Friday, September 30, 2011



                The Big Headed Ant is often misidentified and confused with either a pharaoh ant or a fire ant worker.  All of these ants have 2 nodes between their abdomen and thorax, are yellow to reddish brown in color and have a three section club antenna.  The Big Headed Ant has two distinct sizes of workers. A major worker, is a soldier, defends the colony and a minor worker forages for the colony.  The major workers have a very large head in proportion to their bodies which gives them the name Big Headed Ants.  The minor workers look similar to other types of ants except for the antennas which have 12 segments.  The first segment, called the scape, of the antenna only reaches about halfway up the head.  Big Headed Ants have a stinger like many other ants, but it may not be extended and visible at all times.

                These ants have multiple queens and are more common as a structural pest in warm regions, such as here in Southwest Florida.  They generally are only an occasional, unwanted invader primarily living outdoors.

                Big Headed Ants usually nest in the soil, in protected location under rocks, logs, firewood, patio blocks, landscape timbers, and various types of debris.  Here in Southwest Florida, they rarely nest in the soil and prefer the crack and voids within tree

bark, fences, and walls of your home.  They also form huge, extended colonies called "Super Colonies".  New colonies are primarily formed by mid-summer flights, however budding (splitting) may occur with the large multi-queen colonies.  This ant may form large bone piles of dead colony member along foundations, baseboards, and under carpeting.

                Big Headed Ants feed upon live and dead insects, seed and honeydew produced by aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects.  Once these ants get inside a home they prefer protein rich foods such as meats and peanut butter but will also feed upon sweets and fruits.

                Getting rid of the Big Headed Ant is best accomplished by locating and eliminating the colonies found in and around the structure.  If the Big Headed Ant colonies cannot be located, bait can be placed in areas where foraging ants can find the bait.  However, the results may be less than satisfactory.  Perimeter treatments may be helpful when encountering a situation where there are large, extended colonies.

                Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011



          The Ghost Ant has become the number one pest ant found in Southwest Florida. This ant is identified by the worker ants running erratically and rapidly on a set trail that can be traced back to the nest.  They are very tiny, about 1/32 of an inch long, and derives its name from the fact that it is very difficult to see.  The head and thorax of the Ghost Ant is dark in color and the abdomen and legs are very pale.  This forces a person to look very closely at surfaces just to see the workers moving about.  They will create trails from just a few ants to hundreds. 

                These trails can usually be located along building foundations and up the walls outdoors.  Ghost ants will readily trail down branches of trees and shrubs into the structure, and through cracks around eaves and soffits.  The Ghost Ant's primary habitat is outdoors.  They will nest in the soil, dead tree limbs, under stones, and in hollow cavities of plants.  Inside, the Ghost Ant will nest inside wall voids, behind base boards, and under cabinets. 

                Each Ghost Ant colony is moderate in size, with thousands of workers and numerous reproductive queens.  New colonies are started by "budding" where one or more reproductive queens, together with workers and brood (larvae and pupae), move away from the original colony. 

                The worker Ghost Ant is very fond of honeydew secreted by aphids, but will also feed upon live and dead insects.  Moisture is a limiting factor in the survival of Ghost Ants. They have a very high need for moisture. 

                Conditions which result in excess moisture such as poor drainage or plumbing leaks should be corrected.  If possible, a vegetation free border should be installed around the foundation.  Branches of trees and shrubs which

touch the structure should be trimmed back.  Successful control of the Ghost Ant depends upon the ability to locate

the foraging ants and  the nest sites.  The liberal use of bait in proper locations works well when combined with an exterior power spray treatment.  The Ghost Ant can often be controlled within a few days.

                Don't let insect change your lifestyle in beautiful Southwest Florida.  Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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            The Australian Cockroach is one of the most common large roaches seen here in Southwest Florida.  The Australian Cockroach is identified by its bat shaped markings on its pronotum (the area behind the head) , the light markings on the outer edge at the top of the wings, its brown coloring, rounded wing tips, and grows to a length of 1 1/4 inches.  This roach is primarily an outdoor pest feeding upon plant and decaying organic matter.  If it invades a structure it will feed upon varieties of starchy materials. 

            The female Australian Cockroach can produce an egg capsule containing up to 15 eggs as fast as every 10 days.

            Collier Pest Control can control these pests with our "Collier Complete" pest control service.  This service thoroughly treats all the cracks and crevices the inside of your home and completes the service with a broadcast spraying of the eaves, soffits, flowerbeds, entry ways, and 5 to 10 feet around your home.

            Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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If you are seeing small white or dingy brown moths fling out of your lawn, or your lawn has developed grayish brown damaged areas 2 or 3 foot in diameter.  It is a good chance you may have Sod Web Worms.  Often, damage is first noticed along hedges or flower beds.

This is the most common caterpillar to attacking turfgrasses.  These moths attack all grasses but prefer Bermuda and least desire bahia.  During the day, the moths rest in shrubbery next to turf areas and at dusk, fly over the turf depositing eggs.  When these eggs hatch into larva, they do their damage on the turf, rasping the surface or skeletonize the blades.   As the larva mature, injured grass has notches are chewed along the sides of the blades or is eaten back evenly.  Damaged areas of your lawn become larger and fuse together.  Sod Web Worms are usually not a problem until June here in Beautiful Southwest Florida.

Don't what and see if your problem goes away and you lose your beautiful lawn to this tropical partier.  Let Collier Pest Control treat your lawn and eliminate those unwanted worms in just 2 visits, 7 to 10 days apart your Sod Web Worms will be gone.  Call 239-455-4300, today for a complete explanation on our Sod Web Worm treatment or any of our services, or look us up on line at  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Concerned, or worried about your lawn being destroyed from insects or fungus?


            Collier Pest Control can put your anxiety to rest!  We now have a bi-monthly insect and fungal control treatment called Tropical Turf Care, for all domestic turf. 

            Yes, Collier Pest Control will come to your home and treat all of your turf grass every other month for all crawling insects and fungus.  This service will control grass related insects such as: chinch bugs, sod web worms, all ants, roaches, scorpions, centipedes, and most crawling insects.  It also controls most Florida turf fungus such as: grey leaf, brown spot, and dollar spot.  Grubs and granule fertilizing is an additional service not included.

            To give your lawn an extra boost, Collier Pest Control will apply to your lawn liquid fertilizer 4 times during the year.

            Your worries and fears of the lawn being eaten up from insects or destroyed by fungus is no longer necessary.  Let Collier Pest Control treat your turf with Tropical Turf Care every other month.

            Call, 239-455-4300, for a complete explanation about our new turf insect and fungal treatment called Tropical Turf Care, or look us up on our web site  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011



            Today's modern convinces include many natural and manmade products to give us a higher standard of living.  When purchasing these products, there is a personal responsibility to pick and choose the product that combines proper safety and environmental protection for the usage needed.  Most people are not aware of the level of toxicity a product has when using it.  The general public also is not aware that the government has given us a standard code of toxicity on which each product is measured.  The level of toxicity must be put on the front of the label on any non food product produced.

            The level of toxicity each product measures are found on the label of the product in the form of a SIGNAL WORD.  This SIGNAL WORD indicates how potentially dangerous this product is to humans and other animals.  Knowing the product's level of toxicity can help you choose wisely and take the proper precautionary measures for handling and using the product.

            The SIGNAL WORD must appear in large letters on the front panel of the label, immediately following the statement "Keep Out of the Reach of Children", which also appears on all product labels.

            These are the four levels of toxicity and the SIGNAL WORDS for each level.

            DANGER      This word signals that the product is highly toxic.  A taste to a teaspoonful of the undiluted product, taken by mouth, could kill an average sized (175 lb.) adult.  Any product which is highly toxic, orally, dermal or through inhalation, or which causes severe eye and skin burning will be labeled  DANGER.

            WARNING    This word signals that the product is moderately toxic.  As little as a teaspoon to an ounce of the undiluted product, taken by mouth, could kill an average sized (175 lb.) adult.  Any product which is moderately toxic orally, dermal or through inhalation, or causes moderate eye and skin irritation, will be labeled 


            CAUTION     This word signals that the product is slightly toxic.  An ounce to a pint of the undiluted product, taken by mouth, could kill an average sized (175 lb.) adult.  Any product which is slightly toxic orally, dermal, or through inhalation, or causes slight eye and skin irritation, will be labeled  CAUTION.

            NO SIGNAL WORD            The absence of a signal word indicates that the product is almost non toxic, less than lightly toxic.  Much more than a pint of undiluted product, taken by mouth, would be needed to kill an average sized (175 lb.) adult.  This also indicates that the product has little or no toxicity to dermal or inhalation poisoning and does not have much or any eye or skin irritation.

            Check your storage closets, and when you shop look at the labels for the toxic level, SIGNAL WORD, for products that meet your safety and needs.  Collier Pest Control uses the most effective materials available, in the caution level or less, when servicing your home or business.  We take your safety and our environment very seriously in choosing products that is why we offer our Enviro-Care Pest Control Service.  This service offers you complete pest control service without any open pesticide spraying.  Only natural products are placed in cracks and crevices to give you comfort and protection.

            If you have concerns or questions on interpreting any product you may be using.  Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a complete explanation on Signal Words or any of our service, or look us up on our web site at  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to shared with insects

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            Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority, including Silverfish and Firebrats. Both Silverfish and Firebrats are common household pests that can cause damage in homes by eating foods or other materials that are high in protein, sugar, or starch.   Silverfish will eat cereals, moist wheat and flour, paper on which there is glue or paste, sizing in paper and bookbinding's, starch in clothing and rayon fabrics.

                Both Silverfish and Firebrats have flattened bodies, broad at the front and tapering gradually toward the rear (carrot shaped).  They both have three long slender appendages found at the rear of the body and two long slender antennae attached to their heads.  Both are wingless with their bodies covered with scales.  Silverfish are shiny silver gray or pearl gray in color and Firebrats are mottled gray in color.  Both are active at night and hide during the day.

                Silverfish live and develop in damp cool places such as baseboards, bookcases, closets, window and door frames.  Large numbers of Silverfish may be found in newly constructed buildings in which the newly plastered walls are still damp.

                Firebrats live and develop in hot damp places such as around furnaces, fireplaces, hot water pipes and heaters, insulation, and outdoor mulch beds.

                Collier Pest Control can eliminate unwanted Silverfish and Firebrats with our "Collier Complete" pest control service.  We will treat all the cracks and crevices inside your home and broadcast spray the eaves, soffits, mulch beds, flower beds, entry ways, and 5 to 10 feet perimeter around the outside of your home.

                Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on line at  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Monday, September 26, 2011




Collier Pest Control wants to be supportive of our community and the people that make it work!  Collier Pest Control thinks very highly of all people that offer their life to the betterment of our community with their life work.  This is why we are a m offer OCCUPATIONAL DISCOUNTS to all public service people of our community.  The following are eligible for our occupational discounts.

  • All active and retired law enforcement employees, from any department.  Sheriff, State, City, Dot, Fish & Game, Federal, If you work for a law enforcement department your entitled to our discount.
  • All active and retired fire department employees and their E.M.S. employees.
  • All active and retired military personnel.
  • All active and retired school system employees
  • All hospital and medical employees

            Those who work in any of these occupations are entitled to a Collier Pest Control10% discount on any service they may receive.  Thank You for your service to our community!



At Collier Pest Control we appreciate all the helpful kindness our customers offer in talking about our effective quality service to their friends, which soon become our customers.  When we hear of this we offer to those who refer us to their friends and neighbors a no strings attached 25% discount on their next service no matter what type or cost of that service.  This is a way we can say THANKS to all of our loyal supportive customers who talk about us.  JUST REMEMBER!

Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control for a full explanation on how you can receive one of these valuable service discounts on one of our pest control services, or look us up on our web site at collierpest  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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                Drywood Termites as well as other termites dwell in Florida.  Drywood Termites infest dry wood and do not require contact with the soil.  Other types of termites need to nest in the soil in order to survive. 

                Drywood Termites are a social insect that live in colonies.  The colonies are composed of kings, queens and soldiers.  There is no worker caste of termite as in other types of termites. The work or foraging for food is done by the immature termites before they become adults.  These nymphs, the immature termites, which are most numerous castes, are white and wingless.  Kings and Queens Termites perform the reproductive function of the colony.  They are light to dark brown and 1/3 to one inch in length.  The Soldiers guard the colony against invaders such as ants.  They are white and wingless with large brownish heads and jaws.  The soldiers and immature remain inside the wood at all times.

                Drywood Termites are more common along coastal areas, although they are also found inland.  Drywood Termite food consists of cellulose obtained from wood.  Infestations of Drywood Termites may be found in almost any product containing cellulose.  They are most commonly found infesting attics, window sills, door frames, woodwork in buildings and furniture.

                Detecting Drywood Termites infestations may be noticed in several ways.  One way is during the early months of the year.  Drywood Termite Kings and Queens emerge from the colonies as swarms.  The purpose of these swarms is to establish new colonies.  The appearance of winged termites in the home is an indication of probable infestation; however, they may have come in from outside.  Swarming termites are attracted to light.  Swarming termites may be found around window sills or lights.  Shortly after emerging from the colony, swarming termites land and lose their wings.  If the swarming termites do not find a suitable nesting area, they will die.

                A common way to detect Drywood Termites is that Drywood Termites unlike other types of termites excrete pellets of partly digested wood.  These pellets are straw-colored to reddish brown and about the size of sand.  The pellets are pushed from the galleries and found on

are surfaces beneath the infested wood.    

An experienced eye can detect Drywood Termites in an advanced stage of infestation from surface blistering.  Drywood Termites sometimes tunnel close to the surface giving the wood a blistered appearance. 

                Preventative measures for the Drywood Termite is limited at best.  Any opening to windows and attics should be screened.  Any cracks or voids should be caulked or filled with wood filler.  The use of termite resistant woods such as Redwood, Bald Cypress, Mahogany, Spanish cedar, and commercial pressure treated wood will resist Drywood Termites for several years until weathering makes it susceptible to infestation.

                Drywood Termites require a completely different control method; therefore' the infestation must be correctly identified first.  If detected in the early stages and damage is localized, a Drywood Termite colony may be controlled by removing and replacing the damaged wood or by the application of a termite labeled insecticide.  If the infestation is too extensive and advanced for local treatment, it will be necessary to tent and fumigate the entire building.  This method can be costly and leaves no residual protection; it is usually the only alternative when many large termite colonies are present.

                We live in a sea of Termites here in Florida.  It's not if you will get a termite problem, It is when will you get a termite problem.  The University of Florida states that, 2/3's of all new homes in Florida will have a termite problem within 5 years.  To protect your home, have a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION performed yearly from Collier Pest Control.  Then consider one of our economic protective termite services to protect your valuable home form unwanted damage and stress.

                Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION and a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Sunday, September 25, 2011




            Bora-care is an affordable prevention treatment against most of Florida's crawling and wood destroying insects.  This amazing product is made from a natural mineral product mined from the earth and then micro filtered until it is 98% boron.  This is the same basic material that borax soap has been made from for years.  Bora-Care is safe.  It is less toxic and safer than table salt

            If you are building a new home, commercial building, or just at the being stage of thinking about building, it will pay you to consider having your new structure protected with a Bora-Care Protection treatment.  You will be investing a lot in your new structure.  Protect it for just a few dollars more with a Bora-Care Protection treatment.

            Collier Pest Control will treat all the exposed wood beginning with the roof plywood, trusses, wall studs, soffits, fascia, window and door frames.  Bora-Care will soak deep into the wood giving the structure years of protection from crawling and wood damaging organisms such as; termites, beetles, brown and white rot, wood decaying fungi, carpenter ants, silverfish, and most any crawling insect that would come in contact with the treated areas.  We can only treat a building that is at the dried in stage.  Just after the roof has been covered, studs in place, soffit and fascia in place, and window and door frames in before the glass is installed.  We cannot service the structure after the glass and dry wall has been installed. .  This Bora-Care Protection treatment will last for the life of the building and give you years of protection and mental comfort against crawling and wood destroying insects.

            Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!


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                Booklice are very small insects found on books and papers.   They are both winged and wingless and less than a 1/8 of an inch, with chewing mouthparts.  There are more than a 100 species collectively called psocids, including Booklice are a part. The term "lice" is somewhat misleading because none of these insects are parasitic or have 8 legs.  Most of the species are found inside buildings.  The two most commonly found are the common Booklouse and the Deathwatch.  These are often found among books and papers.  They also can be found in stored grain, dried foods, insect collections, furniture, beddings, warm moist areas, leaking water pipes, air conditioning drain pans, windowsills, or damaged roofs. 

The control of psocids is directly related to finding the source of the Booklice and the source of the moisture that supports these insects. Infested furniture and bedding or other movable furnishings should be thoroughly cleaned and aired.  All infested foods should be discarded.  All excess moisture areas should be dried, repaired and aired to kill fungi. Insecticides can reduce the population of Booklice for a short length of time.  To completely eliminate psocids you must find the source of moisture supporting the molds and fungi that the Booklice feed on and eliminate it.

Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011



Offices and Buildings 

          Customers doing business with you assume you keep a clean and pest free environment. Collier Pest Control can provide this protection and peace of mind for you at a reasonable price. We offer the latest, most complete method of commercial pest control ever developed for Southwest Florida, Collier Complete for Commercial offices and buildings.  This specialized method of pest control enables our advanced thoroughly trained technicians to apply the proper amount of materials into cracks, crevices, wall voids display cabinets, electrical and plumbing pipes, floor drains, doors, windows, restroom fixtures, luncheonette counters, outdoor dumpsters, flower beds, mulch beds, eaves, soffits, outdoor construction defects, and any place a pest would hide or enter.  The Collier Complete for Commercial offices and buildings is more effective, less odorous, and the materials cannot be washed away with regular clean ups and wash downs.

          This specially designed method of pest control will provide you the most protection against Florida's common pest such as; roaches, ants, spiders, silverfish, earwigs, scorpions, and rodents.  The Collier Complete for Commercial Offices and Buildings pest control service gives you the advantage of  NO PREPERATION OR CLEAN UP because our materials are applied to only hidden areas, there is no open spraying, and has no or very low odor. We can service your business at any convenient time for you, even while you are open for business!

           Don't let unwanted pests, old fashion chemicals, unpleasant orders, and inconvenient service treatment times be a problem anymore.   Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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                The Big Headed Ant is often misidentified and confused with either a pharaoh ant or a fire ant worker.  All of these ants have 2 nodes between their abdomen and thorax, are yellow to reddish brown in color and have a three section club antenna.  The Big Headed Ant has two distinct sizes of workers. A major worker, is a soldier, defends the colony and a minor worker forages for the colony.  The major workers have a very large head in proportion to their bodies which gives them the name Big Headed Ants.  The minor workers look similar to other types of ants except for the antennas which have 12 segments.  The first segment, called the scape, of the antenna only reaches about halfway up the head.  Big Headed Ants have a stinger like many other ants, but it may not be extended and visible at all times.

                These ants have multiple queens and are more common as a structural pest in warm regions, such as here in Southwest Florida.  They generally are only an occasional, unwanted invader primarily living outdoors.

                Big Headed Ants usually nest in the soil, in protected location under rocks, logs, firewood, patio blocks, landscape timbers, and various types of debris.  Here in Southwest Florida, they rarely nest in the soil and prefer the crack and voids within tree

bark, fences, and walls of your home.  They also form huge, extended colonies called "Super Colonies".  New colonies are primarily formed by mid-summer flights, however budding (splitting) may occur with the large multi-queen colonies.  This ant may form large bone piles of dead colony member along foundations, baseboards, and under carpeting.

                Big Headed Ants feed upon live and dead insects, seed and honeydew produced by aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects.  Once these ants get inside a home they prefer protein rich foods such as meats and peanut butter but will also feed upon sweets and fruits.

                Getting rid of the Big Headed Ant is best accomplished by locating and eliminating the colonies found in and around the structure.  If the Big Headed Ant colonies cannot be located, bait can be placed in areas where foraging ants can find the bait.  However, the results may be less than satisfactory.  Perimeter treatments may be helpful when encountering a situation where there are large, extended colonies.

                Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Friday, September 23, 2011



If you think our modern, well insulated house is a safe haven from all allergenic alarms, think again.  That average six room house accumulates an average of 40 pounds of dust per year.  That dust is home to millions of unseen, but troublesome Dust Mites.

                The North American and European House Dust Mite is a little known and rarely mentioned group of mites.  Wherever humans and their pets live Dust Mites will be presents.  These Dust Mites will feed on skin dander deposited in beds, furniture, and carpeting.  When there are large populations of Mites are in a home.  Skin fragments and Mite fecal material become airborne causing allergic reactions like asthma and rashes.  Research has shown that the most prevalent allergen in a home is dust produced from Dust Mites.

                Dust Mites are extremely small, .04 millimeters, making identification by sight impossible without the use of a microscope.  You can fit as many as 7000 on a fingernail.  They are globular in shape, and creamy white in color.  Mites have 6 legs as larva and 8 legs as nymphs and adults.  The adult female Dust Mite lays about 25 to 50 eggs a day for 30 days.  The eggs hatch and develop to adults in about one month.

                People shed about 1/5 of an ounce of dander (dead skin) per week.  One gram of skin will feed thousands of mites for months.  Actually, 80 % of what you see floating in a sunbeam through a window is skin flakes.  To Dust Mites this is a Thanksgiving dinner.  Dust Mites eat skin flakes both human and animal.  Skin flakes have a fungus growing on them which is especially attractive to Dust Mites.

                Dust Mites bite you and cause you to itch; they also produce allergens to which some people are very sensitive.  The Dust Mite feces contain 15 different proteins, and many people are allergic to the combination of these different proteins.

                House Dust Mites inhabit damp places that are occupied by people and pets.  The House Dust Mite thrives in high humidity of 70 to 80% and warm temperatures from 68 to 84 degrees.  They are found in mattresses, pillows, in stuffed furniture, rugs, draperies, and any crack or crevice. 

                Dust Mites produce an allergic reaction that causes symptoms similar to asthma.   Headaches, respiratory problems, eye irritation, fatigue, and depression are other allergic reaction which can be linked to Dust Mite feces.  A 15 year old pillow could have a third of its weight in Dust Mite feces.  One ounce of dust can hold as many as 42,000 Dust Mites.

                Unfortunately, studies have shown that Dust Mites can never be completely eliminated from an area, but can be suppressed for a short time.  Dust Mite populations can be reduce with a little personal effort by washing  bedding and other items in hot (130 degree) water weekly, putting your pillows in the dryer on high for 15 to 30 minutes, and do thorough household cleaning regularly. This may mean that you vacuum your furniture, draperies, and mattresses weekly and spray them with disinfectant.  Vacuuming with most conventional air bag vacuum cleaners can works against you in Dust Mite elimination, they vent dust out the exhaust and into the air again.  The use of a water trap vacuum will collect the dust in the water where it stays.  Don't use dusters, mops, or brooms because they all merely rearrange the dust and the Dust Mites.  In extreme cases wrap your mattress and pillows in plastic and remove the draperies from the bedroom area.  Wash and clean window blinds weekly, professionally cleaning the carpet regularly or remove it all together, then wash the hard surface floors weekly, and cleaning the heating and air conditioning dusts will give added benefit.

                You can help reduce House Dust Mites with a higher rated heating and air conditioning filter.  Drain treatment systems are available for your air conditioner to help stop bacteria, molds, and fungus growing from the drain pan.  E use of dehumidifiers to keep the humidity less than 50% will kill off most molds and fungus and starve the Dust Mites.  Ozone producing machines are available to kill off the fungus on skin flakes and dust to starve out Dust Mites, also.

                Collier Pest Control can help you control Dust Mites with our Dust Mite Service specially designed for Southwest Florida.  We can thoroughly broad cast spray all of your flooring, furniture, draperies, mattresses, and air conditioning ducts.  This treatment will kill all existing Dust Mites in your home and keep them from re-infesting your home for up to 60 days. This specialized treatment for Dust Mites kills the fungus on all treated areas and keeps killing fungus to keep the Dust Mites from re-infesting our home.

                Don't suffer another day with annoying Dust Mites.  Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Don't let unwanted guest spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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            Fleas are pest to humans and their domestic animals all over the world.  While most fleas prefer non-human hosts, many can and do feed on humans when infestations are heavy or when other hosts are not readily available.

                Fleas are small, wingless parasitic insects that are extremely well adapted to their environment.  The first step toward effective control is recognizing two very important factors.  First, the 4 stages of the flea life cycle (egg, larva, pupa, and adult) have to be broken or stopped.  Second, the flea population must be controlled everywhere it exists, on the pet, inside the home, and out in the yard.

                1.  THE EGG STAGE

                The eggs are laid loosely and singly on the host.  The eggs are not sticky so when the host shakes, scratches, or moves around the eggs will be deposited in all areas where the hosts rest, sleeps, and is active.

                2.  THE LARVAL STAGE

                Flea larva is whitish, legless, and worm like.  Unlike adult fleas, the larvae are free living (non-parasitic) with chewing mouth parts and feed on material available in their environment.   It is necessary for successful development of the larva to feed on organic debris and the adult flea excrement containing dried blood which composes the main diet of the flea larva. Larvae are more sensitive to temperature and humidity than the eggs.  Low humidity, less than 50%, is fatal for flea larvae.  The larval period normally lasts 7-15 days, but can be as long as several months if the environment is less favorable.

                3.  THE PUPAL STAGE

                Unlike the egg and larval stage, the pupa stage is very resilient to harsh conditions.  The cocoon serves to protect the pupa from predators and also acts as a barrier against insecticides.  Within the cocoon the pupa changes into a pre-emerged adult flea.  Adults will emerge from the pupa case in 5-7 days under favorable conditions.  In adverse conditions, the pupae and pre-emerged adults can lay quiet within the cocoon for up to a full year.   Flea emergence can be stimulated by body warmth of the host and the pressure made by a host walking on the pre-emerged adult within the cocoon, increased temperatures and mechanical disturbances.

                4.  THE ADULT STAGE

                The adult flea has well developed legs for jumping.  Adults have piercing-sucking mouth parts and are usually ready to take a blood meal, their only source of food, 24-48 hours after emerging from the cocoon.  Adult fleas spend 90% of their life on the host and feed many times a day.  On average, the female flea lays 15-20 eggs per day for the 10-14 days that she is fertile.

                For an effective flea program to stop any re-infestation of fleas in all areas, the pet, the home, and the yard must be treated.  Pets drop flea eggs anywhere at any time.  After hatching, the flea larva then can migrate to dark low traffic areas where food is available.  All stages of the flea can be carried throughout the house in the laundry, on people or on their clothing.  Also, if the infested pet frequently travels in the family vehicle it may be necessary to treat the vehicle as well.  Outdoor treatment is also necessary when the pets are allowed outside.

                Although nearly all adult fleas present at the time of service will be controlled, don't be alarmed if you see some fleas within a few days to three weeks after treatment.  These are newly emerged adults from the cocoon of the pupa stage.  If these conditions are present after treatment, control the new adults on the pet with bathing or a pet flea insecticide.  Any flea prevention program must include regular grooming and bathing of the pet.  If the pet is not being treated regularly, you could see constant sighting of fleas.  Your home and your yard would not be re-infested but your pet would be infested.

                To insure a continuous protection from fleas on your home and yard, we recommend that you renew your flea services at the end of each guarantee period.  Call, 239-455-4300, us today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our service, or look us up on our web site at  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle!  Remember, Florida does not have to be share with insects!

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Thursday, September 22, 2011



          The Ghost Ant has become the number one pest ant found in Southwest Florida. This ant is identified by the worker ants running erratically and rapidly on a set trail that can be traced back to the nest.  They are very tiny, about 1/32 of an inch long, and derives its name from the fact that it is very difficult to see.  The head and thorax of the Ghost Ant is dark in color and the abdomen and legs are very pale.  This forces a person to look very closely at surfaces just to see the workers moving about.  They will create trails from just a few ants to hundreds. 

                These trails can usually be located along building foundations and up the walls outdoors.  Ghost ants will readily trail down branches of trees and shrubs into the structure, and through cracks around eaves and soffits.  The Ghost Ant's primary habitat is outdoors.  They will nest in the soil, dead tree limbs, under stones, and in hollow cavities of plants.  Inside, the Ghost Ant will nest inside wall voids, behind base boards, and under cabinets. 

                Each Ghost Ant colony is moderate in size, with thousands of workers and numerous reproductive queens.  New colonies are started by "budding" where one or more reproductive queens, together with workers and brood (larvae and pupae), move away from the original colony. 

                The worker Ghost Ant is very fond of honeydew secreted by aphids, but will also feed upon live and dead insects.  Moisture is a limiting factor in the survival of Ghost Ants. They have a very high need for moisture. 

                Conditions which result in excess moisture such as poor drainage or plumbing leaks should be corrected.  If possible, a vegetation free border should be installed around the foundation.  Branches of trees and shrubs which

touch the structure should be trimmed back.  Successful control of the Ghost Ant depends upon the ability to locate

the foraging ants and  the nest sites.  The liberal use of bait in proper locations works well when combined with an exterior power spray treatment.  The Ghost Ant can often be controlled within a few days.

                Don't let insect change your lifestyle in beautiful Southwest Florida.  Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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            Centipedes are very common here in Southwest Florida.  Sometimes confused with millipedes do not damage food or furnishings in your home. Centipedes are identified by having one pair of legs per body segment compared with millipedes that have two pair of legs per body segment and are usually brownish, flattened animals.  Centipedes are fast runners and grow to a length from 1 to 6 inches.  Centipedes have an appendage at the rear of their body that looks like a singer.  It is not, this appendage is designed for the Centipede to hold it's pray until it can eat it. 

Centipedes have poorly developed eyes and are most active at night.  They are active predators and feed mainly on insects and spiders.  All centipedes have venom glands to immobilize their prey.  The jaws of the smaller local species cannot penetrate human skin; however the larger species may inflict painful bites.  This is how they catch their food source which is spiders, small live insects and their larva.

            Centipedes live humid damp dark places such as under stones, leaf litter, logs, bark, ground cover and debris.  If they invade your home the Centipede could be found most likely in closets, bathrooms, and kitchen areas.

            Centipedes usually lay 15 to 55 eggs clustered together in the soil but sometimes they are laid singly.  The eggs hatch soon after they are deposited.  The female will usually guard the newly hatched young.  Young Centipedes closely resemble the adult and require 3 years to mature.  Centipedes are rather long-lived and individuals may live up to 6 years.

            Collier Pest Control's Collier Complete treatment will control invading Centipedes from you home and family.

            Call, 239-455-4300, for a complete explanation on Centipedes control or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011



            The Caribbean Crazy Ant for many years has been a nuisance to the east coast of Florida.  We now have the Caribbean Crazy Ant here in Southwest Florida.  This ant resembles a small fire ant in appearance but is harmless and does not sting or bite.  It does however, infest neighborhood with multitudes of ants that overrun homes and businesses. 

            The Caribbean Crazy Ant is a small golden brown to reddish brown ant with a smooth glossy body covered with tiny hairs has longer antennae, like the black crazy ant.  This ant likes to nest near the ground under objects for protection.  It has been found under palm fronds, logs, railroad ties, trees, shrubs, along sidewalks, cracks in concrete, leaves, lumber, electrical conduits, metal, mulch, and even sod.   This ant is extremely resourceful in foraging for food.  Each Caribbean Crazy Ant colony could have over 5 million or more ants and have been known to have millions of ants trail over a 1/2 mile from their nest for food.   They will feed on dead insects and tend honeydew producers on plants.  They also group together multiple colonies to support their nests.  This ant can infest total communities within a short period of time because of their numbers in each colony.

            The control of the Caribbean Crazy Ant is not as easy as other types of ants.  First nesting sites need to be removed from the area as stated above.  Clean up all debris and items that are on or near the ground.  The nests should be located or the trails followed back to see where the nests could be located.  This ant will move their nests rapidly when disturbed.  With many millions of worker ants in each colony, a repeated insecticide spraying followed by a thorough baiting with sweet ant killing baits of all the infested area must be applied. 

Collier Pest Control offers a 3 week Caribbean Crazy Ant treatment process to control the problem for you.  Collier Pest Control will perform it's proven "Collier Complete" pest control treatment to the inside of your home or business followed by a thorough and complete spraying treatment of all the turf, flower and mulch beds around your home or business.  We will return each week to bait the inside and retreat the outside of your home for 2 more weeks.  By this continued repetitive treatment we can get total control of the Caribbean Crazy Ant.

            Call, 239-455-4300, today for a free estimate and a complete explanation about our Caribbean Crazy Ant treatment or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrolcom.  Don't let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Protecting your family's health and property from insects is very important.  Yet, are you qualified to apply insecticides safely around your family and pets?

            Collier Pest Control specializes in general household pest control treatments and related problems with an advanced, professionally trained staff using the latest and most complete method of pest control service ever developed for Southwest Florida, called the Collier Complete.  It enables the professional service technician to inject insect controlling materials into hiding areas where insects live and breed, away from your family and pets.

            Collier Pest Control can eliminate unwanted pests by safely applying materials into those hiding areas around your window frames, thresholds and door frames, receptacles, electrical and plumbing pipes, construction cracks and voids, cabinets and vanities, and any other problem area within your home or business.

            Collier Pest Control adds extra protection by completing the service with an exterior perimeter power spray treatment provided from our professionally equipped service trucks.  Outside we treat the eaves, mulch and flowerbeds, entryways, and up to a 10 feet perimeter around your home or business.

            The highly developed Collier Complete Pest Control Treatment method will provide the best available household protection against most of Southwest Florida's crawling insects for a period of 90 days.  The Collier Complete Treatment should be renewed every 3 months to continue your protection around your home or business.

            Let Collier Pest Control protect your home or business with our Collier Complete pest control.  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest lifestyle. Call, 239-455-4300, for a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011



Collier Pest Control recognizes the need to offer an option of a no spray, non-organophosphate pest control treatment.  Collier Pest Control searched for an alternative method of pest control, a new system and a non-traditional spraying system.

                Collier Pest Control offers the Enviro-Care Pest Control Treatment done Natures Way!  A totally new concept of doing pest control.  NO ORGANOPHOSPAHATES, NO CARBAMATES, NO CHLORINATED HYDROCARBONS, and absolutely no odors inside your home or business!  This new and exciting treatment gives everyone an alternative when concerned over the use of spraying pesticide treatments in their home.  The Enviro-Care treatment puts greater emphasis on non-chemical methods of controlling insects.  This new method consists of a thorough evaluation and inspection of your home or business.  Use of biological, organic, and mechanical means to trap, repel, and bait to control insects.

                If you have had concerns or are opposed to the old fashion methods of pest control spraying treatments, The Enviro-Care Treatment from Collier Pest Control will meet your needs. 

      Insects and rodents compete with us for our food supply, destroy or damage property, and can spread diseases.  You can protect your health and property from pests without compromising your environment to chemical pesticides.

                Collier Pest Control, using the Enviro-Care Treatment, done Natures Way, will treat the cracks and voids of your home or business.  We'll also treat the windows, door frames, plumbing and electrical pipes, cabinets and vanities, and your attic.  Collier Pest Control will finish the service with a non chemical perimeter outside treatment to the surroundings of your home or business.  The Enviro-Care Treatment will protect your home or business against most of Southwest Florida's crawling insects for a period of up to 180 days, that's  six months of protection.

                Don't let unwanted insects spoil your Southwest Florida lifestyle.  You now can protect your home or business, without old fashion spraying methods, with the Enviro-Care Treatment, done Natures Way.

                Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation of all our services, or look us up on our web site at  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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                Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority including Earwigs.  This pest is one of the most common outdoor pests seen here in Southwest Florida.  These nocturnal dangerous looking pests do slip into your home through small construction cracks and crevices foraging for food.  Earwigs are identified by their pincer like appendage at the end of the abdomen (call forceps).  They are brownish in color, with very short wings, and about 1/2 to 1 inch long. The forceps are used to trap prey and protect themselves, but are not strong enough to hurt anyone.

                Earwigs hide during the day in moist shady places under stones, logs, mulch, dead foliage and any high moisture area.  These scavengers feed on live or dead plants and insects.

                The common name "Earwig" comes from an old European superstition that these insects enter the ears of sleeping people and bore into the brain.  This is entirely unfounded since earwigs are harmless to man.

                Earwigs can be difficult to control.  The key to effective Earwig control is removal of any non-essential mulch and plant debris or anything that could hold moisture such as boards and stones around your home.  The purpose of this is to establish a low moisture zone around your home that is disagreeable to Earwigs. Collier Pest Control can help eliminate these creatures with our "Collier Complete" pest control service.  We will treat all the cracks and crevices inside your home and broadcast spray the eaves, soffits, mulch beds, flowerbeds, entryways, and 5 to 10 feet perimeter outside your home. 

                Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on line at  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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