collier Pest Control will control these swiftly moving nocturnal pests by eliminating the satellite colonies in your home, killing other colonies around your home and applying carpenter ant repealing materials to keep all unwanted guests from returning to your home.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control today for an estimate and a complete explanation on how this new method of Carpenter Ant treatment will work for you, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com..  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Monday, July 16, 2012



            Collier Pest Control is Southwest Florida's Pest Control Authority.  We are specialist's in general household pest and termite control. Our approach to tick control is not just with surface sprays.  Collier Pest Control developed a complete thorough Tick Treatment that treats your complete house and every place your pet is active; all the cracks and crevices, voids, windows and door casings, furniture, baseboards, and rugs.

                The Brown Dog Tick is the most common tick here in beautiful Southwest Florida.  The Brown Dog Tick does not vector any disease, such as Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever.  Ticks are a serious problem and can cause major health problems if allowed to infest your living area.  Ticks are not an insect and are closely related to the spider.  Adult ticks have 8 legs, insects only have 6 legs.  All ticks are parasitic and feed on the blood of animals.  Most ticks spend the majority of their life on or near the ground waiting for a suitable host to come attach themselves on.  Ticks will climb onto an appropriate object, such as a tall blade of grass, bush, fence post, side of a building to wait for a host to pass by. The Brown Dog Tick can live for as long as 200 days without a blood meal.

                The female Brown Dog Tick can lay a mass of 1000 to 3000 eggs. These eggs will hatch in 19 to 60 days into a 6 legged, small, immature seed tick. Within 3 to 6 days it will molt and change into an 8 legged nymph tick.  After a blood meal from a host, this nymph will molt in 12 to 29 days into an adult tick. 

                If you find a tick attached to you or a family member never just pull it off the skin.  A tick is easily removed by first touching the tick with a warm butter knife or alcohol to get it to remove its head from the skin. Then grab the tick and lift it off the skin.

                Don't be over whelmed with a tick infestation in your home. If you are looking for a dependable knowledgeable exterminator and live in Naples, Fort Myers, or Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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          The Ghost Ant has become the number one pest ant found in Southwest Florida. This ant is identified by the worker ants running erratically and rapidly on a set trail that can be traced back to the nest.  They are very tiny, about 1/32 of an inch long, and derives its name from the fact that it is very difficult to see.  The head and thorax of the Ghost Ant is dark in color and the abdomen and legs are very pale.  This forces a person to look very closely at surfaces just to see the workers moving about.  They will create trails from just a few ants to hundreds. 

                These trails can usually be located along building foundations and up the walls outdoors.  Ghost ants will readily trail down branches of trees and shrubs into the structure, and through cracks around eaves and soffits.  The Ghost Ant's primary habitat is outdoors.  They will nest in the soil, dead tree limbs, under stones, and in hollow cavities of plants.  Inside, the Ghost Ant will nest inside wall voids, behind base boards, and under cabinets. 

                Each Ghost Ant colony is moderate in size, with thousands of workers and numerous reproductive queens.  New colonies are started by "budding" where one or more reproductive queens, together with workers and brood (larvae and pupae), move away from the original colony. 

                The worker Ghost Ant is very fond of honeydew secreted by aphids, but will also feed upon live and dead insects.  Moisture is a limiting factor in the survival of Ghost Ants. They have a very high need for moisture. 

                Conditions which result in excess moisture such as poor drainage or plumbing leaks should be corrected.  If possible, a vegetation free border should be installed around the foundation.  Branches of trees and shrubs which

touch the structure should be trimmed back.  Successful control of the Ghost Ant depends upon the ability to locate

the foraging ants and  the nest sites.  The liberal use of bait in proper locations works well when combined with an exterior power spray treatment.  The Ghost Ant can often be controlled within a few days.

                Don't let insect change your lifestyle in beautiful Southwest Florida.  If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida call 239-455-4300 Collier Pest Control today for a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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            Also known as the Kissing Bug, the Conenose bug gets it's name from their cone-shaped head and they feed at night on the human face.  Adult Conenose Bugs are brown to black with a strikingly orange or red markings on perimeter of their abdomen and get from 1/2 to 1 inch long.

                There are two species most commonly encountered in the U.S., they are Bloodsucking Conenose and the Western Bloodsucking Conenose.  These two species are less associated with human contact than those in Central and South America. The Blood Sucking Conenose is attracted to lights at night and can be a serious pest around lighted swimming pools.  The non-painful bite of this insect can for some people result in an allergic reaction that can include nausea, heart palpitation, breathlessness, and violent itching. Conenose behave like bed bugs in that they live and deposit their eggs in cracks and crevices in and around man-made structures, hollow trees inhabited by vertebrates such as raccoons and opossums or rats, and then emerge at night to feed upon their sleeping hosts.  These insects bite people more or less by accident, they primary attack domestic animals, live stock and poultry.

                The Conenose is the main vector or carrier of the Chagas' disease that mainly occurs in Mexico, Central and South America, and on certain Caribbean Islands.  When in contact with their victim these bugs will defecate while feeding.  If the feces are infected with the parasite, the organisms can gain entry into the body by being scratched or rubbed into the bite or other break in the skin, which can cause the Chagas' disease.

                There is 4 major steps to controlling the Bloodsucking Conenose if you are encountered with an infestation.  First insect proof your home by sealing all cracks and crevices, window frames, and door frames.  Then remove all outside Conenose attractants such as squirrel dens, bird nests, and any other animal harborages, followed by a thorough pesticide application to the inside and exterior of your home.  Finally, continued personal protection by being aware of all infested areas, and moving your furniture and bedding at least 1 foot from the wall.

                If you live in Naples, Fort Myers, or anywhere in Southwest Florida and see The Bloodsucking Conenose and wish to have more information about it, call 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control, Southwest Florida's Pest Authority, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to shared with insects.

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