Tuesday, May 31, 2011



Collier Pest Control is S.W. Florida's Pest Authority. Call us for any unwanted pests Ants-Fleas-Ticks-Termites http://onfa.st/k7soqM
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DOLLAR SPOT:      Dollar Spot Fungus kills St. Augustine, Bermuda, Zoysia, Bahia, and Centipede grasses in distinct patches that are 2 to 3 inches in diameter.  These patches take on a bleached Straw color.  In several cases small patches may coalesce so that large areas are affected.  Leaf spot-type lesions may be seen on the blades of grass at the outer margins of the small patches.  Dollar Spot Fungus occurs during mild to warm humid weather.

The elimination of most fungi can be prevented or controlled with traditional spraying or dusting.  To repeat, this is not a cure.  To prevent these fungi from appearing and damaging your turf, the turf must be sprayed before and not after the disease strikes.  It must be kept on the turf as constantly as possible for the period the disease period is likely to attack.

Collier Pest Control does not offer monthly or other scheduled turf maintenance programs.  Collier Pest Control does offer one time correction treatments for fungi and other turf damaging problems. If you have been told or suspect you may have a fungus problem in your lawn, call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300 for a Free Inspection or a complete explanation to any of our services.  You also can look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com or Email us at info@collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared
with insects.

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Monday, May 30, 2011


GRAY LEAF SPOT:           Gray Leaf Spot Fungus develops round to oblong spots on the leaves of St. Augustine and Rye grasses that are brown to ash colored with purple to brown margins.  Spots may be covered with gray mold in warm, humid weather.  Lesions may also occur on the stems.  In severe cases leave have a scorched appearance.  This fungus is
prevalent during the rainy summer months.

The elimination of most fungi can be prevented or controlled with traditional spraying or dusting.  To repeat, this is not a cure.  To prevent these fungi from appearing and damaging your turf, the turf must be sprayed before and not after the disease strikes.  It must be kept on the turf as constantly as possible for the period the disease period is likely to attack.

Collier Pest Control does not offer monthly or other scheduled turf maintenance programs.  Collier Pest Control does offer one time correction treatments for fungi and other turf damaging problems. If you have been told or suspect you may have a fungus problem in your lawn, call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300 for a Free Inspection or a complete explanation to any of our services.  You also can look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com or Email us at info@collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared
with insects.

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Saturday, May 28, 2011


FAIRY RING:          Fairy Ring Fungus is difficult to control on all grasses.  Initially, the grass is stimulated and greens up in a circular pattern.  In a few weeks, the grass in these areas will begin to decline.  Mushrooms are often present in the areas affected.  Fertilizers and watering often help in the declining areas.

The elimination of most fungi can be prevented or controlled with traditional spraying or dusting.  To repeat, this is not a cure.  To prevent these fungi from appearing and damaging your turf, the turf must be sprayed before and not after the disease strikes.  It must be kept on the turf as constantly as possible for the period the disease period is likely to attack.

Collier Pest Control does not offer monthly or other scheduled turf maintenance programs.  Collier Pest Control does offer one time correction treatments for fungi and other turf damaging problems. If you have been told or suspect you may have a fungus problem in your lawn, call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300 for a Free Inspection or a complete explanation to any of our services.  You also can look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com or Email us at info@collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared
with insects.

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Gray Leaf Spot Fungus develops round to oblong spots on the leaves of St. Augustine and Rye grasses that are brown to ash colored with purple to brown margins.  Spots may be covered with gray mold in warm, humid weather.  Lesions may also occur on the stems.  In severe cases leave have a scorched appearance.  This fungus is prevalent during the rainy summer months.

The elimination of most fungi can be prevented or controlled with traditional spraying or dusting.  To repeat, this is not a cure.  To prevent these fungi from appearing and damaging your turf, the turf must be sprayed before and not after the disease strikes.  It must be kept on the turf as constantly as possible for the period the disease period is likely to attack.

Collier Pest Control does not offer monthly or other scheduled turf maintenance programs.  Collier Pest Control does offer one time correction treatments for fungi and other turf damaging problems. If you have been told or suspect you may have a fungus problem in your lawn, call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300 for a Free Inspection or a complete explanation to any of our services.  You also can look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com or Email us at info@collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared
with insects.

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Thursday, May 26, 2011


If you are developing mosaic patterns of yellowish areas in your lawn, or the armadillos are digging pits all through your lawn, or if the grass consistently wilts in an area even though adequate water is available, you may have GRUBS infesting your lawn.

When the turf is easily pulled from the soil with little evidence of roots snapping and some grubs are present, it is almost certain that grubs are responsible for the damage to your lawn.

To confirm this yourself, use a spade to cut three sides of a one foot square piece of sod about two inches deep at the edge of one of the off-color areas.  Force the spade under the sod and lay it back.  See if the roots are chewed off and sift through the soil looking for the GRUBS.

Collier Pest Control can bring your lawn back to life by eliminating the GRUBS from your lawn.  In just 2 visits 7 to 10 days apart and your GRUBS will be gone.  Don't let all your lawn be destroyed.  Call 239-455-4300, today for a complete explanation on our GRUB treatment or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011



CHINCH BUG damage is spotted with irregular, expanding patches by sidewalk, driveways, and drier areas of the lawn, which causes yellowish to brown patches in the dead turf.  Chinch Bugs can damage lawns quickly year round but are particularly active in the spring and dry seasons here in Southwest Florida. 

The elimination of insect lawn damage can be prevented or controlled with traditional spraying.    To prevent lawn damage from appearing and damaging your turf, the turf must be sprayed before and not after the damage strikes.  It must be kept on the turf as constantly as possible for the period the damage period is likely to attack.

Collier Pest Control does not offer monthly or other scheduled turf maintenance programs.  Collier Pest Control does offer one time correction treatments for fungi and other turf damaging problems.  If you have been told or suspect you may have a fungus problem in your lawn, call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300 for a Free Inspection or a complete explanation to any of our services.  You also can look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com or Email us at info@collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared
with insects.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority, including the Asian Cockroach. The Asian Cockroach was recently introduced into Florida as a new species in 1986.  It has spread over at least one third of the state, from the center of Florida to Collier County and
Southwest Florida.  

The Asian Roach is a rural and suburban pest that mainly infests single family, suburban houses and yards.  The Asian Roach is abundant outdoors, where populations of 30,000 to 250,000 per acre have been found.  The adults are strong fliers and can fly up to 120 feet in a single flight.

Adult Asian Roaches take flight even during the day if disturbed.  At dusk there is a frenzy of activity when adults are active in grass and mulch. These active pests invade any opening in a house, such as a lighted doorway or window.  Once inside, they crawl on illuminated television screens and walls while the lights are on during the evening.

The Asian Roach is almost identical in appearance to the German cockroach.  Many people confuse this outdoor pest with the most common of indoor infestations, the German Roach.  The wings of the Asian Roach are usually longer and are lighter brown in color than most German Roaches.  Asian Roaches are found mostly outdoors but can be seen inside around windows, doors, illuminated lighting and away from food areas.  The German Roach is always found inside and around food areas.  The female Asian Roach can produce an egg capsule with 40 eggs every 28 days.  The nymphs will mature to adults in about 6 to 7 weeks.

Collier Pest Control can control these outdoor pests with our "Collier Complete" pest control service.  We can thoroughly treat all your inside cracks and crevices and complete the service with a broadcast spraying of the eaves, soffits, flower beds, entry ways, and 5 to 10 feet perimeter around your home, and the lawn if necessary.

Call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300, for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com  You also can Email us at info@collierpestcontrol.com  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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This tropical cockroach usually is not noticed until large numbers have populated an area. They remain inside cracks and crevices, under leaf litter and mulch during the day, and come out at night to feed upon plants.  Surinam cockroaches are plant feeders and can severely damage plants in greenhouses and atriums.  They also are commonly found in potted plants, planters, and other humid, hot situations outdoors in the Gulf coast states from Florida to Texas.

The Surinam cockroach burrows into the soil to a depth of three to four inches, where they construct a burrow containing nymphs, (adolescents), and females incubating their egg capsules.  These egg capsules produce from 14 to 42 eggs each.  Surinam cockroaches are unique, in that there are NO males of the species found in the United States.  The females reproduce parthenogentically with out mating with a male.  Surinam cockroaches are 3/4" to 1" long, are brown in color,  and have a very obvious dark brown to black shield, (the area behind its head), which is called the pronotum.  

To control this insect it is critical to remove harborage areas, such as excessive leaf litter, excessive mulch, unneeded landscape timbers, stones, or other objects close to the foundation of your building.  Residual materials should be applied to foundations, plantings, woodpiles, potted plants, mulch and any infested areas.  Barrier treatments can substantially reduce Surinam cockroach populations around your home.

Call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300, for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com.  You also can Email us at info@collierpestcontrol.com  Do not let unwanted guest spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Monday, May 23, 2011


Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority, including Silverfish and Firebrats. Both Silverfish and Firebrats are common household pests that can cause damage in homes by eating foods or other materials that are high in protein, sugar, or starch.   Silverfish will eat cereals, moist wheat and flour, paper on which there is glue or paste, sizing in paper and bookbindings, starch in clothing and rayon fabric.
Both Silverfish and Firebrats have flattened bodies, broad at the front and tapering gradually toward the rear (carrot shaped).  They both have three long slender appendages found at the rear of the body and two long slender antennae attached to their heads.  Both are wingless with their bodies covered with scales.  Silverfish are shiny silver gray or pearl gray in color and Firebrats are mottled gray in color.  Both are active at night and hide during the day.

Silverfish live and develop in damp cool places such as baseboards, bookcases, closets, window and door frames.  Large numbers of Silverfish may be found in newly constructed buildings in which the newly plastered walls are still damp.

Firebrats live and develop in hot damp places such as around furnaces, fireplaces, hot water pipes and heaters, insulation, and outdoor mulch beds.

Collier Pest Control can eliminate unwanted Silverfish and Firebrats with our Collier Complete pest control service.  We will treat all the cracks and crevices inside your home and broadcast spray the eaves, soffits, mulch beds, flower beds, entry ways, and a 5 to 10 feet
perimeter around the outside of your home.

Call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300, for a free estimate and a complete explanation on
any of our services, or look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com.  You also can Email us at info@collierpestcontrol.com  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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FED UP!  Tired of seeing Carpenter Ants in your home and sick of spraying those awful smelling insecticides? Trying to kill off what seems to be a never ending army of silent invaders?

NO PROBLEM! Collier Pest Control?s highly developed method of Carpenter Ant Control can rid you of your nightly aggravations.  As the population of Florida continues to grow with development extending into previously undisturbed land, ant and insect sightings in homes are on the rise.

The Florida Carpenter Ant is a large ant, up to 1" inch long, with its head and
thorax brown, and abdomen black.  The reputation of this ant being a house wrecker is all fable.  The Florida Carpenter Ant does not eat wood, as termites do.  They will, however,
excavate galleries in previously damaged wood from moisture, termites, or dry rot.  The Florida Carpenter Ant feeds on honeydew produced from aphids, other insects, and household scraps.

The Florida Carpenter Ant nests in the ground beneath root systems, rotting logs, tree stumps, mulch beds, tree cavities or any moisture area.  These ants foliage indoors for water, food, or to form a satellite colony.  A sub colony is a secondary colony to support the main colony.

Collier Pest Control will control these swiftly moving, nocturnal pests by eliminating the satellite colonies in your home, killing other colonies around your home and applying carpenter ant repelling materials to keep all unwanted guests from returning to your home.

Call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300, for a free estimate and a complete explanation on how this new method of Carpenter Ant treatment will work for you or any other service we offer, or look us up online on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com.  You also can Email us at info@collierpestcontrol.com  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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The Florida woods cockroach is a large roach up to 1 1/2 inch long with an oval shaped body. This roach prefers to live outdoors in debris and decaying vegetation. It often can be controlled by removing its resting places debris.  It is a dark brown to black with very short wings, it also has lines on its abdomen.  When disturbed, this large roach secretes a sweet, undesirable odor.
Collier Pest Control can eliminate the Florida Woods Cockroach with any of general household services; the Collier Complete, Collier Express, EnviroCare, and Wall System Plus.  Since, these invaders live outside and intrude when the weather is dry and their looking for moisture, or when the weather is extremely wet and they are pushed our of their hiding areas which are under things like; boards, stones, decks, or any object laying on the ground.

Call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300, for a complete explanation to any of our services, or look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com. You also can Email us at info@collierpestcontrol.com  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Sunday, May 22, 2011


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The Australian Cockroach is one of the most common large roaches seen here in Southwest Florida.  The Australian Cockroach is identified by its bat shaped markings on its pronotum (the area behind the head) , the light markings on the outer edge at the top of the wings, its brown coloring, rounded wing tips, and grows to a length of 1" inches.  This roach is primarily an outdoor pest feeding upon plant and decaying organic matter.  If it invades a structure, it will feed upon varieties of starchy materials. 

The female Australian Cockroach can produce an egg capsule containing up to 15 eggs as often as every 10 days.

Call Collier Pest Control for any of our general household services; the Collier Complete, Collier Express, EnviroCare, or Wall System Plus can control Australian Cockroaches effectively.  Call, 239-455-4300, for a complete explanation of any of our services, or look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com.  You also can Email us at info@collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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The Caribbean Crazy Ant for many years has been a nuisance to the east coast of Florida.  We now have the Caribbean Crazy Ant here in Southwest Florida.  This ant resembles a small fire ant in appearance but is harmless and does not sting or bite.  It does however, infest neighborhoods with multitudes of ants that overrun homes and businesses. 

The Caribbean Crazy Ant is a small golden brown to reddish brown ant with a smooth glossy body covered with tiny hairs has longer antennae, like the black crazy ant.  This ant likes to nest near the ground under objects for protection.  It has been found under palm fronds, logs, railroad ties, trees, shrubs, along sidewalks, cracks in concrete, leaves, lumber, electrical conduits, metal, mulch, and even sod.   This ant is extremely resourceful in foraging for food.  Each Caribbean Crazy Ant colony could have over 5 million or more ants and have been known to have millions of ants trail over a ? mile from their nest for food.   They will feed on dead insects and tend honeydew producers on plants.  They also group together multiple colonies to support their nests.  This ant can infest total communities within a short period of time because of their numbers in each colony.

The control of the Caribbean Crazy Ant is not as easy as other types of ants.  First nesting sites need to be removed from the area as stated above.  Clean up all debris and items that are on or near the ground.  The nests should be located or the trails followed back to see where the nests could be located.  This ant will move their nests rapidly when disturbed.  With many millions of worker ants in each colony, a repeated insecticide spraying followed by a thorough baiting with sweet ant killing baits of all the infested area must be applied. 

Collier Pest Control offers a 3 week Caribbean Crazy Ant treatment process to control the problem for you.  Collier Pest Control will perform it's proven 'Collier Complete' pest control treatment to the inside of your home or business followed by a thorough and complete spraying treatment of all the turf, flower and mulch beds around your home or business.  We will return each week to bait the inside and retreat the outside of your home for 2 more weeks.  By this continued repetitive treatment we can get total control of the Caribbean Crazy Ant.

Call, 239-455-4300, for a free estimate and a complete explanation about our Caribbean Crazy Ant treatment or any of our services, or look us up online at www.collierpestcontrol.com  You also can Email us at info@collierpestcontrol.com  Don't let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Saturday, May 21, 2011


Pharaoh Ants Can Out Number You
If you have found out, you have Pharaoh Ants. The following information will give you
a start on what to do about them.

The first thing you need to know is Pharaoh Ants have multiple queen colonies. Each colony can have as many as one hundred queens or more and up to one million workers, and there may be more than one colony around your home. This is the reason homeowners are unsuccessful in ridding their homes of these ants. Each time killing bait or chemical spray is used on trailing ants the problem is made worse. The queens that remain in the nest produce more eggs to rebuild the nest bigger than before to ensure proper care of the colony.

Pharaoh Ants enter your home or building by hitch hiking a ride in a box, furniture, grocery bag, or by walking in from next door. It usually takes three to four months to begin seeing worker ants foraging for food on your counters, and by this time the colony is becoming well established. Pharaoh Ants will feed on a variety of food sources. These ants need protein, carbohydrates, and fat in their diet and can be seen eating anything from soap, to cosmetics, chemicals, dead insects, and food crumbs we leave behind.

The only effective method of controlling Pharaoh Ants is using sterilizing bait followed up by killing bait. Traditional chemical or baiting methods will not eliminate Pharaoh ants. NONE!

Collier Pest Control has developed a five week baiting program that has proven successful over many years to eliminate your home, or building of Pharaoh Ants. This program utilizes sterilizing bait that halts egg production and stops larva from becoming adult worker ants. We
then apply an appropriate killing bait to eliminate the thousands of worker ants in each colony. Finally, Collier Pest Control protects your home with our proven general household treatment method called "THE PRESCRIPTION TREATMENT SYSTEM."

Don't suffer another day with these ants. Call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300, for a complete explanation of any or our service or look us up online at www.collierpestcontrol.com.  You also can Email us at phil.hadley@collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember, Florida doesn't have to be shared with insects!

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American Cockroach is one of the larger roaches growing to the length of about 1" inches.  It is identified by an auburn to brown color with a white ring around its pronotum (that the shield looking area behind the head) and well developed winds, with rounded tips, but rarely fly.  They can open their wings and glide for a considerable distance.  This is the first monster of the night to be called a Palmetto bug, mostly because it is large and lives outside.

Here in Southwest Florida, the American Cockroach is abundant in alleyways, yards, hollows of trees, and all types palm trees.  They are also found in sewer drains and around manhole covers.  The American Cockroach prefers moist shady areas to live and feed.  They feed upon a variety of foods of decaying organic matter, book bindings, glue, soap, clothing, paper, sweets, sugar, syrup, fruit, and vegetables, and when their environment puts stress on them will even eat their own.

The female American cockroach produces an egg capsule containing 15 eggs as fast as every 7 days.  There is no known chemical that the American Cockroach has resistance to.  A regular Collier Complete treatment including, a regular perimeter power spraying, will control most American Cockroach problems.

Call, 239-455-4300, for a free estimate and a complete explanation about how to control American Cockroaches or any of our services, or look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com.  You also can Email us at info@collierpestcontrol.com  Don't let unwanted pests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Friday, May 20, 2011


The Big Headed Ant is often misidentified and confused with either a pharaoh ant or a fire ant worker.  All of these ants have 2 nodes between their abdomen and thorax, are yellow to reddish brown in color and have a three section club antenna.  The Big Headed Ant has two distinct sizes of workers. A major worker, is a soldier, defends the colony and a minor worker forages for the colony.  The major workers have a very large head in proportion to their bodies which gives them the name Big Headed Ants.  The minor workers look similar to other types of ants except for the antennas which have 12 segments.  The first segment, called the scape, of the antenna only reaches about halfway up the head.  Big Headed Ants have a stinger like many other ants, but it may not be extended and visible at all times.

These ants have multiple queens and are more common as a structural pest in warm regions, such as here in Southwest Florida.  They generally are only an occasional, unwanted invader primarily living outdoors.

Big Headed Ants usually nest in the soil, in protected location under rocks, logs, firewood, patio blocks, landscape timbers, and various types of debris.  Here in Southwest Florida, they rarely nest in the soil and prefer the crack and voids within tree bark, fences, and walls of your home.  They also form huge, extended colonies called "Super Colonies".  New colonies are primarily formed by mid-summer flights, however budding (splitting) may occur with the large multi-queen colonies.  This ant may form large bone piles of dead colony member along foundations, baseboards, and under carpeting.

Big Headed Ants feed upon live and dead insects, seed and honeydew produced by aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects.  Once these ants get inside a home they prefer protein rich foods such as meats and peanut butter but will also feed upon sweets and fruits.

Getting rid of the Big Headed Ant is best accomplished by locating and eliminating the colonies found in and around the structure.  If the Big Headed Ant colonies cannot be located, bait can be placed in areas where foraging ants can find the bait.  However, the results may be less than satisfactory.  Perimeter treatments may be helpful when encountering a situation where there are large, extended colonies. If your problem with Big Headed Ants is over taking your home.  Collier Pest Control can effectively eliminate Big Headed Ants with our exclusive treatment written up in PCT Magazine.  We completely treat your lawn with a special granule ant bait, then place insect controlling materials on the outside and around your home to stop the Big Headed Ants before they enter your home or business.

Call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300, for a free estimate and complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com.  You also can Email us at info@collierpestcontrol.com  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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EXTERRA INGROUND TERMITE BAITING SYSTEM OR TERMIDOR LIQUID TERMITE TREATMENT with a house less than 275 linear feet is NOW ONLY $895.00 http://onfa.st/maNHKV
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Thursday, May 19, 2011



If you think our modern, well insulated houses are a safe haven from all allergenic alarms, think again.  The average six room house accumulates an average of 40 pounds of dust per year.  That dust is home to millions of unseen, but troublesome Dust Mites.

The North American and European House Dust Mite is a little known and rarely mentioned group of mites.  Wherever humans and their pets live Dust Mites will be presents.  These Dust Mites will feed on skin dander deposited in beds, furniture, and carpeting.  When there are large populations of Mites are in a home.  Skin fragments and Mite fecal material become airborne causing allergic reactions like asthma and rashes.  Research has shown that the most prevalent allergen in a home is dust produced from Dust Mites.

Dust Mites are extremely small, .04 millimeters, making identification by sight impossible without the use of a microscope.  You can fit as many as 7000 on a fingernail.  They are globular in shape, and creamy white in color.  Mites have 6 legs as larva and 8 legs as nymphs and adults.  The adult female Dust Mite lays about 25 to 50 eggs a day for 30 days.  The eggs hatch and develop to adults in about one month.

People shed about 1/5 of an ounce of dander (dead skin) per week.  One gram of skin will feed thousands of mites for months.  Actually, 80 % of what you see floating in a sunbeam through a window is skin flakes.  To Dust Mites this is a Thanksgiving dinner.  Dust Mites eat skin flakes both human and animal.  Skin flakes have a fungus growing on them which is especially attractive to Dust Mites.

Dust Mites bite you and cause you to itch; they also produce allergens to which some people are very sensitive.  The Dust Mite feces contain 15 different proteins, and many people are allergic to the combination of these different proteins.

House Dust Mites inhabit damp places that are occupied by people and pets.  The House Dust Mite thrives in high humidity of 70 to 80% and warm temperatures from 68 to 84 degrees.  They are found in mattresses, pillows, in stuffed furniture, rugs, draperies, and any crack or crevice.

Dust Mites produce an allergic reaction that causes symptoms similar to asthma.   Headaches, respiratory problems, eye irritation, fatigue, and depression are other allergic reaction which can be linked to Dust Mite feces.  A 15 year old pillow could have a third of its weight in Dust Mite feces.  One ounce of dust can hold as many as 42,000 Dust Mites.

Unfortunately, studies have shown that Dust Mites can never be completely eliminated from an area, but can be suppressed for a short time.  Dust Mite populations can be reduced with a little personal effort by washing  bedding and other items in hot (130 degree) water weekly, putting your pillows in the dryer on high for 15 to 30 minutes, and thorough household cleaning regularly. This may mean that you vacuum your furniture, draperies, and mattresses weekly and spray them with disinfectant.  Vacuuming with most conventional air bag vacuum cleaners can works against you in Dust Mite elimination, as they vent dust out the exhaust and into the air again.  The use of a water trap vacuum will collect the dust in the water where it stays.  Don't use dusters, mops, or brooms because they all merely rearrange the dust and the Dust Mites.  In extreme cases wrap your mattress and pillows in plastic and remove the draperies from the bedroom area.  Wash and clean window blinds weekly, professionally cleaning the carpet regularly or remove it all together, then wash the hard surface floors weekly, and cleaning the heating \and air conditioning dusts will give added benefit.

You can help reduce House Dust Mites with a higher rated heating and air conditioning filter.  Drain treatment systems are available for your air conditioner to help stop bacteria, molds, and fungus growing from the drain pan.  E use of dehumidifiers to keep the humidity less than 50% will kill off most molds and fungus and starve the Dust Mites.  Ozone producing machines are available to kill off the fungus on skin flakes and dust to starve out Dust Mites, also.

Collier Pest Control can help you control Dust Mites with our Dust Mite Service specially
designed for Southwest Florida.  We can thoroughly broad cast spray all of your flooring, furniture, draperies, mattresses, and air conditioning ducts.  This treatment will kill all existing Dust Mites in your home and keep them from re-infesting your home for up to 60 days. This specialized treatment for Dust Mites kills the fungus on all treated areas and keeps killing fungus to keep the Dust Mites from re-infesting our home.

Don't suffer another day with annoying Dust Mites.  Call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300 today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com. You also can Email us at phil.hadley@collierpestcontrol.com  Don't let unwanted guest spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Collier Pest Control is aware of the life style of today's consumer.  We also know you desire to have a healthy pest free environment at home.  The Collier Express Pest Control Service offers you the convenience of no appointments necessary and the assurance from Collier Pest Control of a healthy pest free life style. 

The Collier Express takes advantage of today's technical advancements in pest control products and delivers it to you in an exterior pest control treatment that includes interior treatments only, at need, if a problem would occur.  Our Collier Express protects and controls the outside of your home from unwanted pests. 

On our very first visit we will perform an extensive crack and crevice treatment to every part of the interior of your home.  We will treat all crack and crevices, voids and gaps, receptacles, plumbing and electrical pipes, and all construction gaps around the cabinets and vanities in your kitchen and bathroom.  Then we will treat the complete exterior of your home to all of the risk areas such as; the windows, doors, soffits, eaves, foundation area, hose bibs and any other gap or crack in the exterior of your home. In addition to this insect protection Collier Pest Control will wipe down all excess spider webs and install termite monitors around your home for your security and peace of mind.  

On all of our following quarterly visits we will perform our extensive exterior treatment on your home and give you the same bug free guarantee for 90 days.  If an insect problem occurs we will return to correct any insect pest problem at no extra charge.  We can do all of this without you having to make any inconvenient scheduled appointment times.  You are free to carry on with your tropical life style here in beautiful Southwest Florida.  We will call you and leave an estimated time on which day we will come by your house, leave a door hanger to let you know we where there, and let you enjoy the freedom and protection from our Collier Express Pest Control Service.

Let Collier Pest Control protect your home or business with any of our services. Call us today 239 455-4300 or look up us on our web site www.collierpestcontrol.com or our Facebook business page for a complete explanation to any of our services. Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida life style.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Protecting your family's health and property from insects is very important.  Yet, are you qualified to apply insecticides safely around your family and pets?

Collier Pest Control specializes in general household pest control treatments and related problems with an advanced, professionally trained staff using the latest and most complete
method of pest control service ever developed for Southwest Florida, called the Collier Complete.  It enables the professional service technician to inject insect controlling materials into hiding areas where insects live and breed, away from your family and pets.

Collier Pest Control can eliminate unwanted pests by safely applying materials into those hiding areas around your window frames, thresholds and door frames, receptacles, electrical and plumbing pipes, construction cracks and voids, cabinets and vanities, and any other problem area within your home or business.

Collier Pest Control adds extra protection by completing the service with an exterior perimeter power spray treatment provided from our professionally equipped service trucks.  Outside we treat the eaves, mulch and flowerbeds, entryways, and up to a 10 feet perimeter around your home or business, plus do a complete spider wipe down of excess spider webs on your eaves, doors, and windows and install termite monitors around your home or business and inspect them quarterly to see if there is a termite infestation to warn you about.

The highly developed Collier Complete Pest Control Treatment method will provide the best available household protection against most of Southwest Florida'crawling insects for a period of 90 days.  The Collier Complete Treatment should be renewed every 3 months to
continue your protection around your home or business.

Let Collier Pest Control protect your home or business with our Collier Complete pest control.  Call us today 239-455-4300, or look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com or on our Facebook business page.  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011


If you are seeing small white or dingy brown moths fling out of your lawn, or your lawn has developed grayish brown damaged areas 2 or 3 foot in diameter.  It is a good chance you may have Sod Web Worms.  Often, damage is first noticed along hedges or flower beds.

This is the most common caterpillar to attacking turfgrasses.  These moths attack all grasses but prefer Bermuda and least desire bahia.  During the day, the moths rest in shrubbery next to turf areas and at dusk, fly over the turf depositing eggs.  When these eggs hatch into larva, they do their damage on the turf, rasping the surface or skeletonize the blades.   As the larva mature, injured grass has notches are chewed along the sides of the blades or is eaten back evenly.  Damaged areas of your lawn become larger and fuse together.  Sod Web Worms are usually not a problem until June here in Beautiful Southwest Florida.

Don't what and see if your problem goes away and you lose your beautiful lawn to this tropical partier.  Let Collier Pest Control treat your lawn and eliminate those unwanted worms in just 2 visits, 7 to 10 days apart your Sod Web Worms will be gone.  Call 239-455-4300, today for a complete explanation on our Sod Web Worm treatment or any of our services, or look us up on line at www.collierpestcontrol.com.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Collier Pest Control wants to be supportive of our community and the people that make it work!  Collier Pest Control think very highly of all people that offer their life to the betterment of our community with their life work.  This is why we offer OCCUPATIONAL DISCOUNTS to all public service people of our community. 

Collier Pest Control is proud to offer the following public heros our occupational discount of 10% off any service we offer:
  •   All active and retired law enforcement officers, any city police, any county sheriff deputy, Florida State Highway patrol officer, Florida State D.O.T. officer, Florida Fish and Wildlife officer, Florida Marine Patrol officer.
  • Any active Fire Department employee
  • All active E.M.T. employees
  • All active and retired Military and Reserve member    
  • Any active or retired School Teacher from any county
  • Any active Hospital or Medical employee
  • Any active City, County, State, or Federal employee
Thank You for your service to our community!

Look Collier Pest Control up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com or our Facebook  business page for information on most of Florida's insects and any of our services, or call us at  239-455-4300.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Monday, May 16, 2011


The White Footed ant is native to tropical Asia, but has been inadvertently introduced into South Florida.  The White Footed Ant arrived in the Homestead area of Florida in 1986, followed by rapidly spreading up and out, expanding throughout the rest of South Florida.

The White Footed Ants are relatively small ants with a black body and yellowish-white feet, called tibia and tarsi.  These ants do not bite or sting, nor have they been reported to cause any type of structural damage.  They are a nuisance ant that is attracted to sweet foods.  Thus, it is common to find them foraging indoors, around kitchens and bathrooms, and outside on hedges infested with honeydew producing insects, such as aphid and scales.

White Footed Ants, for many pest control companies, have been extremely difficult to control because of several characteristics of their biology.  One big problem is that they establish colonies of well over a million ants, over half being worker ants.  Workers ants are sterile females that are responsible for foraging for food and caring for the nest.  Another problem is that food ingested by the worker ants is never shared back in the colony, unlike almost every other type of ant.  These sterile worker ants are capable of laying unfertilized eggs.  These thinner more fragile non fertile eggs are what the worker ants, larva, and queens in the colony use as their food source, therefore, any toxic bait to kill off ants never reach the ants in a White Foot Ant colony, and only will affect the foraging worker ants that eat the insect killing baits.

While White Foote Ants are not directly harmful to humans or pets, their presence within the home is a nuisance. Collier Pest Control has developed a 3-step 6-week treatment method to eliminate unwanted White Foote Ants from you home and property.  Collier Pest Control will
first use insect killing baits inside you home and attic to eliminate any activity inside your home.  Then we will treat the immediate sides of your home with special insect killing materials to kill any trailing White Foot Ant attempting to enter your home.  The 3-stage of this treatment method is to use special insect killing materials, up to 30 or 40 feet, around your home, killing off all activity trailing toward your home.  Collier Pest Control will follow up with a
service treatment each week for 5 more weeks, insuring that no White Foot Ants are infested or entering your home.

If you have been run out of your home by unwanted White Foot Ants, call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300, today for a complete explanation and free estimate on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at www.collierpestcontrol.com  Don't let insect spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida doesn't have to be shared with insects.

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25% off

25% off any new service within May with this coupon http://onfa.st/iCLU7l
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Sunday, May 15, 2011


Almost all spiders in Florida are harmless to humans.  Only the Black, Brown, Red Widow and the Brown Recluse are poisonous spiders native to Florida. If you're fed up with spiders making their unsightly webs around your home, we can clear your home of those dirty looking spider webs for up to 6 months at a time with Collier Pest Control's "No Spider Treatment."

Yes, Collier Pest Control treats the eaves, soffits, window frames, door frames, gables, pillars, lighting fixtures, pool cage, outside walls, garage walls, and any place webbing spiders make webs.  This very affordable spider treatment will repeals spiders and kill insects for up to 6 months.  This will leave your home as pristine clean as the day it was built.

Call Collier Pest Control today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services.  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.
Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects or spiders.  Almost all spiders in Florida are harmless to humans.  Only the Black, Brown, Red Widow and the Brown Recluse are poisonous spiders native to Florida. If you're fed up with spiders making their unsightly webs around your home, we can clear your home of those dirty looking spider webs for up to 6 months at a time with Collier Pest Control's "No Spider Treatment."

 Yes, Collier Pest Control treats the eaves, soffits, window frames, door frames, gables, pillars, lighting fixtures, pool cage, outside walls, garage walls, and any place webbing spiders make webs.  This very affordable spider treatment will repeals spiders and kill insects for up to 6 months.  This will leave your home as pristine clean as the day it was built.

Call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300, today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com.  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects or spiders.

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Saturday, May 14, 2011


Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority including the German Cockroaches.   The German Roach is the most common household insect pest found in the United States.  They are usually found infesting in food preparation areas, kitchens, and bathrooms.   In severe infestations, they have the capability of living in any portion of a heated structure.  They favor warm, humid atmospheres where temperatures are around 70 to 75 degrees.  The German Roach is most active at night and hides in secluded areas such as cupboards, behind cabinets, wall voids, and motor housings of appliances.

The adult German Roach is about an inch long, brown, and has two dark longitudinal bands or streaks on the top the thorax (just behind the head).   German Roaches are regularly carried from place to place in such things as bagged potatoes, onion bags, beverage cartons, grocery bags, handbags, and in the folds of clothing.

The German Roach has the highest reproductive potential of all common pest cockroaches.  Female German Roaches produce about 30 to 50 eggs at a time.  The eggs are contained in a capsule with is attached to the tip of the abdomen and carried throughout most of the incubation period.  The eggs hatch in about 28 days at room temperature, and reach maturity in 40 to 125 days.  Adult female German Roaches live about 200 days producing 6 to 8 egg capsules or 180 to 400 eggs.

Sanitation is the cornerstone to effective and long lasting German Roach control.  Accessible water and food material must be eliminated as much as possible. Hiding, harborage areas need to be sealed off where possible.  Remove hiding areas like open trashcans, old newspapers, rag piles, unused grocery bags, unused boxes, excess grease and food around appliances, and any place a roach could hide or eat.

Collier Pest Control can control regular infestations of German Roaches with our "Collier Complete" pest control service.  If the infestation is severe, we must apply our thorough German Roach Treatment to all parts of your home.  Both services treat the cracks and crevices inside your home as well as the perimeter, mulch beds, soffits, eaves, and entryways outside effectively and quickly.

Call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300, today for a free estimate and complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com  Do not let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Collier Pest Control is your Southwest Florida Pest Authority in all areas of problem pest.  Head Lice can be a nuisance especially if you have school age children. Since the source of all Head Lice is on the human body, we cannot treat the source of the problem.  But, we can help you resolve the problem quickly, with less effort, and in areas you might not consider treating.

Head Lice infestations are normally found on children, but can also be spread to adults. The head louse is not considered to be a serious vector of disease.  The eggs or head lice are usually glued to hairs of the head.  The favorite areas female head lice are likely to glue the eggs, are near the ears and back of the head. 

Head Lice should not be solely associated with uncleanliness, since they may be easily transferred from person to person.  Chemicals are available through prescription or non-prescription drugs to control lice.  Shampoos are preferred for control of Head Lice.  Some eggs may survive the first shampooing and it may be necessary to retreat once a week for three weeks to insure complete control.  Once the eggs, called nits, are killed they can be removed by combing them off the hairs with a very fine toothed comb or nitpick.  All clothes should be washed in hot soapy water, temperature greater than 125 degrees, for 10 minutes.  Pillow cases, sheets, and blankets should also be washed to kill the lice and their eggs.  When it is impractical to wash, articles can be put into clothes dryer at temperatures of 125 degrees for 10 to 20 minutes to kill all adult Head Lice and their eggs.

Because nymphs and adults sometimes fall off the host onto areas such as school lockers, closets, furniture, automobiles, or any active area people frequent. These areas should also be chemically treated with contact sprays to kill off all Head Lice activity before they attach themselves to another person.  If the Head Louse does not receive a blood meal within 24 hours they will die.

Call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300, today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com  Don?t let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Friday, May 13, 2011


Ants can be a nuisance here in Southwest Florida and one of the most persistent pest problems is the Crazy Ant.  This is a small brown to black ant about 1/10th inch long with a tremendous amount of energy.

The Crazy Ant got named from the habit of running about very erratically, with no apparent sense of direction.  They are sometimes recognized by their extremely long legs and antennae, which are out of proportion to the other parts of their body.  This unusual feature is a good identifying characteristic.

The Crazy Ant is found in the ground, in dead logs, on fence posts, in hollow trees, under mulch, in potted plants, in small cracks, crevices and voids inside structures, and  they will wander throughout the building searching for food.  The Crazy ant is very adaptable of nesting habits.  They will nest in both moist and relatively dry environments.  They prefer to feed on animal matter, grease, and other insects, but will readily eat sweets, of all kinds.  The workers will forage up to 100 feet or more from the colony in search of food.

Each colony contains numerous queens.  The Crazy Ant colony is very mobile and will move from one site to a new site when conditions become unfavorable.  New colonies are produced by budding or splitting apart.  Budding occurs when one or more queens and a group of workers split away from the original colony to form a new colony.

Treating or controlling Crazy Ants consists of three steps.  First, is to correct any condition contributing to the infestation, such as excess moisture. Then, locating and treating existing colonies by using baits and spray insecticides.  Finally, to establish barriers of residual insecticide around the structure to prevent new Crazy Ants from entering the building.

Patience will normally results in success.  Locations of the colonies are important, but if they cannot be found, baiting and a perimeter treatment will give a temporary relief of the
problem.  Your cooperation in locating the colonies is a key element to the success of this treatment.

Call Collier Pest Control, 239-455-4300, today for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle. Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Collier Pest Control is proud to announce that we offer Guaranteed Termite Inspection with a one year limited warranty value priced at one hundred and ten dollars ($110.00) for all your closings. With over twenty years of experience, Collier Pest Control has always offered exceptional service with all of our pest control treatments.   We provide the same high standards in our termite detection and control division.

Collier Pest Control offers:

1.     One (1) year limited warranty on all guaranteed inspections!  If termites are found within one year of the inspection, we will treat the structure for the buyer.  No questions asked!

2.    Same day service, with same day hand delivered reports, (Collier County)

3.   Free re-inspectioins when repairs are needed, within 30 days of original inspection.

4.   Fax  or Email inspection requests for your convenience.

5.     Every termite inspector will be State Certified for Termite Control.

6.     Reasonable rates on quick corrective termite control, if needed.

7.    The Collier Pest Control Bonus, a gift certificate for a FREE Collier Complete pest control service providing 90 days of pest free living, one hundred and ten dollars ($110.00) value with
every guaranteed termite inspection.

Let Collier Pest Control take the stress and anxiety out of getting thorough termite inspections for your clients.  We will work with you on special requests and difficult jobs.  Our termite inspectors work for you and understand the delicate nature of a real estate transaction.  Call, 239-455-4300, today for a full explanation on any of our services, or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com  Remember, Florida does not have to be shared with insects.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Collier Pest Control is Southwest Florida's Pest Control Authority.  We are specialists in general household pest and termite control. Our approach to tick control is more than just surface sprays.  Collier Pest Control has developed a complete thorough Tick Treatment that treats your complete house and every place your pet is active; all the cracks and crevices,
voids, windows and door casings, furniture, baseboards, and rugs.

Ticks are a serious problem and can cause major health problems if allowed to infest your living area.  The Brown Dog Tick is the most common tick here in beautiful Southwest Florida.  The Brown Dog Tick does not vector any disease, such as Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever.  Ticks are not an insect and are closely related to the spider.  Adult ticks have 8 legs, insects only have 6 legs.  All ticks are parasitic and feed on the blood of animals.  Most ticks spend the majority of their life on or near the ground waiting for a suitable host to attach themselves on.  Ticks will climb onto an appropriate object, such as a tall blade of grass, bush, fence post, side of a building to wait for a host to pass by. The Brown Dog Tick can live for as long as 200 days without a blood meal.

The female Brown Dog Tick can lay a mass of 1,000 to 3,000 eggs. These eggs will hatch in 19 to 60 days into a 6 legged, small, immature seed tick. Within 3 to 6 days it will molt and change into an 8 legged nymph tick.  After a blood meal from a host, this nymph will molt in 12 to 29 days into an adult tick.

If you find a tick attached to you or a family member never just pull it off the skin.  A tick is easily removed by first touching the tick with a warm butter knife or alcohol to get it to remove its head from the skin. Then grab the tick and lift it off the skin.

Don't be over whelmed with a tick infestation in your home. Call Collier Pest Control today, 239-455-4300, for a free estimate and a complete explanation on any of our services or look us up on our web site at collierpestcontrol.com  Don't let unwanted guests spoil your beautiful Southwest Florida lifestyle.  Remember Florida does not have to be shared with insects!

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