Sunday, July 31, 2011
Drywood Termites as well as other termites dwell in Florida. Drywood Termites infest dry wood and do not require contact with the soil. Other types of termites need to nest in the soil in order to survive.
Drywood Termites are a social insect that live in colonies. The colonies are composed of kings, queens and soldiers. There is no worker caste of termite as in other types of termites. The work or foraging for food is done by the immature termites before they become adults. These nymphs, the immature termites, which are most numerous castes, are white and wingless. Kings and Queens Termites perform the reproductive function of the colony. They are light to dark brown and 1/3 to one inch in length. The Soldiers guard the colony against invaders such as ants. They are white and wingless with large brownish heads and jaws. The soldiers and immature remain inside the wood at all times.
Drywood Termites are more common along coastal areas, although they are also found inland. Drywood Termite food consists of cellulose obtained from wood. Infestations of Drywood Termites may be found in almost any product containing cellulose. They are most commonly found infesting attics, window sills, door frames, woodwork in buildings and furniture.
Detecting Drywood Termites infestations may be noticed in several ways. One way is during the early months of the year. Drywood Termite Kings and Queens emerge from the colonies as swarms. The purpose of these swarms is to establish new colonies. The appearance of winged termites in the home is an indication of probable infestation; however, they may have come in from outside. Swarming termites are attracted to light. Swarming termites may be found around window sills or lights. Shortly after emerging from the colony, swarming termites land and lose their wings. If the swarming termites do not find a suitable nesting area, they will die.
A common way to detect Drywood Termites is that Drywood Termites unlike other types of termites excrete pellets of partly digested wood. These pellets are straw-colored to reddish brown and about the size of sand. The pellets are pushed from the galleries and found on
are surfaces beneath the infested wood.
An experienced eye can detect Drywood Termites in an advanced stage of infestation from surface blistering. Drywood Termites sometimes tunnel close to the surface giving the wood a blistered appearance.
Preventative measures for the Drywood Termite is limited at best. Any opening to windows and attics should be screened. Any cracks or voids should be caulked or filled with wood filler. The use of termite resistant woods such as Redwood, Bald Cypress, Mahogany, Spanish cedar, and commercial pressure treated wood will resist Drywood Termites for several years until weathering makes it susceptible to infestation.
Drywood Termites require a completely different control method; therefore the infestation must be correctly identified first. If detected in the early stages and damage is localized, a Drywood Termite colony may be controlled by removing and replacing the damaged wood or by the application of a termite labeled insecticide. If the infestation is too extensive and advanced for local treatment, it will be necessary to tent and fumigate the entire building. This method can be costly and leaves no residual protection; it is usually the only alternative when many large termite colonies are present.
We live in a sea of Termites here in Florida. Its not if you will get a termite problem, It is when will you get a termite problem. The University of Florida states that, 2/3s of all new homes in Florida will have a termite problem within 5 years. To protect your home, have a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION performed yearly from Collier Pest Control. Then consider one of our economic protective termite services to protect your valuable home form unwanted damage and stress.
Call, 239-455-3200, Collier Pest Control today for a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION and a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services. Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!
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Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority, including the Asian Cockroach. The Asian Cockroach was recently introduced into Florida as a new species in 1986. It has spread over at least one third of the state, from the center of Florida to Collier County and Southwest Florida.
The Asian Roach is a rural and suburban pest that mainly infests single family, suburban houses and yards. The Asian Roach is abundant outdoors, where populations of 30,000 to 250,000 per acre have been found. The adults are strong fliers and can fly up to 120 feet in a single flight.
Adult Asian Roaches take flight even during the day if disturbed. At dusk there is a frenzy of activity when adults are active in grass and mulch. These active pests invade any opening in a house, such as a lighted doorway or window. Once inside, they crawl on illuminated television screens and walls while the lights are on during the evening.
The Asian Roach is almost identical in appearance to the German cockroach. Many people confuse this outdoor pest with the most common of indoor infestations, the German Roach. The wings of the Asian Roach are usually longer and are lighter brown in color than most German Roaches. Asian Roaches are found mostly outdoors but can be seen inside around windows, doors, illuminated lighting and away from food areas. The German Roach is always found inside and around food areas. The female Asian Roach can produce an egg capsule with 40 eggs every 28 days. The nymphs will mature to adults in about 6 to 7 weeks.
Collier Pest Control can control these outdoor pests with our "Collier Complete" pest control service. We can thoroughly treat all your inside cracks and crevices and complete the service with a broadcast spraying of the eaves, soffits, flower beds, entry ways, and 5 to 10 feet perimeter around your home.
Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!
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Saturday, July 30, 2011
Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority, including Scorpions. Here in Southwest Florida we mostly see the Common Striped Scorpion. It has 2 broad dark bands extending the length of the back on a yellowish brown body. They usually grow to 1 inches and normally live outdoors and only invade homes foraging for food. They can live 3 to 5 years.
Scorpions are flattened, crab like animals having 10 legs and a fleshy tail. They have an upturned up stinger at the end of their tail. There are over 1200 species of scorpions, but only 20 to 30 types are in the United States. They are unique as they do not lay eggs and their young are born alive. After they are born, the mother will carry them until their first molt. Scorpions are most active at night hiding under boards, bark, rubbish, buildings of the ground, debris, under foliage growth, and palm fronds.
Scorpions sting! But, only sting when provoked or disturbed. The sting of the Common Striped Scorpion is painful but not dangerous to our health except for those persons who exhibit allergic reactions to insect stings. Normally, strong ammonia will help the pain and icing the sting will keep the swelling down. There have been no deaths from Scorpion stings in Florida.
Scorpions have poor eye sight and being nocturnal and predaceous, they feed on insects, spiders, or small animal wildlife. They do not stalk their prey, but wait to grab it alive with their pinchers.
Collier Pest Controls can help eliminate any Scorpion problem around your home with our Collier Complete pest control service. We will treat all the cracks and crevices inside your home and broadcast spray the soffits, eaves, mulch beds, flower beds, entry ways, and a 5 to 10 perimeter around your home. If you remove all areas Scorpions will hide listed above, around your home your will be protected from these silent invaders.
Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!
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Just to say the word Termites in conjunction with your home sends chills into many a heart. Collier Pest Control can relieve you from the termite anxiety forever. We want to educate as many home owners as possible to the risk of termite infestation. We want to show all home owners that they do not need to be forever worried that the house they live in will be destroyed from wood deriving termites.
Termites have been around for over 250 million years. They are social insects and live in colonies which are usually located in the ground or in wood. These colonies contain castes or groups of individuals who share the same body form and job description. The common castes are workers, soldiers, swarmers, or secondary reproductives. Each has a purpose and job responsibility in the colony. Workers maintain the colony, soldiers protect the colony from other insects such as ants, and the reproductives, including the queen, are responsible for reproducing more termites to maintain the colony. A successful colonys queen may live up to or more than 30 years. New colonies are formed by either a founding pair of reproductive swarmers or by isolation of a portion of a large colony. After the swarming flight, mated queens lay few eggs the first year, as few as 22.
Most termites feed on cellulose from wood and wood by product such as paper; some tropical species feed on fungi, carrion, etc. They are worldwide in distribution with about 2,500 described species, and about 50 species are found in the United States.
The question is often asked as to how many years are required before a newly constructed building will show signs of a termite infestation. If a colony is started by a pair of termites swarmers at the time of construction, at least 3 or 4 years are required before even a few swarmers will be produced. Evidence of damage may take longer. However, if the structure is built over or close to a strong existing colony of termites, hundreds of swarmers may appear within a year and substantial damage might be noticed with a year.
Termites are usually divided into 3 groups based on the location of their colony: the subterranean, the Drywood, and the dampwood termites.
It is necessary to know which termite group is causing the problem because each group has quite different biologically and therefore requires different control methods.
The University of Florida has found that 2/3 of all Florida homes can have a termite infestation within 5 years after being built because of chemical barrier failure. Dr. Phil Kohler, of The University of Florida says: Its NOT if your home will get termites but WHEN it will get termites. He also states: We live in a sea of termites here in Florida. Virtually all areas of Florida have termites. There are two problems to understand, the first is just mentioned above with building over an existing colony. The other is that since1987 the government canceled the use of all long term liquid termite and insect controlling materials, such as Chlordane, to protect your home. Those liquid materials would protect a structure for many years, even 10s of years to come. The liquid materials we now have to protect your home will only last a few years, maybe if weather conditions do not interfere, 5 to 7 years, IF APPLIED PROPERLY! Unfortunately, there are many pest control operators and contractors that DO NOT follow the proper application procedures. If these application procedures are not followed exactly, the protection to your home will be even shortened or non-existent than the 5 to 7 years for liquid pre-treatment termite service.
If your home is older than 5 years and you have not had your home retreated with a liquid termite treatment or you do not have an inground termite baiting system, your home is at risk for a termite infestation. This does not mean you have a termite infestation currently, it is just at risk because there is no protection in the ground to keep the termites away from your home.
It very important that if you own a home in this area, you have that home inspected yearly for any termite infestations. This will give you the peace of mind and assurance to know that you will not have any costly surprises arise from hidden termite damage. As you have read above, termites can hide for years before being noticed, or they can be active almost immediately with existing colonies near your home.
The solution is to have Collier Pest control come to your home with our state certified termite inspector and provide a free inspection, offer helpful information and show you the long term solution to how to protect your home with our affordable in-ground termite interception and baiting system by Exterra. If you are not going to own your home for a long period of time to come, we then suggest a liquid termite treatment with only 5 to 7 years of protection.
Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest control today for a free estimate and full explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!
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Friday, July 29, 2011
There are 2,500 different species of Mosquitoes throughout the world, about 200 species in the United States, and 76 types in Florida breeding in salt and fresh water marshes, lakes, canals, ponds, and any place water will stand. One of the great mysteries of nature is that only the female Mosquitoes will bite you, the male Mosquito feeds only on plant nectar and honey dew off of plants.
It wasnt until local governments created Mosquito control programs, did people enjoy vacationing in Florida. Most of Florida was considered unbearable as little as 50 years ago. Biting Mosquitoes were not the only reason not to be in Florida. Diseases in epidemic proportions were present here in Florida until the early 1900s. The Mosquito can transmit a number of diseases such as; malaria, west Nile virus, yellow fever, dengue, encephalitis, and heart worms in animals. Most of these are still present here in Florida today, but not publicized in the news. Mosquitoes cause more human suffering than any other organism.
Mosquitoes breed in standing water and rest most of their time on plant foliage. They are attracted to carbon dioxide, octenol, lactic, light, heat, and an array of sounds.
Knowing the characteristics of the Mosquito gives us an advantage to control and eliminate unwanted Mosquitoes from our environment. Collier Pest Control has three ways to combating the invasion of Mosquitoes.
First, Collier Pest Control can install Mosquito Trapping Equipment that attracts Mosquitoes and other flying insects with lactic, light, heat, and sound. This amazing economical machine will draw and control most flying insects up to 1 acre.
Second, Collier Pest Control can eliminate resting Mosquitoes and flying insects on all your plants and foliage with our Flying Insect Foliage Treatment. This treatment places a residual material on all your plants, bushes, and lawn that will kill most flying insects that land or rest on them for a period of up to 3 months.
Third, Collier Pest Control can stop unwanted Mosquitoes before they become adults. Collier Pest Control can treat any small ponds, lakes, ditches, drainage areas, or any place standing water accumulates. We can treat these areas with a growth regulator that will stop the immature Mosquitoes from developing into an adult.
There is no reason to be suffering from annoying, biting, disease caring, flying insects any longer. Protect your family and friends from Mosquitoes that are around or near your home or business. Choose one of these convenient methods to eliminate Mosquitoes and flying insects around your home.
Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!
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BUGS AND PARTIES DONT MIX!! So, if your planning an outdoor event, don't forget to protect your guests against biting or crawling insects.
Collier Pest Control can help make your outdoor event a sparkling success! We can eliminate the annoying bug problems that can accompany an outdoor gathering. We will treat all outside foliage, turf, and structures for crawling insects, put out flying insect equipment to attract and trap flying insects. These specially designed materials will eliminate crawling and flying insects without risk to you or your guests.
Call, 239-455-4300, us before your outdoor event. Our office staff can plan convenient times to come treat your outdoor areas. Collier Pest Controls Outdoor Event Protection treatment is simple, convenient, affordable, and will leave you with a peace of mind!
For more details on this or any other of our protective services. Call Collier Pest Control for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida outdoor event! Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!
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Thursday, July 28, 2011
you or someone you know has ever had to deal with Bed Bugs before, you
understand just how difficult they can be to eliminate.
Bugs live in aggregations or clusters and prefer to live as close as possible
to their host and will quickly establish themselves in the cracks, crevices,
and seams associated with headboards, bed frames, and mattresses. Additionally
rough, dry surfaces that are either protected or partially dark seem to be the
preferred environment in which Bed Bugs will establish their harborage.
Bed Bugs are mostly active at night and exhibit
cryptic behavior during the day. As a result they often go undetected until
their populations escalate. These biting insects are small oval, flattened
insects about one- fifth inch long ranging in color from mahogany brown to rust
brown. However, they will turn bright red following a blood meal. Adult females
deposit whitish eggs which are attached with a cement like material into the
crevices where they hide. Once egg- lying begins, females typically deposit two
hundred to five hundred eggs in her lifetime. Eggs take six to ten days to
hatch and the young Bed Bugs complete five nymphal instars before reaching
adulthood. At least one blood meal is required to complete development during
each instar as well as for the production of each batch of eggs.
The lifecycle takes four to five weeks to complete
and there may be four generations per year. Under normal room temperatures and
with an adequate food source, Bed Bugs will typically live up to three hundred
sixteen days. Adults can live for several months or up to one year without
feeding, and nymphs can live up to three months without feeding.
These insects may produce a series of bites in a row,
or fairly straight line. The bites are usually along the edge of a piece of
clothing or a bed sheet that has been lying against their human host's skin.
Bed Bugs leave physical signs of blood smears on
walls, bedding, curtains, and other light colored surfaces. Habitual hiding places
are usually made evident by telltale fecal matter that is deposited onto the
surfaces where the Bed Bugs rest. Fecal deposits appear as dark brown to black
spots and are commonly found around the binding where the top of the mattress
meets the sides. Egg shells and cast skins may also be present in these
Pest Control can help you with a quick and easy treatment to get you back in
order in just one day! Collier
Pest Control can provide the proven guaranteed Bed Bug Heat Treatment to any
room you have an infestation with. In Just
a few short hours and your room is ready to be used again without
throwing away any furniture or bedding!
the Collier Pest Control's Bed Bug Heat Treatment will Heat Treat the infested
furniture such as: mattress, box
springs, bed frame, head board, upholstered furniture, draperies, drapery rods,
and any other furniture Bed Bug infested.
We will also chemically treat all the cracks, crevices, voids, and
carpet for Bed Bugs throughout the rest of the room. This whole process will only take a few
hours and your Bed Bug problem will then be gone without throwing away any
furniture or bedding! There are
only a few pest control operators skilled enough to provide this New Bed Bug
Heat Treatment properly, and now Collier Pest Control can offer this amazing
treatment to you now, here in our beautiful Southwest Florida.
Sleep Tight! Don't let the Bed Bugs bite! Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free explantion on our Bed Bug treatments or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted guests spoil your
beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.
Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Booklice are very small insects found on books and papers. They are both winged and wingless and less than a 1/8 of an inch, with chewing mouthparts. There are more than a 100 species collectively called psocids, including Booklice are a part. The term lice is somewhat misleading because none of these insects are parasitic or have 8 legs. Most of the species are found inside buildings. The two most commonly found are the common Booklouse and the Deathwatch. These are often found among books and papers. They also can be found in stored grain, dried foods, insect collections, furniture, beddings, warm moist areas, leaking water pipes, air conditioning drain pans, windowsills, or damaged roofs.
The control of psocids is directly related to finding the source of the Booklice and the source of the moisture that supports these insects. Infested furniture and bedding or other movable furnishings should be thoroughly cleaned and aired. All infested foods should be discarded. All excess moisture areas should be dried, repaired and aired to kill fungi. Insecticides can reduce the population of Booklice for a short length of time. To completely eliminate psocids you must find the source of moisture supporting the molds and fungi that the Booklice feed on and eliminate it.
Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Dont let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.
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Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority including Earwigs. This pest is one of the most common outdoor pests seen here in Southwest Florida. These nocturnal dangerous looking pests do slip into your home through small construction cracks and crevices foraging for food. Earwigs are identified by their pincer like appendage at the end of the abdomen (call forceps). They are brownish in color, with very short wings, and about to 1 inch long. The forceps are used to trap prey and protect themselves, but are not strong enough to hurt anyone.
Earwigs hide during the day in moist shady places under stones, logs, mulch, dead foliage and any high moisture area. These scavengers feed on live or dead plants and insects.
The common name Earwig comes from an old European superstition that these insects enter the ears of sleeping people and bore into the brain. This is entirely unfounded since earwigs are harmless to man.
Earwigs can be difficult to control. The key to effective Earwig control is removal of any non-essential mulch and plant debris or anything that could hold moisture such as boards and stones around your home. The purpose of this is to establish a low moisture zone around your home that is disagreeable to Earwigs. Collier Pest Control can help eliminate these creatures with our Collier Complete pest control service. We will treat all the cracks and crevices inside your home and broadcast spray the eaves, soffits, mulch beds, flowerbeds, entryways, and 5 to 10 feet perimeter outside your home.
Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Centipedes are very common here in Southwest
Florida. Sometimes confused with
millipedes do not damage food or furnishings in your home. Centipedes are
identified by having one pair of legs per body segment compared with millipedes
that have two pair of legs per body segment and are usually brownish, flattened
animals. Centipedes are fast runners and
grow to a length from 1 to 6 inches.
Centipedes have an appendage at the rear of their body that looks like a
singer. It is not, this appendage is designed
for the Centipede to hold it's pray until it can eat it.
have poorly developed eyes and are most active at night. They are active predators and feed mainly on
insects and spiders. All centipedes have
venom glands to immobilize their prey.
The jaws of the smaller local species cannot penetrate human skin;
however the larger species may inflict painful bites. This is how they catch their food source
which is spiders, small live insects and their larva.
Centipedes live humid damp dark places such as under
stones, leaf litter, logs, bark, ground cover and debris. If they invade your home the Centipede could
be found most likely in closets, bathrooms, and kitchen areas.
Centipedes usually lay 15 to 55 eggs clustered together
in the soil but sometimes they are laid singly.
The eggs hatch soon after they are deposited. The female will usually guard the newly
hatched young. Young Centipedes closely
resemble the adult and require 3 years to mature. Centipedes are rather long-lived and
individuals may live up to 6 years.
Collier Pest Control's Collier Complete treatment will
control invading Centipedes from you home and family.
Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a
complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted guests
spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared
with insects!
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The Little Fire Ant gets its name from its very painful sting. However, it is not closely related to the true fire ants which belong to the group of fire ants from Central and South America. Here in Florida it is located in Central and South Florida. These ants do not seem to form definite underground nests but instead appear in clusters beneath objects and in crack and crevices. New colonies are started by budding where workers and inseminated females leave the parent colony and wander off, but remain part of the super colony. Little Fire Ants tend to eliminate competitive ant species within their territory. The Little Fire Ant is less aggressive than The Native Fire Ant or The Imported Fire Ant. They may be crawling on you for some time without being disturbed or stinging. Since they do not have distinctive mounds a person may not realize they are standing in a Little Fire Ant area and be stung without warning. The Little Fire Ant is recognized by its light to golden brown color with the abdomen slightly darker. It has a pair of spines on its pedicel instead of a distinctive node. It also has very large mandibles, a robust body for its size, and a stinger at the end of the gaster.
The Native Fire Ant or sometimes call the Southern Fire Ant was the original fire ant to the South and Florida for years. It nests in the ground but does not build the large mounds like the red imported fire ants does. The Native Fire Ant is less aggressive than its exotic sister the red imported fire ant. This ant builds mounds that are irregular craters consisting of scattered soil with multiple, obscure entrances. These nests are in the open under objects such as boards and stones, sand sometimes in woodwork or masonry. A person may not be aware that they are standing in a Native Fire Ant area and have Native Fire Ants on them before they realize the stinging. The Native Fire Ant is omnivorous with a distinct preference for oily meat and nuts and other high protein foods. They will chew on clothing, kill young poultry, feed on various plants and seeds, gnaw into vegetables and fruits, and remove the rubber insulation from around telephones wires. These ants are recognized by their body color is highly variable with the head and thorax yellowish red and the gaster dark. Some eastern forms have a brownish to black head and thorax. They have a two segmented petiole instead of a node, and a stinger at the end of the gaster. The larger mandible and clypeus has two distinct teeth on their robust body.
The Imported Fire Ant is the most aggressive fire ant for its sting and destruction of property. This ant is found from Southern Florida west to Texas and as far north as Virginia. The Imported Fire Ant has an omnivorous diet and opportunistic feeding habits, and they feed on any plant or animal they encounter. In heavy infestations coexisting species of ants other invertebrates and vertebrates suffer and are sometimes eliminated. The Red Imported fire ant has been known to kill live stock, like cows out in a pasture. The painful sting which they are able to inflict in unison after crawling up the legs of an unwitting victim is the basis of their reputation. The venom of the Red Imported Fire Ant contains piperidines, which cause a burning sensation, and proteins, which can cause life threatening anaphylactic shock in a small percentage of the population. The Red Imported Fire Ant is recognized by its body color is an almost uniform dark reddish brown. They are 1/8 to inch long and have a two segmented petiole and a stinger at the end of the gaster. The large mandibles and clypeus has three distinctive teeth on their robust body.
Call, 239-455-4300, today for a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Do not let unwanted guest spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!
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Monday, July 25, 2011
Fleas are pest to humans and their domestic animals all over the world. While most fleas prefer non-human hosts, many can and do feed on humans when infestations are heavy or when other hosts are not readily available.
Fleas are small, wingless parasitic insects that are extremely well adapted to their environment. The first step toward effective control is recognizing two very important factors. First, the 4 stages of the flea life cycle (egg, larva, pupa, and adult) have to be broken or stopped. Second, the flea population must be controlled everywhere it exists, on the pet, inside the home, and out in the yard.
To insure a continuous protection from fleas on your home and yard, we recommend that you renew your flea services at the end of each guarantee period. Call, 239-455-4300, us today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our service, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle! Remember, Florida does not have to be share with insects!
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Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority including Stored Food Product
Most of the Stored Food Product Pests in Florida can reproduce quickly all year. It is very unsettling to open a brand new package of something just to find it infested with insects. How did they get into that package? The answer is that they were in the package when the food product was processed at the factory. Then when the age, humidity, and temperature of the food product get just right the insects hatch out. From the infested food packages, the pests may spread to other exposed food.
These Food Product Pests are usually found living in dried fruit, spices, flour, bran, dried vegetables, dried flowers, grains, milled cereal products, dried dog and cat food, nuts, candy, pasta, grits, cake mixes, and other similar processed dried or grain products.
The first step in controlling Food Product Pests is to locate the source of the infestation. All susceptible foods should be thoroughly inspected and infested items be discarded. You need to take the time to go through the pantry and inspect those items in question.
Insects in infested foods may be killed by heat or cold if the item is of value and need to be saved. Invested foods may be placed in an oven at 130 degrees for 30 minutes or into a freezer at 0 degrees for 4 days to kill live insects and their eggs. If insects are out of the food package and active, you can vacuum or dry wipe up all insects and wash the area with warm soapy water. If insects reappear after you have inspected and discarded infested food items take the time to reinspect and discard any new infested items and look for the source of the problem.
The presence of Food Product Pests is not an indication of uncleanliness since the infestation of the food product was before you purchased the food product.
Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
The Florida Midge emerge from lakes in astronomical numbers, covering walls of homes, and forming heaps of wispy corpses under outdoor lights. They are sometimes called blind mosquitoes because when their multitudes are disturbed in their resting places on lake shore sedges, they rise up with a mosquito-like whine and fly clumsily away among the vegetation, as to recognize a good meal when it walks into their back yard. Actually, Midges do not feed during their short life of a day or two. Since they do not feed they do not bite as adult mosquitoes.
The larva of the Midge lives in the mud of lakes and low water areas where each constructs a small open-ended tube. Through which they draw a little stream of water from which they remove algae and microscopic debris. They act as the filter for our lakes and low water areas. 90% of all Midge activity takes place just before sundown.
Control of the Midge is limited to reducing the lights around lakes and low water areas, stocking bodies of water with carp and goldfish, adding insect growth regulators to bodies of water, and light traps around the same bodies of water.
Collier Pest Control is also limited to controlling the source points of the Midge, but we have had very good success in controlling Midges at homes around Southwest Florida. We can treat your home with a special material in all areas that Midges would rest such as, front foyers, eaves, soffits, windows, doors, lanai areas, pool cages, and the garage. When Midges
Call,239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted pests spoiling your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!
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Sometimes referred to as "red coats", "chinches," or "mahogany flats," bed bugs are appearing in
The nightmare begins when a bed bug finds its way into your clothing; it now can start almost anywhere. It only takes one bed bug to hitch a ride on your clothing (furniture, suitcase, etc.) to infest your residence. What's worse is that bed bugs can live up to one year without any further blood feedings.
Collier Pest Control can help you with a quick and easy treatment to get you back in order in just one day! Collier Pest Control can provide the proven guaranteed Bed Bug Heat Treatment to any
room you have an infestation with. In Just a few short hours and your room is ready to be used again without throwing away any furniture or bedding!
Yes, the Collier Pest Control's Bed Bug Heat Treatment will Heat Treat the infested furniture such as: mattress, box springs, bed frame, head board, upholstered furniture, draperies, drapery rods, and any other furniture Bed Bug infested. We will also chemically treat all the cracks, crevices, voids, and
carpet for Bed Bugs throughout the rest of the room. This whole process will only take a few hours and your Bed Bug problem will then be gone without throwing away any furniture or bedding! There are only a few pest control operators skilled enough to provide this New Bed Bug Heat Treatment properly, and now Collier Pest Control can offer this amazing treatment to you now, here in our beautiful Southwest Florida.
Call Collier Pest Control today,239-455-4300 or look us up on line at, for a complete explanation of this amazing new Bed Bug Heat Treatment or any of our services. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!
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Saturday, July 23, 2011
Millipedes usually are considered an outdoor pest that may seek refuge in dark, damp areas around and inside your home. Millipedes live outdoors, and feed on damp, decaying vegetation, forest litter, grass clippings; compost heaps, and mulched areas. Female Millipedes can lie from 20 to 300 eggs in decaying organic material. The eggs hatch in a few weeks called "Thousand Legers" they have two pair of legs attached to each body segment.
Collier Pest Control through experience has learned that the majority of Millipede migration will stop soon after our first cold front passes through that brings the temperature down to the low 50's Millipede activity will begin again when the temperatures stay above 75 to 80 degrees.
Collier Pest Control sympathizes if you are having a Millipede problem. If you are seeing a
entire your lawn and a liquid insect repellant around the base of your home to give you complete control of Millipedes. Eliminating excess areas of high moisture and mulch from the lawn will help control and stop millipedes from being around your home.
Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation of all of our services, or look us up on our web site at Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!
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The Odorous House Ant is a common household pest distributed nearly throughout the U.S. This brownish to black ant is frequently confused with the argentine ant but can be easily distinguished by its darker color and the fact that the front of its abdomen overhangs and hides its flat petiole or node. The Odorous House Ant got its name from the fact that it gives off a very characteristic, pungent, and unpleasant coconut-like odor when crushed.
The Odorous House Ant colonies may be composed of several hundred or up to 100,000 ants with many queens. Inside these ants usually construct their nests near moisture in wall voids especially around hot water pipes and heaters, around sinks, and cupboards. Outside they are often found in the nest of larger ants, in exposed soil, but mostly under objects like: stacked lumber, firewood, bricks, rocks, stones, or pavers. These ants prefer sweets but also eat live and dead insects and foods with high protein content and grease such as meat and cheese.
When disturbed the Odorous House Ants run around in an erratic manner with their gaster/abdomens raised up similar to the acrobatic ant.
Control of these ants is based mainly on the success of finding the nests outdoors. Collier Pest Control's outdoor perimeter treatment is very successful in eliminating the Odorous House Ants as well as other problem invading pests.
Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a full explanation of the Odorous House Ant or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida's lifestyle. Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.
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Friday, July 22, 2011
Collier Pest Control stands behind all of its services. We offer a full service warranty for all of the special treatments we provide.
We offer general services through our Collier Complete, Enviro-Care, and Wall Systems Plus
treatments. We offer specialty services from our Fire Ant, White Foot Ant, Carpenter Ant, Pharaoh Ant, German cockroach, Rodent, Flea, Tick, Bed Bug, Lice, Dust Mite, Millipede, Spider, and termite treatments. All of these different types of services offer a full service guarantee.
If for any reason an insect or pest problem would reoccur within the guarantee period, which is guaranteed under the service received, we will gladly return and correct the problem at no cost.
We try to set an appointment time for any return call at the customer's convenience within 24 hours.
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Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority, including the famous
Florida Palmetto Bug. This Famous
Florida Palmetto Bug is one of Florida's best legions. It hides in closets, under appliances, in
dressers draws or under your bed just waiting to run out at you! This famous bug is known to attack by fling
right for you! This monster of the dark
is also known to breed in numbers to high to count!
real facts are there is no such thing as a Palmetto Bug. The American cockroach is the first to be
labeled a Palmetto Bug. The American
Roach is the largest of the common roach species at about 1 ? inches long,
reddish brown in color, with fully developed wings. This large bug seldom flies but is capable of
gliding long distances. Each female
American Roach can develop an egg capsule of 15 eggs every week.
villain, recently, to be named the Palmetto Bug is the Australian
Cockroach. This roach is similar in
appearance, size, and color. This
startling pest has distinguished yellow military type lieutenant strips along
the outer front of either wing. This strong flier has a prominent bat shaped
dark spot in the center of the pronotum, the area just behind the head. This Australian Roach can develop an egg
capsule with 15 eggs every 10 days.
the American and the Australian Roach are primary outside pests. During periods of cold, extreme hot and dry
weather, or excessive rainfall they will try to enter buildings foraging for
food. Both are found living outdoors in
landscape, tree trucks, under rocks, around drainpipes, and any place moisture
and shelter will protect them.
Pest Control can control these pests with our "Collier Complete" pest control
service. This service thoroughly treats
all the cracks and crevices the inside of your home and completes the service
with a broadcast spraying of the eaves, soffits, flowerbeds, entry ways, and 5
to 10 feet around your home.
Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on
any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Do not let unwanted
guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared
with insects!
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
Spiders are arachnids not insects. Arachnids have 8 legs, no antennae, and 2
body regions. Insects have 6 legs, 1
pair of antennae, and 3 body regions.
There are about 37,000 species of spiders that have been named. This represents only about 1/4th
the total amount of all spiders. Luckily
only a few types are considered household pests and almost all spiders found in
Florida are harmless to humans. Almost
all spiders possess venom, but most cannot penetrate the skin of humans with
their fangs.
spiders, specifically those dangerous to humans, are few in number. Only five species of venomous spiders occur
in Florida, which are; The Southern Black widow, The Northern Black Widow, The
Red Widow, The Brown Widow, and occasionally seen The Brown Recluse. If bitten by a spider, keep it in rubbing
alcohol for a positive identification by a professional. If it happens to be one of these venomous
spiders you might need medical attention immediately. Collier Pest Control recommends if bitten by
any spider or insects. First, try to
identify the species of pest you where bitten by. Then, rub the bitten area of your body with
ammonia, and then cover the bitten area with ice to reduce the swelling to the
area. If you are not sensitive or
allergic to spider or insect bites, the irritation from the bite will be
reduced within a few minutes. If you
have had an experience with sensitivity or allergic reaction to spider or
insect bites, seek medical attention immediately. Bring the pest that bit you to the medical
attendant for proper identification.
spiders live one to two seasons. Some
primitive spiders can live up to 10 years. A female spider does not ordinarily
feast on her mate as fable tells us, but males do die soon after mating. Spiders require shedding their exoskeleton
usually 4 to 12 times before becoming an adult.
Spiders are predators that depend mostly on live insects for their food
source. They will also feed on other
spiders when available. Some Spiders
make webs to snare their prey; others are hunters that search for their
prey. When feeding on their prey,
spiders inject a digestive fluid into their prey before eating it. Spiders can survive for long periods of time
without feeding. Some Spiders have kept
alive for over 2 years without feeding.
Spiders never feed on plants or non-living materials, including grains
and fabrics.
Spiders are associated with moisture and found in basements, crawl spaces, and
damp parts of buildings. Other types of
Spiders live in warm dray places. These
can be found in subfloor air vents, and upper corners of rooms and attics, newly hatched Spiders are very tiny and can
easily enter your home through screens and around loose fitting doors and
windows. Spiders regularly hid in
cracks, darkened areas, or other retreats which they construct of silk.
Spiders indoors may involve nothing more than vacuuming up the Spiders, their
webs, and egg sacs. Removal of clutter
or other sanitation steps directed at the conditions favoring Spiders will help
reduce Spider infestation. Successful
Spider management indoors begins by eliminating the Spiders food source with
are insects and other Spiders. Routine pest control maintenance, tightly fitted
screens and weather strips on doors and windows will keep out unwanted
pests. Also, inspect such things as;
firewood, cut flowers, nursery plants, and anything brought into the home.
Spiders outside your home can be as easy as wiping down, washing, and pressure
spraying all webs, Spiders, and eggs sacs.
Turning off outside lights when not needed, and routine pest control
treatments will control most Spider infestations for most homes.
If your
Spider infestation is bigger than you can handle with regular maintenance or
you just don't wish to see exterior Spiders around your home. Collier Pest Control can eliminate unwanted
Spiders from around the outside of your home for up to 6 months at a time with
our specially designed for Southwest Florida Spider Service. We will treat all the eaves, soffits, doors
frames, window frames, lighting, pool cages, inside garages, and any place a
spider can cling. Read our Spider
Treatment information sheet for more facts or call, 239-455-4300, us for a free estimate and a
complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at
Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida
lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not
have to be shared with Spiders or insects.
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If you are seeing small white
or dingy brown moths fling out of your lawn, or your lawn has developed grayish
brown damaged areas 2 or 3 foot in diameter.
It is a good chance you may have Sod Web Worms. Often, damage is first noticed along hedges
or flower beds.
This is the most common
caterpillar to attacking turfgrasses.
These moths attack all grasses but prefer Bermuda and least desire
bahia. During the day, the moths rest in
shrubbery next to turf areas and at dusk, fly over the turf depositing
eggs. When these eggs hatch into larva,
they do their damage on the turf, rasping the surface or skeletonize the
blades. As the larva mature, injured
grass has notches are chewed along the sides of the blades or is eaten back
evenly. Damaged areas of your lawn
become larger and fuse together. Sod Web
Worms are usually not a problem until June here in Beautiful Southwest Florida.
Don't what and see if your
problem goes away and you lose your beautiful lawn to this tropical
partier. Let Collier Pest Control treat
your lawn and eliminate those unwanted worms in just 2 visits, 7 to 10 days
apart your Sod Web Worms will be gone.
Call 239-455-4300, today for a complete explanation on our Sod Web Worm
treatment or any of our services, or look us up on line at Remember,
Florida does not have to be shared with insects.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
If you are building a new home, commercial building, or just at the being stage of thinking about building, it will pay you to consider having your new structure protected with a Bora-Care Protection treatment. You will be investing a lot in your new structure. Protect it for just a few dollars more with a Bora-Care Protection treatment.
Collier Pest Control will treat all the exposed wood beginning with the roof plywood, trusses, wall studs, soffits, fascia, window and door frames. Bora-Care will soak deep into the wood giving the structure years of protection from crawling and wood damaging organisms such as; termites, beetles, brown and white rot, wood decaying fungi, carpenter ants, silverfish, and most any crawling insect that would come in contact with the treated areas. We can only treat a building that is at the dried in stage. Just after the roof has been covered, studs in place, soffit and fascia in place, and window and door frames in before the glass is installed. We cannot service the structure after the glass and dry wall has been installed. This Bora-Care Protection treatment will last for the life of the building and give you years of protection and mental comfort against crawling and wood destroying insects.
Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!
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DOLLAR SPOT: Dollar Spot Fungus kills St. Augustine, Bermuda, Zoysia, Bahia, and Centipede grasses in distinct patches that are 2 to 3 inches in diameter. These patches take on a bleached Straw color. In several cases small patches may coalesce so that large areas are affected. Leaf spot-type lesions may be seen on the blades of grass at the outer margins of the small patches. Dollar Spot Fungus occurs during mild to warm humid weather.
The elimination of most fungi can be prevented or controlled with traditional spraying or dusting. To repeat, this is not a cure. To prevent these fungi from appearing and damaging your turf, the turf must be sprayed before and not after the disease strikes. It must be kept on the turf as constantly as possible for the period the disease period is likely to attack.
Collier Pest Control does not offer monthly or other scheduled turf maintenance programs. Collier Pest Control does offer one time correction treatments for fungi and other turf damaging problems. If you have been told or suspect you may have a fungus problem in your lawn, call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300 for a Free Inspection or a complete explanation to any of our services. You also can look us up on our web site at or Email us at Remember Florida does not have to be shared
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Protecting your family's health and property from insects is very important. Yet, are you qualified to apply insecticides safely around your family and pets?
Collier Pest Control specializes in general household pest control treatments and related problems with an advanced, professionally trained staff using the latest and most complete
Collier Pest Control can eliminate unwanted pests by safely applying materials into those hiding areas around your window frames, thresholds and door frames, receptacles, electrical and plumbing pipes, construction cracks and voids, cabinets and vanities, and any other
Collier Pest Control adds extra protection by completing the service with an exterior perimeter power spray treatment provided from our professionally equipped service trucks. Outside we treat the eaves, mulch and flowerbeds, entryways, and up to a 10 feet perimeter around your home or business.
The highly developed Collier Complete Pest Control Treatment method will provide the best available household protection against most of
Let Collier Pest Control protect your home or business with our Collier Complete pest control. Call, 239-455-4300, today for a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest lifestyle. Remember,
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The elimination of most fungi can be prevented or controlled with traditional spraying or dusting. To repeat, this is not a cure. To prevent these fungi from appearing and damaging your turf, the turf must be sprayed before and not after the disease strikes. It must be kept on the turf as constantly as possible for the period the disease period is likely to attack.
Collier Pest Control does not offer monthly or other scheduled turf maintenance programs. Collier Pest Control does offer one time correction treatments for fungi and other turf damaging problems. If you have been told or suspect you may have a fungus problem in your lawn, call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300 for a Free Inspection or a complete explanation to any of our services. You also can look us up on our web site at or Email us at Remember Florida does not have to be shared
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Monday, July 18, 2011
Subterranean Termites are social insects that live in colonies consisting of many individuals. The colonies are composed of workers, soldiers, and reproductives. The workers are very small, 1/8th of an inch, have not wings, are white to cream colored and very numerous. Soldiers defend the colony against insects, like ants, that can attack the colony. Soldiers are wingless and white in color with large brown heads. King and Queen Termites perform the reproductive functions of the colony. They are dark brown to black in color.
Subterranean Termites, as the name suggests, live in the soil, in most cases. Subterranean Termites are an important part of our environment. In a natural setting, this type of termite recycles dead trees back into the soil. Without the termite, our forests would be littered with dead trees as wood "rot" cannot break the dead trees down fast enough. The termite sees the wood in your home as just another food source. If the wood of your home does not contact the soil, they can build mud tunnels or tubes to reach the wood several feet above the ground.
These mud tunnels can extend for 50-60 feet to reach wood and often enter a structure through expansion joints in concrete slabs or where utilities enter the home. The main portion of the termite colony stays in the ground and the foraging worker termites come into a home through cracks in the concrete, as small as 1/64th of an inch, a dimes width. Once inside, they will eat the wood and bring it back to the nest in the ground as food to the termites remaining in the colony.
Subterranean termites feed on wood or other items that contain cellulose, such as paper,
The control of subterranean termites is often a major expense and like any other household expense should be carefully considered. An important point to remember is that Subterranean Termites work SLOWLY! There are many variables when considering how fast or slow a termite colony will damage a home. A small colony can typically eat six inches of a wooden 2X4 board in one year. You do not need to rush into an agreement with a firm before you thoroughly investigate what are all your alternatives.
Collier Pest Control can control all types of termites for you economically. Let our experienced termite inspector come and evaluate if you have a termite problem or some other form of damage. If it is termites, we can offer to you different types of service to correct the
During the spring of each year, the Subterranean Termites produce winged Swarmers. The purpose of these swarmers is to fly up onto the air, find a mate and start a new colony. After mating, both the male and the female after mating land on a suitable nesting area, and lose their wings. When they swarm into your home, in most cases, they cannot do any damage to your home. To start a nest, Subterranean Termites need a moist, wet, or rotten wood. Unless you have one of those conditions the swarmer termites cannot hurt you. Swarmer termites are attracted to light when they emerge from the colony. They may be found in window sills or around your T.V. or ceiling lights. Try not to spray these termite swarmers. They will die within a few hours if no wooden moisture nesting area is found. You can use a vacuum to rid yourself of these nuisance pests.
We live in a sea of Subterranean Termites here in Florida. It's not if you will get a termite problem, It is when will you get a termite problem. The University of Florida states that, 2/3's of all new homes in Florida will have a termite problem within 5 years. To protect your home have a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION performed yearly from Collier Pest Control. Then consider one of our economic protective Subterranean Termite services to protect your valuable home from unwanted damage and stress.
Call, 239-455-4300, Collier Pest Control today for a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION and a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!
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